>Make it look like Ernstchan. Not like 4chan
Will do, but Bugfixes will have priority, so please give it a few days time.
more formatting than just >this
Gentlemen, I am happy to announce that the most high priority, most devastating, most crippling bug has been fixed! Also a fix has been implemented for the radio integration, which sometimes didn't show up on the main board pages (not sure if it will work 100%, we'll see), and wasn't integrated at all in single thread pages (fixed).
>>25Yes, indeed. There are regex patterns in place that should in theory allow the standard formatting tags to work. But for some reason they do not, I haven't yet found out why, there has been no meddling from our side. It's on our list.
>>23We do, no idea why this isn't available from scratch.
Will we get other styles? I'm so used to Tomorrow I think my eyes get burnt out of the sockets whenever using a bright theme.
The contra function is an disgrace. And a huge privacy risk for every Ernst using it, just saying.
>>37There already are, check out the bottom right of the page. Also I heard that there are wörkenings on an Ernststyle css.
>>38>privacy riskCan you elaborate? As far as I now the only issue is that Kontra isn't displayed when not using Dollchan.
>>39>There already areAh, I have to activate JS.
This leads me to another question: Will I be able to properly use the site without JS?
I don't understand why you went with Vichan, instead of Phutaba. Yes, there are a few more features, like auto-update (it also isn't installed?) But there are a lot of worrysome security issues with this script. And Phutaba is really cozy, like good old DesuChan 0.80 [spoiler];_;[/spoiler], it wouldn't need a lot of work to be on par with modern AIB engines feature-wise while still being pretty light.
Anyways, enough ranting.
If you've already decided what you're going to use permanently, whether that's sticking with Vichan or moving to something like KohlNumbra or JSchan, let me know. I could adapt EC's themes right now, so you don't need to waste any time on frivolous things instead of Bugfixes and OP and everyone else can be happy.
>>39Don't forget you can still just invert bright eyemelting sites with the browser settings
chrome-based - and remember the
>Dark Reader Addon sadly broken on ErnstopBut anyways:
compliment, nice dark style
Request the Mod-tag to be changed into Maulwurf.
made css file that looks like phutaba theme clean it up some more later (it's a bit of a mess)
>>53Add this: it will be basically identical.
Make a kuroba/dashchan extortion, so me can lurk this place while pooping. Thanks
> 3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.
Better make this label a bit smaller and bleaker than main text.
> [GentlemenOfTheHan]Romance….png
Can't read full filename if it's too long.
Also it was convenient when you point arrow at >> and see the original post
Fug, I completely ignored this thread, sorry about that!
>>43>Will I be able to properly use the site without JS?At least some features won't work. I'm pretty sure that at least hiding threads and the radio integration both need javascript. Probably more.
>>45>I don't understand why you went with Vichan, instead of Phutaba.Yeah, at the moment we'll settle for vichan. If I had known that it isn't really suited for PHP front end modification, I maybe would have chosen something else, who knows? Also Phutaba on old EC didn't impress me.
>like auto-update (it also isn't installed?)Likely my fault, there are some features that need to be enabled or that need extra javascripts. Expect things like that to (hopefully) come in future updates, but I can't promise it, since I still lack experience with the software.
>>51Hmm, I could do that. I'll ask the mod team about that, after all it's their tag.
>>53>>55Brick, is that you? If yes, just dump the final version somewhere. If not then I hope your work doesn't collide with each other.
>>56I'm not really into smartphone app development, but if someone wants to take this on as a project: Go ahead.
>>57>Better make this label a bit smaller and bleaker than main text.Design will completely change when the custom CSS is ready. We'll wait for that and the reevaluate.
>Can't read full filename if it's too long.That's a config param, I think it cuts at 30 chars now. I'll throw in a few extra, but full is bad since there are reaaally long filenames which look very bad in the layout.
>Also it was convenient when you point arrow at >> and see the original postYes, I also want that. If I find out how to add/enable, I'll do it.
