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/int/ - *Ominous shitposting in the distance*

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 No.6217 SYSTEMKONTRA [Last 50 Posts]

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Previous >>5701


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A proper picture this time, OP.


Saw a cheap rice cooker on sale. Started comparing different models. Now I'm thinking of getting one that costs around 300 euros. It's a rice cooker. It cooks rice. That's fucked up.


Started doing my taxes today. It is positively horrible. If I don't do it, I'll be tax-evading. Fuck those jerks.


Buy an officially licensed Hello Kitty rice cooker. And an officially licensed Hello Kitty vibrator, while you're at it.




because only sissys and girls spend money on rice cookers/kitchen utensils. Let alone 300€!!! You should buy toolbox with that money, because every man should own some special tools he rarely uses.


Thank you for the clarification.

 No.6226 KONTRA

Spent some time outside. Read Mishima and exercised. Drank a lot of tonic with ice. No alcohol.
Then I slept for a few hours in the afternoon when the heat became unbearable.

The pool's in terrible shape. Nobody bothered to clean it or look after it while I was working, so I had to take it on myself and shock it with chlorine and salt. Hoping for the best.
But it sucks that it's so dirty now. Joever for the pool.

I was trying to throw the hose over a rosebush, but it got tangled in it, and in the process as it swung back, I had a colossal fucking thorn jammed into the middle of my pinky finger of all places.
Weird how I keep fucking up my fingers. Like a few weeks ago I had a cut on the tip of my index finger.

We assembled a short list of topics as potential discussion for the admittance interviews into the workshop and the supervisor threw it back as "too intimidating". So we're stuck with ad-hoc questioning like last year.
I probably wrote about it but I'll be serving on a committee again. Last year I was on the student committee, this year I'll be on the technical/faculty committee. Which I think suits my personality better. (Plus I don't want to judge their personalities, that's better left to the students who will be living with them at the college proper, not me who is an "outside" member.)

I guess they shouldn't have let me word the preliminary version because I am utterly autistic and incapable of being "nice" when given the option to do shit like this. Or rather, it take considerably more effort and my baseline lies between a "end of the year exam" and "government pamphlet asking what you think about public infrastructure investment" in regards to friendliness.

Anyway, we will also have to go and drink with the candidates. Just a bit to see how they will handle stuff and what are their expectations and so on. Like last year basically.

Also gonna go see Oppenheimer with family on Friday. Now that we are talking about ricecookers in the thread.

I'd wager that music turns basically anything into a Seinfeld scene, with or without mentioning airplane peanuts.

I like the cheap as fuck we have home. It indeed, cooks rice. Pretty well actually. Kinda understand why Asians love the stuff.
No clue what a 300 euro ricecooker can do that a 30 euro one can't. Probably do special things like maybe fry the stuff.

What was Hello Kitty about originally? I remember it being all the rage 15-20 years ago and I can't recall a single instance of seeing a flagship product that comes with it. Never a TV-show, a comic book or literally anything that'd make it feel like the landscape of Hello Kitty merch is centred around something, it's always just a disjointed mess of random merchandise with the cat printed onto it.

And looking it up it was never more than just a cute mascot thingy to put on random objects to sell to people. Honestly don't get it.

It's the Asian equivalent of buying a toaster. Completely normal.


Nice joge :DD

And yeah, the cheapest possible rice cookers have one significant advantage. You turn it on, and it turns off when it's done. Seems like if you upgrade even a tiny bit it turns into button mashing, fucking smartphone apps and shit. Ain't nobody got time for that. And if it's not good enough I'll just bin it and get a better one. Hate cooking rice in a pot on the stove so end up eating pasta or potatoes most of the time.


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And who do you think we are? At least until end of this week

 No.6230 KONTRA

This feels so pure and innocent I don't think we could make it today unironically.
Even if it's just a way to sell women crap.
"I am cry."


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phutaba_logo now Ernstchan_logo?

 No.6234 KONTRA

Already thought she might've ghosted me after all and was mentally tying my noose but then she texted back two days later and apologized for responding late so we ended up meeting for coffee today. All my plans of clarifying le intentions and whatnot ofc went out the window as soon as I saw her. Conversation went into some flirty directions though I feel like she curbed it at some points. Found out about some more commonalities we share which ofc put my lovelorn brain into the pernicious "it's meant to be" mode.
Also dared some light touching here and there. I showed her my stretching routine, could've gotten more hands-on but I was too afraid to overdo it, also just seeing her strike that pose with the ass out made me a bit dizzy.
Towards the end we struggled finding conversation topics, at some point we held eye contact for a long time but sat so far apart and I just felt like a rabbit being hypnotized by a snake, then she broke the spell and said "now I'm confused". Brought her to the metro station, we didn't talk much on the way though weirdly it didn't feel too awkward. She asked about my plans for the rest of the night, I told her I've been invited for drinks but hinted I'd rather have drinks with her but she declined.
In any case, I feel like this time I really missed a million opportunities to be more assertive and push the issue. Dealing with this appropriately by getting high and listening to emo cloud rap


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Don't buy a Zojirushi rice cooker if you're not Japanese, the export variants are blatantly fabricated in China, but keep their meme price tag.
Luckily the shop returned it without complaint and I took a in-house branded one, also made in China for a lot less money.

Love it though, together with the cheapest Jasmin rice, some minced garlic, salt and a bit of butter it makes the absolute best rice I have ever eaten.
Doesn't compare to when I still used a small pot.

 No.6236 KONTRA

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Detail: the base plate was assembled wrong and damaged in the process.


> Honestly don't get it.
It's "kawaii" (apparently "cute" is not an exact translation and missing a part of the whole meaning), and kawaii sells. That's it, really.


Sounds good. How's the operation though? Do you need to mash a bunch of buttons to make it do anything? That particular model seems nice but the price is bretty high in Europe at least, +200€.

 No.6239 KONTRA

I’d be more worried about having to use a smartphone app with it, which is a ticking obsolesence timebomb, than to have to press the same button to cycle through programmes.

 No.6240 KONTRA

Don't see an app mentioned anywhere with that particular model.


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On that Bamboo rice cooker I just have to press menu and start, default is always white rice and tbh I haven't used it for anything else yet.

I do consume a lot of rice with fried eggs tho, so the purchase has already justified itself to me.
There's also much cheaper rice cookers without ==EXTREME FUZZY LOGIC ACTION== that work with some magnets and a bimetallic strip, I'd suggest Technology Connections video about rice cookers for that.

Such cases would be an instant no-go for me.
t. frugal


F O U R eggs? What kind of diet is that? Are you doing it for the gains?



You don't have to grind the flax seeds btw. I put them unground in my Müsli every day (though not more than a tablespoon) and there's nothing visible left when they come out the next day.
inb4 joges about germans looking at their own feces

I also don't let them soak for more than a few minutes (together with the oat-porridge). The taste is indeed slighlty nutty.
My Müsli-game has become somewhat elaborate over the years, feel free to ask me anything, I guess?


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> Müsli-game
I use mashed banana and ground (?) apple

 No.6245 KONTRA

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Goddamn Chinese Aliexpress merchants are trying to swindle me by claiming an order has been delivered, when it hasn't.


1 egg has about 100 kcal with the oil for frying included, that ain't much.
I just like those eggs, the rich, creamy and flavorful yolk gently smeared over the slimy-silky texture of an egg that just spend the right amount of time happily sizzling in oil.
All gooey, yet firm, borderline naughty.


Why people tweak their photos so hard that you can't even recognize them? People for whom your appearance matters see you IRL anyway and it has an oppposite effect




Met an ugly girl on social media


That must have been a hell of a tweak.


Many times. Coworkers, whom I can't recognize in office, waitress - not sure if I left E-tips not to a wrong person, etc.

Boys do that too.


what the fuck

>Boys do that too

Hardly surprising in a world where you leave "E-Tips".

Btw, >>6250 was me and I am not >>6247, sorry for any confusion, should have written "HE met [...]".


You scan QR-code on a bill and leave tips with phone instead of leaving cash.


