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/meta/ - Board features and moderation feedback

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 No.15 [View All]

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Feature Request: Change from default style to Ernstchan style

Make it look like Ernstchan. Not like 4chan
83 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


FYI: http-requests to ernstchan.top are now automatically changed to https. In case you notice any problems please report.


0000.jpg (7.31 KB, 197x99)

We implemented a new feature, which for now is only active on the /test/ board, but will be added to the other boards soon: As you (hopefully) know, your IP is stored when you make a post, this goes for all chans that feature banning of IP adresses/ranges. But since EC is a slow board, it might be stored for quite some time, since it takes months for a thread to fall off the board. To improve anonymity, we developed a script which will set the IP of all posts to after a certain amount of time. Note that this will neither retroactively change countryball display nor interfere with your ability to delete your own old posts.

How long would you think would be a suitable timespan before anonymization kicks in? I was thinking about 14 days, since some posting history is required for mods to distinguish cancerfags from regular posters, and to effectively take countermeasures. Any opinions on this?


>banning of IP adresses/ranges
Doesn't that screw over a lot of innocent people? I could get a new IP in seconds and it's completely different, not just the last three or six or even nine digits.

t. no clue haver


>Doesn't that screw over a lot of innocent people?

Since there aren't a lot of people here, it's unlikely that a lot of them get screwed over.
In case that happens to you anyway, you can of course let us know.


We are aware that in the age of VPN/Tor and endless proxies banning IPs doesn't prevent people from spamming/shitposting. Most of the time simply deleting malicious stuff is easier, especially when no one takes the bait and engages in discussions. Also what >>293 says.


>In case that happens to you anyway, you can of course let us know.
Because /meta/ is not part of the ban (at first)?

Just for the record, I'm not trying to find loopholes or get banned.


>Because /meta/ is not part of the ban (at first)?
As a rule of thumb: A normal ban will usually only be for the board it was issued on. Any kind of intentional malicious posting (CP, persistent spam, maybe other things) might yield in bans over all boards. Mods are trusted to handle such things using their own judgment when they arise, so there are no guidelines here.


lauerkatz.gif (2.59 MB, 480x596)

I would love to see .epub supported as a file format.
Thanks in advance.


Why not .zip it?


Done, should be working now.


Catalog link in topnav.jpg (5.85 KB, 325x51)

Minor improvement: The catalog link has been added to the top right page navigation bar. It was inconvenient to always have to scroll to page bottom to see the catalog link, especially if Dollchan and infinite scrolling were used.


The IP anonymizer feature is now live for all boards, for now it's set to 30 days, but it might be reduced to 21 or 14 if there are no complications.

That means after 30 days, the IP associated to your post will be set to


Which mobile app for browsing .top? Overchan (fork) does not work with it.


In theory everything that supports vichan-style boards should work, though I never used mobile clients, so I have no idea if such things exist.


I thought so too, but they don't.
Please help, I want to move my social life to imageboards again and I don't want do it without .top


Ever thought about asking said client makers?


We appreaciate the commitment! I'll have a look at Kuroba, which supports Lainchan, so it should in theory also be able to support top. Don't get your hopes up, though, it's very likely that this won't work, and you'll never hear a thing from me again due to sheer embarrassment. If anyone who actually knows a thing about mobile development is interested, they might give it a shot themselves.


 No.334 KONTRA

Addendum: What >>332 says is probably the most realistic path to success here. After all the devs of such applications will have a much easier time delivering something than us, who just happen to operate a chan. Maybe you're lucky and it's not much work for them at all, since vichan is fairly popular.


I opened an issue for KurobaEx (which seems to get updates more frequently).


apt install ffmpeg
this should fix the webm and mp4 thumbnails


Wait, are they broken for you? They work fine for me.


Would it be possible to do a one-week "trial run" on /int/ hiding all the country balls?

Since most posters besides Germans aren't really anonymous due to being the lone posters from their countries they could either be attention whores due to standing out anyway, or feel like they can't just "speak their minds" and hide in the crowd afterwards.

Or maybe I am totally wrong here, I dunno. Can't really tell.

t. German


I think this is worth a try, since lots of posters are identified by their countryballs, which contradicts the idea of anonymity. But I wouldn't want to do it without getting the opinion of the users first. How about we ask on /int/ and see how the idea is received? Technically, it should be easy to implement. Not sure if older posts will be affected, though.