Can't create thread with title, but without body text.
> The body was too short or empty.>>91> I'll throw in a few extra, but full is bad since there are reaaally long filenames which look very bad in the layout.It would be convenient if it showed full name after you move your mouse on a title. If Vichan doesn't support this, then OK.
>>91>Brick, is that you? If yes, just dump the final version somewhere. If not then I hope your work doesn't collide with each other.I (>>55) am not the brick (who's probably
>>53) but the rules I posted don't collide with his CSS, they're meant to be used in addition to it in fact.
I added two more rules to my custom CSS on dollchan after posting that, but there's still some work to be done:
color: #b20000;
font-weight: bold;
>>96>Can't create thread with title, but without body text.Yes, that actually is intentional. Do you think we should allow threads without body text? It offers no protection anyways, since people can just add nonsensical text. But maybe it's a little protection against accidentally clicking "create thread" before finishing.
>It would be convenient if it showed full name after you move your mouse on a title.Implemented.
>>100Alright, then I'll wait for Brick to deliver the final version of his CSS, and then see if I can merge this in (if it isn't already). Anyways, thanks for your efforts!
Implemented original filenames instead of timestamp named files for download (should work with right click, save as). I also noticed a bug which I thought had disappeared: Despite all no-cache directives I've already planted, sometimes new posts don't appear on board index pages unless you refresh with STRG-F5, a normal refresh doesn't cut it. At first I thought that was a vichan issue that the prepared html page isn't updated on the new post, but I checked it and it's not: The page on the server file system is up to date, while my browser, despite all cache=haram-settings, still insists on delivering the old one. It seems that I have missed something here' after all it should be easily possbile for a browser to recognize that the page has changed when it has a newer timestamp.
>>106>sometimes new posts don't appear on board index pages unless you refresh with STRG-F5It might be fixed now. Hard to test though, I already thought it was gone once, and then it suddenly reappeared. So if you ever notice that you make a post, click on the board in question, your thread wasn't bumped/the post isn't there, then revalidate with STRG-F5 and it suddenly appears, then please notify me, that shouldn't happen.
Can we have country balls on /test/?
What about thread post limits (aka Systemkontra)? We can define them at board level, and we thought that we maybe make /b/ a little faster, probably 200 or so, while going with 300 on /int/. Currently it's 250 everywhere. Any opinions on this?
>>110The more – the better. The only downside is increased load on hardware, so decide yourself how much you can afford.
t. /int/er
>>111this, no real need, besides hardware space and habits, in unaturally killing threads. new threads will eventually kill old and inactive ones either way.
t. /b/er
>>111At a certain point it gets too big for slow PCs though. About 500-600 would be ideal in my experience.
t. slow PC having /int/er
Can we please make it so that text around the picture is not aligned with one-char width anymore? It drives me crazy.
>>117Nevermind, I can work with this.
No.122, almost done.
The main page loads the yousuba theme and ignores selected theme, which overrides the selected them, so that should probably be dealt with.
Other than that, it should work as both a theme and style.css, but if you replace style.css, all other themes will break so eh, not recommended I guess.
Needs to be cleaned up, and there's likely some jank I didn't really notice.
Other substantial changes would have to be done on the html generation side.
There might be some bugs. Use at own peril.
>>55Thanks, added + modified so that the bottom menu is flipped.
Unfortunately, there's a bunch of shit at the bottom so it doesn't really look right but whatever.
>>122Thanks a lot, it's implemented. It's shown at 3rd position becuase both Yotsuba's are already referenced in the default config, which the devs said should not be messed with, but I can still set it as default. I'd say we let guys test a while and then I'll define it as the default css. Also I kicked some of the shittier ones from the bottom list. In case you miss anything (you won't) please notify.
>>116>>119>>118The new css makes it look better, I just checked it. Maybe I should add the directive that fixes this to the other popular themes as well, that should be possible.
>>111>>112>>113OK, then I'd say we go with 300 for /int/, and for /b/, who knows, maybe I'll ask there, not everyone checks meta I guess.