And who gets the money?


QR code leads to webpage of the corresponding waitress (waiter).


Their onlyfans?





Seeing as we're in a thread that starts with this picture >>6217 I'd say we're talking about onlyfarmers.
Hopefully they're not farming cabbages.


>Hopefully they're not farming cabbages.
You got a problem with cabbage? What are you, some kind of broccoli?


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Ernst, have you already registered on onlychild.com or do you have siblings?

Hungary and Brick is access denied I also have siblings so no onlychild content for me

 No.6265 KONTRA

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There's just something about this language that makes me think it's all just an elaborate joke.

 No.6266 KONTRA

I think I wasted the entire day on random shit. Pool's getting better. My back still hurts for some reason.
Had three coffees but still had a cheeky nap.
It rained hard.

Found two very insteresting stories in the Liaozhai so I will have a crack at those too eventually. Though I think tomorrow I will just get the study I've been meaning to write for a month out of the way.

I have the hickups. It sucks.


>he doesn't get it
XD ^^


Something in-between. I have a sister but we share only one parent and have age difference and difference of interests and lived separately most of the life.

Impostor's post. too short


> I have a sister but we share only one parent
So, a half-sister

 No.6271 KONTRA

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 No.6272 KONTRA

>My back still hurts
Thank me later


I like how it says "including quick recipes for people who have a job" as if most people don't have one.


You're talking to impostor, fool!

 No.6277 KONTRA

Estonia is way cooler than Finland.
t. country reviewer


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Has ernst had any coworkers to your home?
Me: Yes. Today. Not for long, but he has now seen how I live. Normally, I think, but then again, I have no idea since I have never been to anyone else's home and don't really know what normal is.

Access denied.

t.Hird of four


I was thinking about paying the Baltics a visit since Georgia and Azerbaijan for a month seem unrealistic given the time and things I have to do until the end of this year.

Please tell me how do prices for accommodation and food (snacks, takeaway or restaurant) compare to Finlan and our own country. They seem rather expensive when I compare it with Romania and Hungary.


>Has ernst had any coworkers to your home?

I think I was only at coworkers homes. Then again I only had small jobs all the time. Longest was delivering with DHL/Deutsche Post and most coworkers weren't my thing for something like a visit.

 No.6284 KONTRA

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T. Seasoned expert of both countries

 No.6285 KONTRA

>and our own country
Finland is very expensive, Estonia is alright. Tallinn is comparable to Lisbon.

Leaving Finnougria behind now, Latvia awaits rating.

 No.6286 KONTRA

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>Finland is very expensive
T. Bottled water addict

 No.6287 KONTRA

Water is a human right.

 No.6288 KONTRA

Which is why you get it from the tap.


2023, the water wars broke out between Portugal and Finland.
Legend has it that the cause for the conflict was an ongoing dispute over finnish water quality.
Who actually started it, we do not know.
What we know is that dozens suffered.


Bottled water is superior.


Bottled water is bourgeois


Heavily chlorinated tap water is surprisingly nice to my skin. I gladly take drinking bottled water in exchange.

 No.6295 KONTRA

Unless you're specifically buying bottled spring water, bottled water might have chlorine in it as well because it is tap water.

>heavily chlorinated
Measured levels in Finnish tap water: 0 - 0,09 mg/l

>Chlorine levels up to 4 milligrams per liter (mg/L or 4 parts per million (ppm)) are considered safe in drinking water

T. cdc.gov


>bottled water
Do you guys think that water out of a thin plastic bottle tastes different after it has been laying in the sun for a while?

Do prefer glas bottles with tap water. But glas is heavy and filling bottles takes time.



It was meant to be "your"

Since I don't know Lissabon prices, please provide me with € for a takeaway, accomodation. I would go for all three countries, you seem to have the same plan? But I fear getting not very far with what I could spend because prices might be similary to Germany.


>There's just something about this language that makes me think it's all just an elaborate joke.
Any idea what "something" that could be?



I am going out on a limb here, but I suspect he might be joking.
Not that I know, I'm a German and don't understand jokes.


the more you do today, the more you have to redo tomorrow


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The motto of my Anki deck :DDD


It's disgustingly hot and humid and I can barely sleep.
I hate it.


Here it's kinda chill, a lot of rain all morning.


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Please consult this chart when choosing a programming language to study.


All the last night there was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_lightning
And today the weather was ideal. Not freezing nor sweating.

 No.6320 KONTRA

It's getting really hot again. I sweated so much during sleep I had to wash my hair again after like two days. Absolutely terrible.
There's a lot of mosquitoes outside and I got bitten on my feet again a dozen times in the morning when I was checking water levels on the pool. Drained some of it because the rain overfilled it.

Went to the store with my mother. Mostly just grocery shopping. Got some flour made specifically for pizzas and I can actually taste the difference. I could feel is as I was kneading it and then flattening it out. It's just so much smoother and crispier after it's done. Amazing.

Finished reading Mishima's "Sun and Steel". I think every weeb should be forced to read it to make sure they don't feel too much at home in Japanese culture after watching too much anime. It's a honestly terrifying book.

My nose keeps running for some reason, but it's not an allergy because when I'm in the garden it doesn't run at all. Maybe it's the dust on the bookshelves being stirred up by the fan. Who knows.

Back still hurts. Don't know if it's getting better or not. Maybe it's something with my bed or something because it's noticeably worse after waking up, but I haven't changed anything with my pillows.

Ja heil!



 No.6322 KONTRA

I'm a real patriot, a Portuguese ultra nationalist. If there are Spanish "people" in my turf, I will not welcome them. I'll treat them only to hatred and scorn.

And yet, a Spaniard in these foreign lands is a brother to me. An island of humanity in this foreign and uncaring land. I'd happily take a bullet for my hermanos in these faraway lands.

Strange. Dialectical, even.


Actually pretty good summary. Unfortunately my language of choice is not on there, thus I can't use this chance to reflect on my own biases.

I do have to work with C++ and sometimes Python for work, and I support all points made by that image regarding the regulars of those languages.


I don't tick any of the JS, should I switch back to learning Python or learn Rust because I'm a commie?


Are you fluent in JS or just learning? It's not too late to repent.

 No.6326 KONTRA

We’re reaching that period of summer where the days just go on and on but nothing really different happens. Nothing much of anything happens. I just wake up, try to lazily put off cooking for as long as possible, I dick around with a book or two, study something, get bitten by bugs in the garden and then go to bed.

At this point taking the bus to the city would be an event.


Then extrapolate opinions on popular chinese writings.
For example: Write five sentences about Suntsi's Art of War regarding the general makeup of officers at the time.


I'm learning.
I'll better listen to memes, the most powerful epistemological tool the 21st century has brought us so far, optimally compressed intelligent swarm knowledge.


You know the control society is real when you consider doing google certificates to get your hands on a field (the learning nevre stops).


Better stop now, lest you become a *bro.


The guy has also a book on Python. A few months ago I learned a bit of Pythin via a github challange. But this would have meant to learn math in the side as well. Too much hours and I had to concentrate on soemthing else. So If I stick to JS I can always leanr Python later and unbro myself.

For now I should embrace learning JS, because I watched this sound video the other night but I know this from many other situations where getting good is the goal. Stick with it and just do it.


Python > JS. Python is used for almost everything while JS - for frontend web2.0 trinkets we need a pop-up on EC with chat with a consultant after 10 seconds of inactivity.

But learning programming is different from learning natural languages because after you know one of them, you can reuse this knowledge and learn another language with 80% of efforts saved.

So better do anything then stuck in indecision.


Yes and while I have only been 1/3 through the book, Python and JS them pretty similar when it comes to the overall feel.

A quickl sketched plan would be to learn JS and then html/CSS since it seems both are very strongly connected from what I've gathered, then Python and then whatever is useful, if I even make it that far.


I forgot, what is your endgoal? Unless you want add chat with consultant to EC switch to python before html/css.


My end goal is to know how I can implement a chat client that answers to requests in German bickering.