>But I wouldn't want to do it without getting the opinion of the users first. How about we ask on /int/ and see how the idea is received?
Well yes, of course


Not really a feature request, more of a information request:
It would be nice to have some sort of contact info for the admin, be it email or irc or something like that. In the case that anything should break here it would be important that we still have a way of letting you know.


An Email somewhere on the FAQ page makes sense I guess, I'll do that this weekend. In case everything is offline, you can check the radio discord for emergency information: https://discord.gg/UpXdrxG - IRC was once proposed as a replacement for Discord, since not everybody likes to use it, but the idea never gained any traction.


>radio discord
>6 online, 66 members
You are ze devil


The FAQ page has been updated with an email address and the invitation link to the radio discord.


brick, can you remove rounded corners from dark css?

 No.390 KONTRA

or remove the hover effect from northboard cb css and at dark-ish theme to the reply form :3


Not Brick, but it has been done. It will likely need a STRG-F5 refresh to take effect.

 No.392 KONTRA

Actually made me look up what an STRG key is. Not a fan of Germans.


Germany STRonG!


What is a "cyclical" thread?


I think it's a thread that automatically gets reopened when another one is Systemkontra'd / drops off the board, not sure about the exact condition.


can we have a
> how many post per thread
> how many chars per post
in the FAQ?

is it possible to implement the option to individually spoiler images instead of spoilering all?

is it possible to have the actual source running on the backend hosted somewhere? e.g. github, if you wanna get spied at by microsoft - anywhere would be fine, thou
wanna look at the changes done to vichan etc. php.

 No.413 KONTRA

> lurk at changes
and GET all banners and look-up eisfee and her cousins, so i can feel entitled while quality and shit posting


code highlighting plz with all the languages.


Ernst especially needs brainfuck highlighting, because otherwise it is hard to read.


> how many post per thread
> how many chars per post
Sure, I'll add that.

>is it possible to implement the option to individually spoiler images instead of spoilering all?

Possible: Yes. Can I do it? Probably not. Sorry, would surely be a useful feature, but I remember having a look at the logic and since this is a mashup of the php backend and the multi-file client javascript, I didn't even try.

>is it possible to have the actual source running on the backend hosted somewhere?

Probably yes, but I'd have to check that I strip the code of all confidental info, and I'm not really sure if I'd get all the places, so I'm kinda scared to upload everything. Most of the changes are in the config and template files, maybe those are enough for what you need?

Yes, I will put a link on the FAQ also.

Do you mean highlighting within the code-tags?


> Do you mean highlighting within the code-tags?
yeah, like lainchan does - it's a vichan fork as well and you might be able to just copy&paste their implementation
https://github.com/lainchan/lainchan [didn't look where exactly it is implemented... but you should find it faster anyway, since you already played with vichan]
you might even be able to get some help in irc or on the chan.


Tried my luck today with code highlighting. I included highlight.js and called the activation function, but it didn't do anything, I suppose it's because the documentation says it expects pre- and code-tags to be present, while we currently only have code-tags for our code-elements. I have to check if that's actually the reason why it doesn't wirk (there are probably more) and whether I should try changing the script or our code. I tried to compare our implementation with Lainchan, but it looks different there, not sure if that is the end result after the js replaced css tags to style the code, or if the source html/css-structure already was different before. Also I can't see Lainchan including highlight.js in their sources, either they do it another way or I simply cant see how they included the script. I'll give it another go in the future.


dfgdgfdfgdfg.jpg (56.03 KB, 935x466)

Request to remove border on the banner element in CSS.


Should be gone, will probably need a CTRL-F5 page refresh to become visible.


Request: Double the maximum file size.


I think we can try and raise it, but I can't guarantee that it's maintainable. For now we're good on file system space, but it's also the main cost driver of the server. We also have to consider the possibility that someone might try and flood us with large files to exhaust space, so we need a reasonaby large buffer. I'll drop a note when it's done.


The file size limit has been changed to 50MB.


can we have a check that only cuts the filename, if the "..." actually shortens it?


I did... something. Not sure if it fixes the problem, or if it just moves the problem to slightly longer filenames. I'll simply pretend that it is fixed until proven wrong.


click_here_to_shorten.png (9.41 KB, 640x78)

shortened.png (10.96 KB, 777x62)

Autismus.gif (119.71 KB, 312x276)


is it checking for characters instead of lines?


Probably both, never really checked. Javascript hurts my eyes.

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