My feature request is the integration of our two products into a single one.
I think whenever there's a radio stream, the music should be playing on the EC web page. If there's multiple streams, there should be a little menu that lets you pick.
It should not be possible to disable this feature.
In case you were wondering: I changed the wordfilters on /b/ for Koti to something else, since the old wordfilter "Ernstadmin" seemingly confused people who thought that we meant xyz-Admin, which we didn't. I don't know why people got that impression, for me it was obviously a self-ironic joge, but to clear any impression that this was a jab at someone I changed it to something else.
>>147>It should not be possible to disable this feature.Sounds good. But I think that if there are multiple streams, they should play all at once.
Right now there's an issue where if a post contains a long string without spaces that can't be word-wrapped, the post body won't be shrunk to screen width, and thus file boxes will not be floated leftwards.
That's because post bodies are set to "display: inline-block" right now, rather than "display: block".
I could set them to "display:block", but the problem with that, is that there's a <br> tag between every reply, which introduces a gap. I can't get rid of it because <br> is also used everywhere else, such as any normal line-break.
This gap can't really be dealt with, at least I can't figure out a way to do it elegantly.
So, it's either a gap between posts, or text without spaces breaks width scaling.
Then there's this quirky thing where the OP post, and only the OP post, has a <p> between the file block and post body block, which introduces another empty space that needs a rule to be handled. I have no idea what the purpose of that <p> is, but I bet removing it would break some stuff.
Now, the reason I'm writing all of this is that I need a yes or no answer before I continue working on the CSS.
Would ernstadmin be willing to actually modify html generation, and potentially break other themes (and maybe dollchan?), so I can make a nicer EC css, or not?
I'm running out of bullshit tricks to make this look nice, and I'm basically on a fork in the road on what to do with the css, so I need a confirmation or denial before I can proceed.
>>149I don't see the <p> you mention or the gap between posts, but regarding the wrapping, you may want to try
>word-break: break-word; See
>[…] the problem with that, is that there's a <br> tag between every reply, which introduces a gap. I can't get rid of it because <br> is also used everywhere else, such as any normal line-break.You should be able to match only the <br> between posts like this:
>.thread > br { display: none; }Although I am not sure why you would need that.
Due to current events: Is the Systemkontra tag already implemented?
>>160It should be, but it doesn't seem to work. Not sure why, but even Dollchan can't see Systemkontra at the moment, so it's safe to say that the information is available while the page is rendered, but it's not delivered in the HTML. I'll try to fix it.
>>154>word-breakI'm trying to follow closely to how the original EC css works, and there, if there's an unbroken long string, it won't be wrapped, and the overflow will instead just be "hidden" beyond the viewport.
Not sure how important this is, but I can see that it would prevent a type of spam where someone posts a long string without spaces to fill the page, + having text break in random places might affect the <code> tag once it's implemented. Making it look like there's a newline when there is none could fuck over some people.
IN ADDITION TO THAT, wrapping text is a pretty costly operation, and could lag some low power devices.
The <br> only creates a visible gap if "display" on the post is set to "body". It is not visible if it is set to "inline-body". Which is what it is set to in the current css.
The problem with that, is that elements with display type "inline-block" won't shrink along with the viewport if they contain text set to "overflow:hidden". But if I set it to "display:block", then the <br> between posts will be visible again.
The <p> is there between the .files container and the post .body, but only in the OP post. It introduces a gap that would need a special rule to deal with, so that OP text is not positioned lower than the reply text.
this is all pretty convoluted and would probably be easier to explain through a voice call but whatever.
I'm just gonna assume that changing the page layout is a no-no and work on the css accordingly.
A bit of a shame because the fact that the "hide" button is outside the OP post div also introduces some problems, and it'd be so much better if it were inside the .intro div like on EC. But again, it'd probably break some things.
When a post is too long to show it in the thread list view, can it be implemented that on "click here for full text" it just expands instead of loading the thread?