Well, my end goal is not yet super clear. I like the idea of designing programs that get something done or do art by using code to get things working in a certain way so it is art. I read that many people in cs (probably not your average student I guess) regard Christopher Alexanders "on the synthesis of form" as a book that is useful to turn to in order to understand what programers do and how they understand themselves. I like the idea if designing and architecturing things by code since my "books read counter" and education in the humanities has forever separated me from doing hands on work and crafting things. In other words, I want to create.

What do I want to create? Well that is a good question. So far I haven't thought about it not in a serious way. More in a do it for learning to code and see results. One idea is to code an API that gets me data from ships entering a certain port and give me data in the cargo so that I can be informed in ym browser when a ship enters a certain port and what cargo it has. Just because I can and I like infrastructure and logistics. Not sure if these data are available though, I guess it can already be a pretty big project. Other than that I was thinking about a funny fast food joint simulator (text and picture, based, maybe audio, because interactivity)
Other than that I would also be interested in using data science methods to get something from data, not sure what yet but I like the idea of having the knowledge to get insights from data when I have an idea of why it could be useful or interesting.


> In other words, I want to create.
But what prevents you from creating?
Especially with having an education in humanities, shouldn't you be able to draw from so much writing that you have a good base of writing something yourself?
Be it prose, poetry, history or anything inbetween or combined. You have all the arts at your disposal and you have a much deeper understanding about them already than a regular code monkey.
And even if you weren't, what would prevent you from grabbing a piece of wood and a knife and start whittling? Did you never whittle as a kid?
You can create music without a musical instrument, just with your voice.

Or do you specifically want to create programs? In which case I would agree with the other Ernst and advice you to leave all that webshit behind you. Python is at least used in actual programs.
As for your examples, that fast food simulation loops back to what I said in the beginning, because you have to create assets, right? And that is also something you are already creating, even before doing any programming.
Data science methods are probably already numerous, seeing what kind of diagrams even just Excel can already generate, and with something more powerful like Origin or R you can do a lot more (although the latter of course would allow you to use those programming skills to build new plugins that do some other display of data).

What I am trying to say is that programming is merely a tool, like using hammer and nail or a chisel or a brush, but it's not instrumental in *creating*. You could even start with graphical tools; I remember the Ernst posting Holly Herndon in the music thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvNqNgHAEys - she uses a graphical programming language to produce her music (although tbf it has to be mentioned that she has a background in CS).
You could also start out by modding games, or making maps for games (Quake and especially Doom have excellent mapping tools that anyone can learn).


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Japanese wrestling is just so far beyond anything americans could ever think to achieve it's not even funny anymore.


Ach Ernst

>What I am trying to say is that programming is merely a tool, like using hammer and nail or a chisel or a brush, but it's not instrumental in *creating*

Exactly, I want to use THAT tool to create, hence I'm learning to code. Why that tool you might ask since I have so many other tools at my disposal? Because my MA humanities degree I'm about to finish soon has me mostly dig into cybernetics, design and digital cultures in all its cultural and social facets. I want to see and know and use the tools that are used in creating that culture.

I'm not just interested in creating, but in that kind of creating. I'm not an uncreative person. I'm writing a MA thesis that needs creativity like all scientific endeavors and I hope to go on by doing a PhD. I also did produce music for a few years, self-taught. But it got faded when I got gf felt good and creative motor was feeling like shit mostly and I knew I won't make it without getting my hands on music theory. This is partly true for electronic music though and I could continue. I still know how to use a subtractive synthesizer or can play a little with FM synthesis. I still have ideas about audio effects devices. Lately, I have seen people doing very creative stuff with in-built ableton tools which was great.

I want to make use of computational power in order to create things.

>you have a much deeper understanding about them already than a regular code monkey.

Well, that is an intriguing thought, no? To have an education in the humanities and be able to use it with coding skills instead of having what the usual case, just having knowledge in one of these.


>You could also start out by modding games, or making maps for games (Quake and especially Doom have excellent mapping tools that anyone can learn).

I did this as a teenger with GTA Sand Andreas btw. I have been creative quite a bit in the last 15 years and I wan to continue this with code and couple it with my humanities knowledge that helps me conceptualize and thinking about thinks that weren't accessible to me as teenager. Music is an interesting case but I'm not interested in doing music that makes people dance or feel deep feelings.

I'm more interested in doing conceptual stuff or experimenting with code that does something. The connection between code and real life, don't know how to say it better. But one example is the (computer) simulation: it is an abstraction that nonetheless has a profound impact on how reality is structured.
During my studies I came across the Aspen Movie from the late 1970s , a sort of early google street view and a simulation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspen_Movie_Map
It fascinated me how this is taken apart historically and in media theory and this sort of experimenting fascinates me. Coding as architecting, world-building. It also has to do with an interested in the relationship between man and computer/machines. I won't go into detail but all this plays a role in why I want to pick up coding and not a guitar or a brush or a twigs from which I build a hut or a work of art though wood as material has of course interesting qualities that mix interestingly with others etc.

 No.6351 KONTRA

I can excuse all the typos and grammatical errors, it's late and I don't check, it has been an exhausting day.


>Exactly, I want to use THAT tool to create
Well, that makes more sense of course. I understood your statement in the first post in a more general sense.
And do I understand correctly that getting gf kinda gimped your creativity? Interestingly I usually can't write when I am happy, basically all of my "literary" output came from rather dark places, although I had spurts of creativity in other places nonetheless.

>I want to make use of computational power in order to create things.

That again is a pretty general statement. 3D printing for example fits that description, too. Or even before that, something like Blender or ZBrush.

> instead of having what the usual case, just having knowledge in one of these.

What gives you the idea that it's the "usual" case? *Quereinsteiger*, are a common thing. I personally am one, because it's indeed easier to teach someone who already has an expertise in a certain field basic programming to do the job instead of having to teach a programmer adequate expertise in the needed field. And as far as I know, most humanities graduates will do something else afterwards.
Hell, I recently talked to a friend who is an actual computer guy who said that after my year in doing that computer job I had already a deeper understanding of certain things than a lot of people who actually study those very things at a point where they should know better.
And that's not to brag with me being so smart and understanding stuff so quickly (in fact I feel like I am regressing faster and faster with each passing year), it was more him bemoaning the quality of students. That is not to say that "interdisciplinary" degrees are a good thing, but being able to gain the proper mindset and having at least a modicum of interest for something will have you learn anything pretty quickly.

>GTA SA modding

Neat, what did you make? I remember only fucking around with weapon and car stats and such, like making dual-wielding sawn-offs, although I didn't do THAT much in SA, but had so much done in VC, like changing car stats so they will just fall through water, because not being able to swim in Miami sucks, or changing textures. I never got into 3D modeling though, because making my own cars and stuff would have been really cool.
I also started making a comic (which I once posted on xyz), but never actually finished it. It was horrible and pretentious anyway.

>I can excuse all the typos and grammatical errors



>Interestingly I usually can't write when I am happy, basically all of my "literary" output came from rather dark places, although I had spurts of creativity in other places nonetheless.

When it is about expressing feelings in writing or music, it has to come from dark places for me I think. The thing is that the creativity for coding I think is not dependent on that, making a dumb fast food joint simulation or getting data on ships does not need me in a dark place. I think of it more as experimenting with ideas that can be built 'digitally' that is free from having to come from existential dread and its accompanying feelings, code to me seems more open to experimentation than writing or music making. Of course, people are experimenting there as well but to me coding is more like crafting than fine arts, albeit these can of course overlap, don't get me wrong here. Writing has similarities to a craft for example.

>That again is a pretty general statement. 3D printing for example fits that description, too. Or even before that, something like Blender or ZBrush.