In the catalog view the theme choices are duplicated.
Also, it seems that the catalog shows threads sorted by OP post instead of newest post, because the Quake 3 thread is currently on page 1, but on the bottom of the catalog.
Thanks for the reports! Even if not everything can be fixed it's helpful to know where the bugs lurk.
>>164I had a look at this. I thought the missing parts of the post would be a hidden element, meaning it could be set to visible on click, but this isn't the case. The missing part is initially not delivered, that's why it cant be toggled to visible via click. I'll have a look if there is some configuration or preexisting module that can be added to achieve this functionality.
>>165>In the catalog view the theme choices are duplicated.Fixed.
>Also, it seems that the catalog shows threads sorted by OP post instead of newest post, because the Quake 3 thread is currently on page 1, but on the bottom of the catalog.There seem to be a few things wrong with the catalogue add-on. Not sure what I can do there, I will have a look at the code and see what can be done.
>>166>FixedWait, it's only fixed on /b/. Funny, because I changed the template for all of them, not for a specific board. I'll check…
>>167Okay, it actually is fixed, but since the catalog on the other boards is days old, the fix isn't yet propagated. Of course this is also a bug, since it should be updated on each post. Sadly the catalog seems to be pretty broken by default.
I think I found the problem with the catalog: It's only updated when a thread is created/deleted. That would explain all the bugs noticed so far:
- more often than not threads with 0 replies / 0 images at position 1
- the less activity, the older the catalog
- bump order screwed
This is a good thing, because it means the catalog itself works fine, it's just not properly updated. I will try to locate the function that triggers catalog update and add it to regular posts. Not sure if it's that simple, because the catalog is kind of a plugin in vichan, so who knows where that trigger is registered. But it sounds like a promising approach.
>>169I think the catalog is fixed now, I applied a fix in the code which looked like it was working, and when I wanted to rebuild the catalog pages I saw that there also was a config parameter for the plugin who did exactly that, duh. Page might still be cached on occasion, but everytime you do a proper site refresh you should also get a proper catalog now. At least one new post after this one on each board is needed to trigger the update. If there are new posts and catalog still spergs out please notify.
>>170Molto bene, mille grazie
Can we please put Kontra back where it used to be?
Countless times I wanted to sage when I accidentally spoilered.
I don't like that.
>>182It's done, it's now a little checkbox again. I also removed the email field, since it's now useless. As always, might need a site refresh to take effect.
>>188Yes, it's not optimal, but I think the main issue is the spoiler checkbox which is kinda out of place. Maybe I should move this one down under the textbox, closer to the files.
>>189>Maybe I should move this one down under the textbox, closer to the files.That's a good idea, and also a more logical place.
>>164>When a post is too long to show it in the thread list view, can it be implemented that on "click here for full text"Should be fixed now, in case it still happens please report.
>>191It is done.
>and also a more logical place.Yes, I think so, too, looks like an improvement to me.
>>160>Due to current events: Is the Systemkontra tag already implemented?It is now… kinda. Let's see how it works out. The old today thread on /int/ with ~270 replies isn't tagged because the bump limit was raised from 250 to 300 on /int/ after the thread first went into Systemkontra.
Seitenzahl für Fäden im Katalog
Just for the record: Please keep the ability to delete posts without any waiting time, it makes editing a lot easier and less embarrassing.
>>236>>237T-there actually is a 10 second timeout until you can delete. It originally was a lot higher, but I remembered people complaining about that on the old chan, so I drastically reduced it. I didn't dare to deactivate it though, since at that point every chan I know has such a limit, and I was wondering if this is necessary to prevent some kind of abuse. I have no idea what this would be, but I still cowardly left it at 10 seconds ;_;
>>238> but I remembered people complaining about that on the old chanHi, that was me.
>>239Ah okay, your complaint has been adressed - with a few months (years?) delay :DD
Hope the 10 seconds are okay.
FYI: The size limit for all files in a post has been changed from 10 to 20MB.
Staying in thread rather than getting redirected to the board index page after making a post is activated now.
QoL request:
On xyz when you had chosen a file, the next "choose file" button appeared.
This was way better than the tiny + we have right now.
Is it possible to implement that here?
>>281I tried this, but with no success. No doubt this is possible, but for now Im too IQ89 to implement. The problem is that the script to add the file is in the main code, while the script to add another file selector is in an additional javascript. I was able to switch the trigger to add another file selector to the "choose file" button, in the hope that it would do both, but sadly it wouldn't. It would just add another field, but not allow you to select a file afterwards any longer. Pretty sure it can be done, but not sure if I can do it. For now I replaced the + with a small button, so that at least you don't have to do precision clicking any longer.
Maybe I'll try again when there's more time, I'll keep it on the list.
>>282Thanks, the button is already a great improvement.
>>284> buttonJust out of curiosity... I'm using dollchan, and when I turn it off to see what the "vanilla" experience is like I don't see any button. Just the aforementioned +.
>>285Try STRG-F5 for (hopefully) a refresh of the included javascript libs.
>>287Ah yes, the good old ASS TEE ARR GEE key. Good thing I know what that is. I could have been some dirty Ausländer without a clue.
But yes, it seems to have done ze trick.
>>288>I could have been some dirty Ausländer without a clue.Disgusting thought. Luckily, noble aryan blood flows through our veins, so our communication went flawless and produced the desired result.
FYI: http-requests to are now automatically changed to https. In case you notice any problems please report.
>>291>banning of IP adresses/rangesDoesn't that screw over a lot of innocent people? I could get a new IP in seconds and it's completely different, not just the last three or six or even nine digits.
t. no clue haver
>>292>Doesn't that screw over a lot of innocent people?Since there aren't a lot of people here, it's unlikely that a lot of them get screwed over.
In case that happens to you anyway, you can of course let us know.
>>292We are aware that in the age of VPN/Tor and endless proxies banning IPs doesn't prevent people from spamming/shitposting. Most of the time simply deleting malicious stuff is easier, especially when no one takes the bait and engages in discussions. Also what
>>293 says.
>>293>In case that happens to you anyway, you can of course let us know.Because /meta/ is not part of the ban (at first)?
Just for the record, I'm not trying to find loopholes or get banned.
>>295>Because /meta/ is not part of the ban (at first)?As a rule of thumb: A normal ban will usually only be for the board it was issued on. Any kind of intentional malicious posting (CP, persistent spam, maybe other things) might yield in bans over all boards. Mods are trusted to handle such things using their own judgment when they arise, so there are no guidelines here.
>>309Done, should be working now.
>>291The IP anonymizer feature is now live for all boards, for now it's set to 30 days, but it might be reduced to 21 or 14 if there are no complications.
That means after 30 days, the IP associated to your post will be set to
Which mobile app for browsing .top? Overchan (fork) does not work with it.
>>318In theory everything that supports vichan-style boards should work, though I never used mobile clients, so I have no idea if such things exist.
>>324I thought so too, but they don't.
Please help, I want to move my social life to imageboards again and I don't want do it without .top
>>331Ever thought about asking said client makers?
>>331We appreaciate the commitment! I'll have a look at Kuroba, which supports Lainchan, so it should in theory also be able to support top. Don't get your hopes up, though, it's very likely that this won't work, and you'll never hear a thing from me again due to sheer embarrassment. If anyone who actually knows a thing about mobile development is interested, they might give it a shot themselves. No.334 KONTRA
Addendum: What
>>332 says is probably the most realistic path to success here. After all the devs of such applications will have a much easier time delivering something than us, who just happen to operate a chan. Maybe you're lucky and it's not much work for them at all, since vichan is fairly popular.
>>333I opened an issue for KurobaEx (which seems to get updates more frequently).
apt install ffmpeg
this should fix the webm and mp4 thumbnails
>>344Wait, are they broken for you? They work fine for me.