Yeah, I used computational power to do music. You get the grist, I want to have a certain degree of control, albeit finished software as tool is also a good way of course.
You know I think more of using sensor technology and coding to do an art project, what it needs in the end and that makes a big part of it is an idea. But ideas concerning this for me seem to be free from existential dread you know, instead, I can use my knowledge from my humanities education to play with ideas that can but not necessarily must be from that corner. Concepts, theories, categories, histories I encountered can be mixed with my experience as a human at var time/place and the reality around me or at the other side of the planet to spark an idea of doing X because y.
Concerning data science: I read a few things on what people do with open data and it sparked my in interest what can be done with open data. But having the knowledge to gather, sift through and gain insights does not only depend on an idea on how to use data but also on how to build it if nobody will do it for you.


Yes sure, but not too many I'd say. And I guess there good Quereinsteiger and not so good Quereinsteiger. I just hope my interest in these topics makes for a good Quereinsteig because I have a certain idea of how to understand these things in certain contexts. The technical details and design principles are a mystery to me and I want to change that.

>Neat, what did you make?

Textures mostly, used Gimp for that. I used car mods but used an installer to change the text files with car stats. In GTA IV I changed those files to get heavier damage on cars once, a more realistic crash model.


Then both JS and python are fine for you. JS probably even better - you can run simulation in canvas, upload it to github personal webpage and everyone will be able to open it in their browser. That's easiest path for you.

But once again, you could make a lesson on any language instead of arguing with another G here.

 No.6355 KONTRA

Went to the cinema today. I felt very awkward having to sit through the trailers before the film. Two of them were films for black people, and the third was about American-Indigenous relations so top tier offerings for Hungarians. Remarked to my mother that "Well that's another 4 minutes of my life wasted on Africans I'm never getting back".
The Scorsee film looked relatively interesting if not for the lines that go "You need to help me kill that white man" or something like that.

Cinema popcorn is still great. Just as good as I remembered. Completely different from popcorn you make at home. Much more salty. I had a 4 litre box. I know some people look down on buying popcorn at the cinema but I frankly love it.
Also the prices were bearable. Like 10 euros total for the ticket and the large drink and popcorn. I wanted to have cola with the popcorn but they had pepsi and I get jittery after a glass of pepsi so I wasn't ready to drink over a litre of it.

I'm gonna confess that I know jack about the Art of War as a text even though it's semi-related to legalism.
All I know is that from a standpoint of intertextuality it's incredibly complex, constantly intertwining with the histories and the zhanguoce.


What is "film for black people"?


agust sander_students_IV.18.4.jpg (352.52 KB, 1078x801)

>Remarked to my mother that "Well that's another 4 minutes of my life wasted on Africans I'm never getting back".

You just were not prepared enough. Instead of calculating the likelihood of black people appearing on a cinema screen in current year (it's 100%) which could have been used on listening to Shostakovich or going over a Chinese poem you chose to run into the knife that is time-wasting ads (is the president even doing his job? Africans are not Hungarians, doesn't he see?). In another universe, evolution would have sorted you out mercilessly like Germans in Hugo Boss at the ramps of reeducation camps in former times. In another universe where sneering down the social and ethnic ladder is prized, however...


> The thing is that the creativity for coding I think is not dependent on that,
True, it's more about the "application" of the idea and how to "build" the thing, which I find is easier than writing a poem or story or piece of music (the last of which really doesn't come naturally to me), mainly because there is already a goal - with a poem, I could theoretically go on forever, but a program is always in essence just an automated task.

>And I guess there good Quereinsteiger and not so good Quereinsteiger.

Yeah, but the latter kind will be gone quickly, like new years' resolutionists in the gym.

>In GTA IV I changed those files to get heavier damage on cars once, a more realistic crash model.

Interesting, in 4 I think the only mod I made was again weapons, to make them more "realistic" (no idea if I had any relevant knowledge about guns at that time), though I think I modded some cars in.


I work. I sleep. Such is life.

The Japanese have much to teach us.

>trailers before the film
Was one of the trailers The Equalizer 3? The first movie was good, the second one- not so much. Now it's a TV series with Queen Latifah in the title role. No, I have never seen it.


>could sleep forever, tired, even if having slept for ten hours

>wake up at half past 8, well-rested, despite going to bed at 1 or so

Absolutely insane. I really don't know what causes this, but I have been suspecting the alarm for quite some time. My subconscious knows that an alarm will go off and if it doesn't go off I will be late for work.
A truly enlightened society would do away with alarms.


Consider the following:
I slept for 14 hours.

Without alarm clocks, I would probably still be asleep.

 No.6366 KONTRA

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Once again being driven insane by her taking her sweet time to respond. Wonder if we'll meet one last time before I leave. She really did a proper job infesting my brain.
Been texting to some other girl on t*nder but it's not much help. I didn't feel like going out of my way changing my plans to set up some date so I just invited her to tag along to a party I'm going to. She texted quite a bit and seems interested but I'd say there's a 70% chance she'll flake.


You know that stereotype how couples always get into fights when they're on vacation? And how lots of breakups happen because of such things?

I propose a new stereotype:
Having to assemble anything that warrants having two people (e.g. because it's too unwieldy or one had to build a spectial contraption to hold the thing in question) and all you have is your woman.
I say push, she pulls. I say hold this, she grips it in the worst possible way. I say DON'T DROP THIS... well you can guess what happens. And it's definitely not me, because I am known for being great to work with, and having had to instruct people in the past actually had me adopt a way of instructing people in a clear, concise manner. And it works, except here. Sometimes I could just slap her. Maybe I should try it, it could lead to angry and/or make up sex.

At least the solar panels are mounted now, though the inverter having no power indicator (unlike specified in the manual) prevents me from actually checking whether this is already producing power or not, and I don't want to plug in/plug out and monitor the meter.


I cook a bowl of oatmeal in the microwave every morning. Water, oats, no measuring, push button. All very routine. In the past week two(2) bowls have boiled over because I used either too much or too little water. That equals the number of failed bowls I've had in the last...2 years?
I'm off my game.

>Without alarm clocks, I would probably still be asleep.
Same. Gonna go work 12 hours then get back to it.


I observed this many times and can tell that no woman is required. Knew a gay couple whose relationship almost ended when they moved in together because of the fights that errupted over assembling the larger pieces of furniture.

So yeah, what you describe is a thing.


Yesterday I wore socks with sandals to the shops.

 No.6373 KONTRA

Good thing we don't have countryballs, nobody will known a German wrote this post.


This is probably going nowhere, how long has it been going on?

I left a note for a woman today when I left the library. She smiled. She smiled before when we had eye contact and she shyly looked away. So I hope she will drop me a message. It's really weird when you give people something and their faces light up like that.

>I am known for being great to work with

I don't expect anything else from an autistic person that partakes in online bickering (German) :DDDD


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Home now and eating dinner. Work week over. On the docket for next week: less overtime.

 No.6401 KONTRA

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>This is probably going nowhere, how long has it been going on?
Why would you even say this lol. I have enough negative thinking on my own :D
Got to know her over the last three months or so, we met thrice outside of uni in the last few weeks now.
I'm gonna try and busy myself with other stuff for this week and then ask her to meet for drinks beginning of next week before I leave. Speaking of the devil, she just texted me back :DD

The t*nder girl actually showed up at the house party. Was nice for an American, we chatted and there was a bit of attraction, but I was drunk and high and in a bad mood so didn't feel like flirting or talking too much. I was glad then that some other people joined in the conversation and she left after a couple hours.

>I left a note for a woman today when I left the library.

Nice, good luck


>Why would you even say this lol. I have enough negative thinking on my own :D
Got to know her over the last three months or so, we met thrice outside of uni in the last few weeks now.

Because it is not that much and something should maybe have happened. I mean of course there are exceptions but in the end this sounds similar to other experiences I made. Maybe I'm wrong, I hope so... I always do when it comes to this :DDDD

>good luck

Thanks, did not receive anything yet, though, Numerous reasons why. I won't think too much about it and look further.


There are 43 calories per 100 ml of beer and 100 ml of coca cola.

Damn I been drinking that shit by the liters.