Would it be possible to do a one-week "trial run" on /int/ hiding all the country balls?
Since most posters besides Germans aren't really anonymous due to being the lone posters from their countries they could either be attention whores due to standing out anyway, or feel like they can't just "speak their minds" and hide in the crowd afterwards.
Or maybe I am totally wrong here, I dunno. Can't really tell.
t. German
>>349I think this is worth a try, since lots of posters are identified by their countryballs, which contradicts the idea of anonymity. But I wouldn't want to do it without getting the opinion of the users first. How about we ask on /int/ and see how the idea is received? Technically, it should be easy to implement. Not sure if older posts will be affected, though.
>>350>But I wouldn't want to do it without getting the opinion of the users first. How about we ask on /int/ and see how the idea is received?Well yes, of course
Not really a feature request, more of a information request:
It would be nice to have some sort of contact info for the admin, be it email or irc or something like that. In the case that anything should break here it would be important that we still have a way of letting you know.
>>379An Email somewhere on the FAQ page makes sense I guess, I'll do that this weekend. In case everything is offline, you can check the radio discord for emergency information: - IRC was once proposed as a replacement for Discord, since not everybody likes to use it, but the idea never gained any traction.
>>380>radio discord>6 online, 66 membersYou are ze devil
>>379The FAQ page has been updated with an email address and the invitation link to the radio discord.
brick, can you remove rounded corners from dark css?
>>389or remove the hover effect from northboard cb css and at dark-ish theme to the reply form :3
>>389Not Brick, but it has been done. It will likely need a STRG-F5 refresh to take effect.
>>391Actually made me look up what an STRG key is. Not a fan of Germans.
What is a "cyclical" thread?
>>396I think it's a thread that automatically gets reopened when another one is Systemkontra'd / drops off the board, not sure about the exact condition.
can we have a
> how many post per thread
> how many chars per post
in the FAQ?
is it possible to implement the option to individually spoiler images instead of spoilering all?
is it possible to have the actual source running on the backend hosted somewhere? e.g. github, if you wanna get spied at by microsoft - anywhere would be fine, thou
wanna look at the changes done to vichan etc. php.
>>412> lurk at changesand GET all banners and look-up

and her cousins, so i can feel entitled while quality and shit posting
code highlighting plz with
all the languages. especially needs brainfuck highlighting, because otherwise it is hard to read.
>>412> how many post per thread> how many chars per postSure, I'll add that.
>is it possible to implement the option to individually spoiler images instead of spoilering all?Possible: Yes. Can I do it? Probably not. Sorry, would surely be a useful feature, but I remember having a look at the logic and since this is a mashup of the php backend and the multi-file client javascript, I didn't even try.
>is it possible to have the actual source running on the backend hosted somewhere?Probably yes, but I'd have to check that I strip the code of all confidental info, and I'm not really sure if I'd get all the places, so I'm kinda scared to upload everything. Most of the changes are in the config and template files, maybe those are enough for what you need?
>>413>bannersYes, I will put a link on the FAQ also.
>>414Do you mean highlighting within the code-tags?
>>417> Do you mean highlighting within the code-tags?yeah, like lainchan does - it's a vichan fork as well and you might be able to just copy&paste their implementation [didn't look where exactly it is implemented... but you should find it faster anyway, since you already played with vichan]
you might even be able to get some help in irc or on the chan.
>>418Tried my luck today with code highlighting. I included highlight.js and called the activation function, but it didn't do anything, I suppose it's because the documentation says it expects pre- and code-tags to be present, while we currently only have code-tags for our code-elements. I have to check if that's actually the reason why it doesn't wirk (there are probably more) and whether I should try changing the script or our code. I tried to compare our implementation with Lainchan, but it looks different there, not sure if that is the end result after the js replaced css tags to style the code, or if the source html/css-structure already was different before. Also I can't see Lainchan including highlight.js in their sources, either they do it another way or I simply cant see how they included the script. I'll give it another go in the future.
>>453Should be gone, will probably need a CTRL-F5 page refresh to become visible.
Request: Double the maximum file size.
>>456I think we can try and raise it, but I can't guarantee that it's maintainable. For now we're good on file system space, but it's also the main cost driver of the server. We also have to consider the possibility that someone might try and flood us with large files to exhaust space, so we need a reasonaby large buffer. I'll drop a note when it's done.
>>456The file size limit has been changed to 50MB.
>>465I did... something. Not sure if it fixes the problem, or if it just moves the problem to slightly longer filenames. I'll simply pretend that it is fixed until proven wrong.
>>711Probably both, never really checked. Javascript hurts my eyes.
Okay, hear me out.
The problem: EC is slow and just not "cool" anymore.
The solution: Gamify ErnstChan!
Now here's the deal.
We need D&D style dicerolls.
:d20: should spit out a nice image of a 20 sided dice with a random number selected, maybe even with a machine readable or copy pastable numeral inside.
Then we could truly play D&D, do other stupid bets or whatever.
>>787This is the kind of lack of inventiveness that makes Europe small.
Take RISK and enjoy WINS or endure the PAIN and grow with the ERNSTROLL™!
>>788How about another "no".
>>789To my own surprise, even Google has this function included already, we are falling behind Ernst.
As such:
GoogleRoll of your "no" with a charisma of 5 against my entrepreneurial idea which is obviously hard in difficulty... critical failure.
Too bad Ernst, with actual ERNSTROLLS™ this could have led to a more verifiable result for you.
While typing one of your finger slides and finds its way into your anus.
How will you proceed?
>>786>and just not "cool" anymore. Freshest and most feminine chan around, bro... I mean, sis.
>We need D&D style dicerolls.Can't think of anything more fresh and feminine than D&D. Shitposting aside, would actually implement, but the pre-rendered pages are limited concerning dynamic content. I'll have look though, maybe we can do something fun.
>>788>>790There would be an additional problem that whatever is generated by the diceroll could be indistingiushable from the same content posted the regular way. For example you could pretend to have rolled a D20 just by posting that same image the normal way. I guess it would have to be something like the cirno inline icon, but it would only be accessible via diceroll.
>>786>>788>>790It is implemented, the markup is colon d20 colon, without spaces. With this feature, we expect to leapfrog Instagram and TikTok as the most popular platform amongst the targeted audience, which of course is females aged from 16 to 25.

>>792>>793The mod put in some initial effort with a wisdom of 10 against a rather picky, feminine audience.
This gives us a hard to achieve success with the power of 15 but we subtract the mods advantage of 10 wisdom
Or so I think it works? Never actually played D&D.LET'S RIP THOSE ERNSTROLLS!
>>794Very nice, great success!
The audience is pleased with the ability to play simple games, but slight voices emerge that ask for the ability to use the whole dice set and multiple dices in one post.
But nontheless, the audience cheers for the mighty mod in shiny armor!
Maybe basing the formula on different parts of the post number? Dunno, not a brogrammer... for now.One more Ernst is still fighting to get his finger out of his rectum, as this seemingly robbed him of his voice for some reason.
We check his physical abilities with a pulling strength of 10 against a very tight, virgin anus that clenches down on the finger very hard with a power of 20.
>>789Sorry my friend, the finger in your ass still forces you magically to remain silent.
You may roll tomorrow on your own.
>>792>the markup is colon d20 colon,Am I dumb or does ",d20," not work?
>>801God fucking dammit, my mind shorted out and I called a comma a colon because "semicolon is a comma with a dot".
I swear, my brain normally works better!
Now for the .png... I see the advent of AI my single most opportunity to actually get into the gaming business one day, as it finally eliminates the factor of actually "doing art" with design and music.
With his ego inflated to 15, Ernst tries to convince the rest of the gang that his job here is done, which seems like a very hard task at 20 power. 5 and higher convinces his fellow peers of his contribution to the project.