 No.6410 KONTRA

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Ah well, you are right after all I guess. I asked if she wants to join me in going to a farewell party of one of the other guys doing an exchange year and she just gave the most transparently flimsy excuse. It was kind of a low effort invitation and I kinda expected that she won't want to go but hoped she'd come up a with a counter-suggestion. Tbh if she hadn't responded I might've tried once more but mb it's for the best. Dunno if it was too hasty but I deleted her contact & chat history. Still have some lingering hope that she'll come around and text me since she knows when I'm leaving haha. Twelve more days and I'm free.


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Because I was too dumb to post in the correct thread and because strg+c doesn't always work, here I have to write my post again:

Getting back into painting minis.
Found some old toy soldiers, 1:72 WW2 Luftwaffe paratroopers.
Shaky hands and bad eyes are the greatest limitation at the moment, although they don't look *that* bad from afar, but a good camera will expose every flaw, mistake and irregularity. I also have to relearn general painting workflows.

The goal is to get good enough to properly paint Kingdom Death minis. Assembly at least is scheduled for this week.


I glanced over "Sun & Steel" today after Hungary mentioned it some days ago (it was most certainly Hungary I think). I chuckled a bit since I was reminded how he was doing pull ups. What came first, Mishima or pull ups? In any case, I heard of Mishima and since it's a short one I might dive into this "a conservative transcends" read, my guilty pleasure is first half of 20 century conservatives who write about transformations like Jüngers Arbeiter or the Italian Futurists. Both have an expressionist language, at least Jünger, which I enjoy, I really shoudl look into writings of that time.
The idea of a death that is chosen (so I assume this is about in a way), that is enacted with power instead of the wimpy fetching going on when you die of old age in some hospital (the best alternative is peacefully going to sleep and never wake up again like one of my grandmas) is interesting. Alas, I already see tropes looming, like the facist celebration of the body over the (jewish) intellectual mind.



>[rest of post]

12 Days and you will sit on a plane to China? Looking for you reporting from the other side of the world and telling us about the Chinese experience.
Deleting her contacts and chat history being a bit obsessive about her might be the best. If she really cares she will eventually write again, or if she does not she either doesn't care or it's the "Whose turn?" which is dumb. Now I think of you being in Berlin and how people say that in Berlin people are mostly temporary. I guess it is not true for all but I guess it's a good example, so many other options in big cities. But this is not for big cities only, even in my mid size city hometown this was/is basically true.


Btw is there an incel/looksmaxxx - gymbro/pua glowup pipe that suggests reading Mishimas essay? It seems so likely given how prominent the body is discussed and displayed in online discourse these days. Maybe it's the material for a story.

I started reading another novel that talks about a technique of writing poems which I find interesting, like using propse, chop it up and put in other, already existing prose, a big chop up and remix. Made me think of this guy who wrote Naked Lunch and whose name I cannot recall atm.

 No.6417 KONTRA

I meant to use prose, chop it up, and insert (often modulated) into existing lines of poems from for example classics of the canon. So it's a more refinded technique than just insert a few words here and there. Poems and melody/sound and shit. I forgot what I learned about German aestheticism that rhymed for the beautiful sound to occur and not necessarily the most sophisticated content.


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Your brain (and thus your mind) is part of your body, too, you know?

>Naked Lunch


 No.6419 KONTRA

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Making meat pastries but I got the wrong kind of dough. Who knows what will happen at this point. The results are in after 30 minutes or so.


Yes, but is the so-called mind reducible to the body? What is there relationship after all. I will read Mishima and he will probably provide his view which favors the body. I'll see.

 No.6422 KONTRA

im this cat 192.jpg (99.68 KB, 694x867)

Great success. Delicious. Makes me happy that sometimes things do work out.


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All good, I was just shitposting.


This heat is suffering.
I have a desire for sex, but even just thinking about moving on any kind of cloth surface is so utterly off-putting that the desire quickly subsides. Standing is also out of the picture, because I would still sweat like a pig and probably eventually slip and break my penile bone. Sex in the water would probably work, but I am not some kind of oligarch who has a pool. Not even a toddler pool.

Why can't Germany have normal summers? It's either raining in the tens or literally african savannah.


Had a huge cramming session for Chinese in the garden and then took a dip in the pool. Also made some pizza from the leftover dough. The homemade sauce really made it me together. Alongside the finer flour I got for it. Made for pizza specificially supposedly. It was actually thin and crunchy. Best pizza I ever made probably.

Afterwards I went out to drink with the candidates for the interview. I had a shot of vodka. Everyone else had beer but I wasn’t taking chances with beer.

We talked a lot about what we do here and what they will do if they get accepted etc. Apparently every single fucking woman with an interest in Asian culture knows that one fucking Chinese book series about gay taoists. How is that even possible?
Honestly fascinating in a sense.

Afterwards we went back to the college and talked a bit and decided to go with the others to see the fireworks from the “Garden of philosophers”. I was hesitant to go with them but in the end I went.
Workshop’s secretary said that save for the kimonos this is almost like “an anime” to which my reply was “Well, who’s the protagonist then?”

Fireworks were nice, though it got me thinking, why doesn’t one of these years the government commission a symphonic piece for it instead of taking pre-made music to set the firework show to? I think it’d be cool.

Walking back from the mountain wiith a huge group of other people, I felt drunk even without any alcohol in my system. I was flowing with the mass of people, the night cooling us off. I felt that this night would never end at that moment. I was reminded of the descriptions of magical, endless nights I had and ones I read about in books.

It felt cool, the contrast between the purplish sky and the yellow lights meeting, the gentle wind, the sound of my shoes against the pavement. For half an hour, I loved the night.


My sister went to the County Fair today. I stayed home. Not really a Fair person. Don't go to any public events, really. Instead, I slept. Woke up. Went to the gym. Came home. Fell asleep again.
A full day.


Does Ernst have an interest in disaster? I noticed Youtube suggesting me a train disaster in the UK which was caused by landslides. It made me think of a TikTok channel that connects 3D animation with real blackbox sounds from pilots in airplanes. Very eerie to hear people realize they will die in a second or two. Yet fascinating enough to not swipe it away.

 No.6446 KONTRA

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Not really, but when I watched TV and Air Disasters happened to be on, I'd always watch it. As a result of that that my gf doesn't want to fly anymore :DDD Opposite effect on me since most crashes lead to safety improvements. Someone else died to make flying safer for me.

USCSB's videos on YT are interesting and sometimes end up watching them if they're recommended.


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I love catastrophes

 No.6448 KONTRA

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Ernst challenge: guess time and place of photos.


Got some 40k points. Got fucked over by choosing the wrong UK city. All look the same. Unless you have prior knowledge of the particular photo. Some seem to be "famous".


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Got 30k, aced pic related, but got screwed over twice, one time I correctly identified penguins in a minefield as the Falklands, but still got massive deductions because the photo was 20 years newer than expected, felt a little unfair. The other one was some random anglos, and I thought it was US east coast, but it was UK, RIP score. Fun game though.


>unexploded bomb
There's been a defusal operation near-ish to me recently. Didn't look up (again) why this keeps coming up so long afterwards (maybe I should).

First thing that comes to mind everytime it happens, "did they figuratively sweep it under a rug back then" making it a problem for the people of the future? I mean, the stuff is (mostly) found when construction workers dig up a plot to plonk down yet another skyscraper, and I doubt the bombs sank into the ground on their own.

"Hey, Hans-Günther, there's another one! I can't be arsed to do something about it, let's cover it with some debris and forget it ever happened!"


> or it's the "Whose turn?" which is dumb.
i recently met a woman i had some sexy time with again in real life. we still had some nice conversation, but no sexy time this time. she was complaining about that we didn't write anymore and mentioned something along "...but i wrote the last message." gürl, if u wanna write, just write. who came up with that kind of stupid thinking?
welp, whatev. wanted to meet her to tell her, that, if a relationship at all, maybe an open one, but prolly not even that. so... sorted itself out, i guess. still like her, and have known her for years before we even had some sexy time together.

>Sex in the water would probably work
sex in water really doesn't work well. water is no lubricant.


I have NO idea how to change the year. Clicking does nothing, and backspace brings me to the start page.