Ahem, gonna clean my flat and then ask AI if it can come of with an "original" set of dice.
>>804It's understood that the color scheme must be yellow/green
>>805Not very intuitive with 6 different dice.
Just a vague shape isn't good design.
But for the mightiest of dice, I would keep the EC colors as is, it's perfect.
Maybe use more pastel tones for the rest, to give them a similar feminine EC look.
>>808Please add:
D4, D8, D10, D12, D100
Then all important systems should be included.
Wait, so you have a separate image for each possible dice value? Or just for the D6 because it has eyes instead of actual numbers?
Also, I like the D2-coin idea. Make the number side some relevant number (idk, years since inception of .top) and, more importantly, the head side an Ernstwurf.
>>808Ernst was a little diligent and hands over raw outlines and a proposed color scheme.
I think scaling them to size and giving adequate shading is best left to the pros tho.
Should any changes be needed this shouldn't be an issue, i.e. thicker lines or whatever.
>>809All added, except D100, for reasons.
>>810>Wait, so you have a separate image for each possible dice value?Yes. In theory, it would be possible to generate text over an image template, but that would be a nightmare on different browsers with different css and userscripts. Not saying it's not possible, but I'd rather not try.
>>812Created d4, d8, d10 and d12 from that. Waiting for a suitable coin. For d100: If that's really needed, we should go with a basic design and just spam the numbers on it. Too lazy to slap that together, though.
Now here are the six dices that are in place so far:






>>813>All added, except D100, for reasons.This is Call of Cthulhu/BRP slander!
Thank you No.815
Yet I can't even fathom and even less dare to look up how a D100 looks like.
Just roll


>>814Oh right, same idea!
>>815You usually have a die that has the tens (00, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90), and a die with the ones (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). Roll both for your result (For example, 20+8 = 28. 000 = 100).
I also bought a 100 sided die for "special occasions", like this:'s more of a golfball than anything.

>>817>polyhedralThe more you know!
Does that thing actually stop rolling within an evenings timeframe? :3
Protip: Using two differently colored dice makes determining the tens and singles easier. Obviously with the strict linear format of text here that's not necessary.
>>819>REEEEEEEEE THE SIX SIDED DICE NEED TO HAVE THEIR NUMBERS ON TOPI tried my best to not point to that fact, which gave me minor mental pain.
But as you also note it, I suggest to use the eyed dice with :w6: and the numbered dice with the regular string.
Then we have a stringent set of DnD dice and the eyed dice can be used for occasions that call for it, like playing Jackpot or whatever.
>>819>>820It is done. d6 looks ass, though, it lacks feminine freshness.

>>821Not sure about that. Since people have different css for EC, I'd prefer a basic color scheme, and there should always be transparent background. But by any means, if someone wants to give it a try and design some cool dices: Go ahead. If possible please use a naming convention of dx_y.png for the image files, where x is the max value of the dice, and y the displayed value. The first dice in
>>813 would for example be d4_3.png.
Now all Ernst needs is something to use them.
>>823>Since people have different css for EC, I'd prefer a basic color schemeOh, there was a misunderstanding: I am talking about the Ernstchanlaurerabzeichen in Yellow and Green, not any styles. I am using "Dark" anyway. My example used a bit more pastel-y yellow, but that's what I mean, there are no official colors. How are we going to become Germany's #1 serious discussion imageboard if we don't have official colors?
>>824Evens and ur gay lol

Edit: It showed a 5 in my deleted post, but I forgot the picture, so I get to reroll babayyy
Edit edit: I accidentally made a new thread, so there's another reroll. It was a 3. I won't reroll again if this goes wrong.
>>>/b/35001thread be made into one of them endless threads that delete the oldest post after reaching 500?
Like the
Ukraine threda on Gaycee for example?
Otherwise there will be only Yahtzee left board-wide in a year or 2.
>>832If it stays this fast, I think this is a sensible idea. I suppose we'll see how it turns out during the next few days.