 No.6453 KONTRA

daily.png (Spoiler Image, 1.09 MB, 1963x1228)

Spoiler image: daily challenge answer

Got 44041 points from the daily challenge. Ebin. Last one was easy to locate but sadly was a year off.

 No.6454 KONTRA

It's all very easy for a 201 IQ mastermind like me. [spoiler]got lucky with a few pictures :DDDD

 No.6455 KONTRA

batemane.gif (2.58 MB, 640x464)

A real world citizen and a historian right there. Well done, bravo.


guesser.png (31.3 KB, 618x593)

Some places are easier to guess than others, like the picture that included a Hollywood and Vine street sign, lol.

>change the year
The nubbin thing at the bottom of the year bubble thing is a slider.


You should just click "New York" every time when not sure.

t. 36k


life sucks.gif (270.13 KB, 400x290)

I clicked Salzburg when the picture literally had a shop with a logo with "Salzburg" in it, and it still was Vienna.

 No.6460 KONTRA

im this cat 151.gif (849.21 KB, 220x275)

I got that as well and then it struck me. I didn't know where Hollywood was.

It can't be a whole city right? Probably West coast? Or in Florida? New Orleans?! Naahhh... has to be West. San Fran? No, no, LA!

Then spent a couple of seconds trying to locate it in LA, but felt so embarrassed that I couldn't take it anymore. Slapped the location in the middle of the city. And yes, I am aware of how retarded I am.


>The nubbin thing at the bottom of the year bubble thing is a slider.

>I clicked Salzburg when the picture literally had a shop with a logo with "Salzburg" in it, and it still was Vienna.
Rof L. Mao


23514, a couple of times I guessed half a world away, my time guesses weren't that far off.


Great page, thanks for that!

My final score was 34,051 on the first try, not too bad considering the first 2 rounds were bogus because I misunderstood how this worked. First I thought the map was zoomed in on Europe as a hint that the photo was somewhere in Europe - then I learned that I could move around the entire globe. It wasn't until the third round that I realized I could click anywhere on the map and not just the named few cities (The moment I zoomed in I realised the mistake).

Anyway, gonna play this again, thanks.


Guess again.png (764.61 KB, 1858x957)

I could find Hollywood Blvd, but not Vine so I was off by a bit on that as well- not much but not pefect. Also missed the mark on this pic by 800 meters.


>Huge rubber ducks
That never happened


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scrot_2023-08-21_18:39:47.png (1.11 MB, 1870x981)

Pic1: There's moments of joy when you recognise a photo and go "hold up, I think this was here and must've been in the 60s" and you were right.

Pic2: Then there's moments of dread when you recognise a photo and know where it was and also when it was, but you're off by 20 years because of a brainfart.

 No.6468 KONTRA

pyörivä kala.mp4 (1.2 MB, 640x360)

That's what they want you to think. Break through the conditioning!


scrot_2023-08-21_18:56:47.png (25.07 KB, 687x595)

Tried the daily and had a bunch of luck on two images.


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Saw rickshaw for the first time IRL.
Tried bubble tea - very good, will come again.


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Guessing game


I was successful at my fourth attempt. The direction indication after every attempt makes it a bit easier but can also be ruse you thinking you can estimate the distance

Apparently, there is a new country every day. Yesterday was Iraq, pretty much only oil.


If such situation happens on a dating site that can be called Tinder Surprise.

 No.6481 KONTRA

I wasted most of the day watching videos on youtube. Mostly boomer-shooter reviews and some old tech stuff. Youtube forced me to turn on view history and now it's actually feeding me content, which is very dangerous. Might turn it off again even if it means my recommendations page will be completely empty. I cannot be trusted with this.

Did some more anki-cramming and I'm rebuilding my vocabulary. I hooked up a full-sized keyboard to my tablet and the experience convinced me that I need a better keyboard for this thing. One that doesn't doubletap keys constantly.
Hooking up a logitech K120 to an expensive tablet looks giga-eastern european imho. But it works.

I was probably a bit quick to say that Oppenheimer didn't interest me all that much because I did read two chapters from Teller's memoirs today, and I remembered that I had a collection of writings by Heisenberg on my shelf for the longest time. (Because it was one of those texts we were recommended by our history teacher in high school when we started the first few lessons.)
Interesting stuff the Teller book, but even if though it's interesting I just don't want to read all of it. I'm kicking and screaming in my head that I don't want to do it. I have more important things to do.
Though the bibliography already netted me a book that might be interesting so I think it was worth it.

Tomorrow's the interviews for the college freshmen. You can hardly imagine how self-important it makes me feel that I'm the member of a committee. (Even though I think the workshop's secretary sees through me at this point and she remarked multiple times that I'm not a man who can be "trusted with power". She's probably joking. But every single joke stems from real motivating factors.)

I have this conspiracy theory that maybe the last time they asked me if I was of Polish origin it was actually a soft way to ask me if I was Jewish. I think it's the name and the curly-hair Trotsky-beard combo that does it.
Wholly unintentional. Don't know if it should be a flattering thing. At university I guess it's more of a good thing.
Generally speaking one of my observations was that the higher you climbed the education ladder in Hungary, the number of Gypsies decreased dramatically, while there were more and more Jews. Not an overwhelming majority mind you, they just go from a curiosity to a noticeable number. They are scholars like any other. As in, they have brilliant people among them, and there's also a lot of idiots who are amazed by their own word-salads.

Got thinking about this again because on the way to the fireworks we saw another college, fully renovated and I told them "If we gave this country a prime minister we'd be swimming in money too." and the reply was "And who'd be that person? You. I don't think this country ever head a prime minister who was curly-haired and had a goat-beard." which to me seemed like a very Jewish stereotype. Like tell me that description doesn't scream fucking Trotsky to you.
Honestly this probably doesn't actually matter because the comment was ultimately directed at the fact that I look like someone who comes from a very theoretical humanities department and not the fact that they might think I'm Jewish.
I mean normal and sane people don't think about Jews and all.


Google updated street view for Germany. You can now simulate ride in many parts of the German countryside. Fresh material from 2022. I was surprised to hear that they did it. Though I think they still covered less than they do in other countries.


My village is still not there, good. But some of the neighboring ones. On my way through one I already came across a bunch of boys who apparently saw the car coming and posed for it, throwing "gang signs" and such.


>throwing "gang signs" and such.


Yes, kind of like that indeed.


I just found a short story I wrote 25 years ago.
It reads exactly as you would imagine something written by someone heavily influenced by Goosebumps, Round the Twist and other kids' scary books, with a pinch of Bart Simpson.
It is also written on several very small pages in order to fit inside a matchbox.
I had a good laugh, and found it pretty interesting that apparently my handwriting hasn't changed that much since then, it has maybe become a bit more "adult", i.e. curvy and scribbly.


I was probably already aware of it but it just came to my mind why there won't be any discussion on imageboards behind a certain still shallow depth. Why? Because of missing reference. Usually, an elaborate argument draws on (many but not necessarily) sources or references that no human can keep in detail in their mind. Humans resort to the textual form in order to make use of external memory. Without this memory media there aren't such arguments one can prepare by drawing details from what has been stored so far and put it together.

 No.6492 KONTRA

I am a phoenix risen from the ashes. I am Siddharta himself sitting under the Bodhi tree. The path forward has never been so clear to me. I have crossed out the word hybris from all the worlds dictionaries.

>12 Days and you will sit on a plane to China?
Kinda hard to believe but yep. Browsing through some guides on Beijing right now.

>Deleting her contacts and chat history being a bit obsessive about her might be the best. If she really cares she will eventually write again

It's been very liberating. I'm pretty sure she won't cause judging by her response times she was starting to lose interest and then I hurt her pride too much by getting too many doubts by focusing on the negative parts of her "mixed" signals and not making a move last time we met (even if she might have still rejected it). If I'd waited another week and asked her out again it might've led somewhere, but my half-assed invitation afterwards most likely was the nail in the coffin. Though I think I might text her up again when I come back.

I actually ended up reading some pua-ish stuff and it helped me figure out a couple more things I did right/wrong, I ended up writing a bit of a self-criticism/improvement plan for myself. Some of the stuff you guys were probably telling me all along, so apologies haha.

> in Berlin people are mostly temporary

Hard to generalize, but sure, many cases of open/casual relationships etc., but I wouldn't make it an automatic assumption

>Btw is there an incel/looksmaxxx - gymbro/pua glowup pipe that suggests reading Mishimas essay?
Yeah, BAP advocated it on twitter. Been there, done that to some extent lol. S&S definitely fueled a workout obsession phase for me.



Manipuation tactics is shit, advice like "make her fall in love with you" are either bs or basically mean "how to use peoples (anxious) insecurities to make them stay"
The best advices are those that teach how to make you intentions clear and make a move without forcing. Attraction does not (and probably cannot) have to be forced, just realized I'd say.


>"how to use peoples (anxious) insecurities to make them stay"
PUAs know this, but they see the skill and will for such manipulations as a virtue.


You seem to have a very naive perspective on human relationships. How has that worked out for you so far?

 No.6500 KONTRA

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Opinion, whatever, on a "golden age of assholes". Somewhat interesting.


I wonder how good behavior could be rewarded. Bad behavior is only rewarded (if not illegal) with visibility and attention. Maybe we need a social credit system after all. And ban media from writing about conflict and shock seeking retards.


>people are malicious manipulators and I will act like a sociopath as well because that is necessary in this malicious social fabric

You read into my post that I think people don't manipulate which is not what I think. I think that you don't have to manipulate (as in exploit) a person to be with you. At least I di not have to in the past. As I said you need to do something about an attraction sensed to actualize it into a relationship of whatever sort. Meaning risk a touch, risk rejection and surely and adjustment of sorts is also going on.

 No.6504 KONTRA

>As I said you need to do something about an attraction sensed to actualize it into a relationship of whatever sort. Meaning risk a touch, risk rejection and surely and adjustment of sorts is also going on.
This is not true. Women generally expect men to be ones making a move, but you also don't have to. I don't like it conceptually either, always gives me some kind of anxiety like the whole thing is some kind of acquiescence that the female allowed. I'd much rather be wooed and it really isn't impossible, merely a matter of being good looking and in constant contact with women and it's bound to happen.


I'm not sure if I got it all but yes, women are not totally passive, they will touch you as well and test how it is received, it depends.


>I think that you don't have to manipulate (as in exploit) a person to be with you
You still need to define "manipulate" and "exploit".
Is flirting not already a form of manipulation? When am I starting to "exploit" someone? I am talking about regular relationships, not some exaggerated power dynamic stuff like a trainer and trainee or professor and student.
Also, what does "being with someone" entail? Just general (physical) contact or an actual long-term relationship? Because those can be built upon very different bases, and I certainly agree that it's futile to seek out relationships. However, good relationships don't "just work out". Relationships are work, for both sides, and both sides are obligated to work for the relationship, so it will never be a *Selbstläufer* (no idea if there is a proper analogue in english), i.e. work out without "forcing" anything of any kind.

>As I said you need to do something about an attraction sensed to actualize it into a relationship of whatever sort.

Well, duh, an initial attraction is necessary to even get into contact in the first place.
But I don't agree that it can't be "forced", whatever that means. Take a fictional example: Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. There was no initial attraction. It grew - granted, not "forced" in a sense that he came onto her, but it certainly developed. And obviously there are real-life accounts of men actually wooing women - because that is what wooing is, generating attraction.
But how does one "actualize" that into a relationship of any sort? Is it not by manipulative/exploitative means? What if a woman pretends to find your bad jokes funny? Isn't that exploiting your pride? What if you pretend to care about her dumb chick show?
Being completely frank upfront is seldom, dare I say the exception - and some things just never come up right at the beginning, and rightfully so. You won't talk about how to raise kids when you have just met twice or so, but you also need to gauge a general compatibility in order to assess if it's worth entering a relationship with this person in the first place.

>Meaning risk a touch,

So that's not "making a move without forcing"?
What I am trying to illustrate here is that these terms you are using are very subjective, both in their meaning to a person, as well as how they are perceived, but here's the twist: This can be influenced by the (mutual) attraction. If you're not a creep, you can do more right away than if she perceived you as such.

From your posts I get the general impression that you're a victim of modern feminism, that you actually believe the (crazy kind of) women what they are saying that they want. But if that were true, men wouldn't have to make the first step anymore. I also would have preferred to get picked up and not have to be the active party, but that's just not how it works, not even amongst the most rabid feminists.
And furthermore, despite that, I get the impression that you think women are like children, that any kind of "coming onto someone" is a one-sided thing, because for some reason women are not able to say "no" or anything, that they are essentially children who are always taken advantage of, so any move on my side is inherently forcible.
But that's not true. Women *can* decide for themselves, and they *can* and WILL reject you, if they decide to.
Note that I didn't write "say no", because sometimes it's just a signal to try harder (=more wooing), but that is where the "gentleman" and the "brute" differ, because the gentleman will be able to distinguish a proper rejection from just playing, whereas the brute doesn't or doesn't care. And you are so scared of being a brute that you simply won't do anything. In fact, this reminds me of that one german who stated that onlyfans is exploiting women or something.


Not wearing sandals with socks = looksmaxing = manimulation = le bad

Anti-sandal bros, your objections?


You are equating being against socks with sandals with being against sandals in general, therefore your whole argument is flawed and I don't need to entertain it.



Shoebros are toxic

 No.6512 KONTRA

This could be true.
If for Ernst, his true expression of self is by wearing socks with sandals, then by repressing this urge to secure the fabled "gf", then he is indeed manipulating her. This is especially considering he is likely to slip into more natural attire once the poor girl was manipulated and lured into a relationship that she otherwise would not accept.

It's not manipulation for me not to wear socks and sandals, I would never. But if you see a German wearing something that isn't socks and sandals or hiking shoes, he is up to no good.

 No.6513 KONTRA

influencer life.jpg (53.5 KB, 785x700)

It was me who wore socks with sandals and posted about it.

You all need to take it down a notch. But to be fair, the experience was superior and I will do it again.


If that statement is true, I was right with my guess.


sockssandals_banner.png (5.44 KB, 300x100)

>You all need to take it down a notch


I am a social activist, unmasking and dismantling shoebros' narratives. What payments am I entitled to?

 No.6518 KONTRA

im this cat 253.jpg (731.75 KB, 1876x2703)

What guess?

I can't believe you've done this. Magnificent.

You'll get a swag-bag with a Hawaii shirt and khaki shorts. Thank you for your service.


Not sure if I like this banner.
On the one hand, the toes pointing inward fits the people wearing sandals in socks, but they're just too far way. Putting them in the center would probably look weird.
Pointing them outwards would kill the joke with the inward pointed toes.
Can you make it animated so they are just walking through the frame?


>What guess?
That's for me to know and for you to... guess.

 No.6521 KONTRA

im this cat 145.jpg (64.55 KB, 828x765)

I'm guessing you're just writing posts for the sake of it, with no substance to back them up.


That's just two different people


Makes sense. Also, I just noticed that those people are wearing Birkenstocks, which, at least in Germany, are not considered "real" sandals, because they're just slippers.
If this what you people have been talking about the whole time, then the stereotype evoked was wrong, because wearing slippers with socks is just 110% bydlo.

 No.6525 KONTRA

im this cat 121.mp4 (487.6 KB, 490x480)

This was your guess, I guess? >>6391

But guess what? You were wrong. I played no part in the sandals conversation between my original post and the latest confession. You so silly, G*rmans.


That really bothered you, huh?
Glad you found your peace :^)

 No.6528 KONTRA

spede muikeana.jpg (20.45 KB, 284x311)

It brought me immense joy. Another notch on my belt :D Thank you.


> Another notch on my belt
Careful or it's going to tear apart.


Today, for the very first time in a good 3 decades of being visually challenged, I used one of those dedicated cleaning cloths to clean my glasses. I have a whole bunch of them because you always get them with the cases, but I never used them.
And holy shit, this works so much better than tissues, handkerchiefs, any kind of clothing or spit+fingers.
I will certainly continue with this.

What kind of discovery has Ernst made lately that improved his life immensely (preferably due to being incredibly retarded before the fact).

 No.6531 KONTRA

>this works so much better than tissues, handkerchiefs, any kind of clothing or spit+fingers.
Ernst, what the hell have you been doing? Just wash them! With dish soap!

Spitting on your glasses... that's just nasty.


>a long-winded post that recycles several from the past of that german with clumsy gf

I make it short: I gave an example of actively exploiting insecurities. Which differs from

>Manipulation is subjective

Did you get your gf with the PUA method or use her insecurities to keep her close to you or why do you have to write such a long post?

>There was no initial attraction. It grew

I said if there is attraction you need to act on it, if it's there from the beginning or grows is irrelevant for that matter. The acting which usually goes both ways and happens both ways albeit there is a codification of behavior in our culture that seems to have a statistical significance (men having to make the initial approach for example). Of course, wooing is a thing and usually both are wooing, you are wooing by what you say, your interest, your actions, presenting who you are etc etc. it's always there. I read a lot of books, this is also wooing if put my book knowledge on display for other woman and some of them seem to care about this. Well, ideally the woman of my choice also reads regulary. But this kind of wooing is different to a pua guy going through a script several times day entirely faking interest to land a success.
Wooing != exploiting others insecurities to keep them close.

 No.6533 KONTRA

I thought this will be quick, but the committee hearings and then the inter-committee meeting to decide who to accept to be members to our college and workshop took 8 hours. Can't even say what committee I was on in English. I guess in German you'd call it the Fachkommission because we dealt with the studies and talents of the applicants and not their personalities. That was for the Student Committee.
We spent like three and a half hours interviewing people and then another five discussing the order of acceptance and the status of the people accepted. (As in, will they be external members or live-in members.)

Interestingly we all agreed on who we supported so the top-openings were immediately filled without much dissent, but then we argued endlessly about the remaining people. But some of the candidates were surprisingly bad, even outside the usual "I study Korean because of Kpop". Some people make absolutely baffling life-choices and don't put any research into the process when making a decision. That's how you get people applying for English only to be surprised that it's not an extension of High School English classes per se, but rather a course where they will buttfuck you with old English and the like.

Didn't even hold a lunch or a coffee break, we just talked, 12 Angry Men style. Actually I made a kinda dickish joke for which I had to apologize for (I didn't have to but I felt it appropriate) to a lecturer, who said she's aware that I usually make jokes for the sake of a joke, but I should lay it and the "Male-chauvinism down".

I was also surprised that apparently the college will have two groups run for election to be members of the Central Committee for the next year, and one of the groups is gonna hold a roundtable discussion tomorrow on "Raising the level of scholarship", and they invited me to take part in it as someone who "does outstanding work".
Don't know how long that will take but I will probably excuse myself and leave if it drags on too much.

All in all it was a productive day. Lots of fruitful administrative work.

Washing your face when you are tired with cold water is surprisingly refreshing. It's kinda like taking a very good nap, but unlike a nap it's not a crapshoot.

2bh for glasses cleaning I just use throwaway pre-moisturized wipes. They also do wonders.

I have 447 followers and I have no enemies.

 No.6534 KONTRA

>And holy shit, this works so much better than tissues, handkerchiefs, any kind of clothing or spit+fingers.

I'm speechless.

Those dedicated cloth is working better than your (weird) options but if you just go over the glasses with the cloth, after several times you will just distribute fat, you have to use soap once every week or two weeks as the Finn already mentioned

 No.6535 KONTRA

pärssinen ruthless.jpg (20.61 KB, 515x410)

Some moisturized wipes have alcohol which might damage the coating of the lenses. Or so I remember.

>I have 447 followers and I have no enemies.

Nice. My real stats are 0 followers and 84 432 670 enemies.


Imagine that there are still soldiers sitting in nuclear missile silos 24/7/365. It’s time to stop.


Hey Ernst, what software would you use to cut a moving part from a video and insert it in another video? Doesn't have to be professional, it's okay if you see the seems and all, I just had a silly idea for a terrible joge and I'm feeling lucky today...


Windows MovieMaker


> I gave an example of actively exploiting insecurities.
Where? I must have missed it.

>Did you get your gf with the PUA method or use her insecurities to keep her close to you or why do you have to write such a long post?

Nice attempt at framing. Fun fact: PUA does build upon some very solid bases. Obviously you need to be able to extract those (in essence: be confident and actually do something), working down some dumb flowchart will never work if you are still an assburger. And these insights actually helped me developing from a social retard to someone who can actually look people in the eyes when talking to them, and appearing charming in the process.
I will say though that I have never read any "actual" PUA literature, or watch any dumbfucks on youtube, but just read Neil Strauss' "The Game", where he describes the PUA scene in the early 00s, his rise to pua stardom, but also the negative things (like that guy using NLP to pick up women). I don't think anyone actually takes PUA dudes seriously, and frankly, the women who do don't deserve better. As mentioned before, they're not children, and I should be able to expect of an adult to take a step back and say "wait, this guy is an utter fucking retard".
Which they are. I remember stumbling upon a forum while googling for the term "amog" where some guy made an EC tier post about him interpreting a situation where he and another guy sat on the same table as a woman and he was overthinking everything and trying to analyze the most minor of details; it was actually pretty funny, in a sad way. These guys are veritable Ernsts, but try using logos instead of pathos to get with women, because they are still social retards.
My posts are so long because I try to be precise, which you don't. Just throwing around some terms with a highly subjective spectrum of perception and interpretation as such just leads to people asking questions.

>I said if there is attraction you need to act on it, if it's there from the beginning or grows is irrelevant for that matter.

No, you said
> Attraction does not (and probably cannot) have to be forced
And I provided counterexamples, and you even agree about wooing. And is that not "forcing" attraction? If not, it seems like we have very different understands of "forcing", see last paragraph.

I mean, in principle we agree. To be upfront and honest, and to take chances. I think where we differ is where those chances lie and how to act upon them, based on different understandings of certain key terms.


>My real stats are 0 followers and 84 432 670 enemies.
I love you. <3


why do buddhists of all varieties find it so important to achieve self-annihilation before death?

I'd think death itself would handle the annihilation part rather thoroughly, without your assistance.


>My posts are so long because I try to be precise

like all those modern philosophers' mumbojumbo *spits on the ground*

>And is that not "forcing" attraction?

Just acting on sensed attraction could also be forcing then. But usually there needs to be no force because both freely play the wooing game. Force or no force is a question of mutual (but silent) agreement between the two parties.

 No.6552 KONTRA

And to clarify what I mean by force is the example of a pua guy trying to get women regardless of actual interest or not, to force by pua strategy.

Also, it is rather questionable to claim that women deserve getting misled by a pua guy that is the pua in you. Since it is about exploiting psychic conditions. PUA works because people don't know better.



sddefault.jpg (58.12 KB, 640x480)

Off you go: >>3458


>Force or no force is a question of mutual (but silent) agreement between the two parties.
But how is that agreement made? How are you able to gauge the threshold here? That is what I have been talking about the whole time, good for you for understanding.

Oh puh-lease, pua is not some jedi mind tricks tier psyop technique that you apparently seem to understand it as.

>that is the pua in you

No, it's the reasonable adult in me that doesn't infantilize women.

>trying to get women regardless of actual interest or not, to force by pua strategy.

Is this not generating attraction? What do you think they're doing, hypnotizing them with their crazy mental powers? Using the "polarity", so to say, that you mentioned, to generate an "artificial" imbalance of perceived force? I.e. the pua using force that would not be accepted had he not brought her completely under his spell, so she thinks he's using appropriate force when in reality he is already raping her?
You still haven't provided an actual example for that claim of yours.

>PUA works because people don't know better.

In which way? What do they not know better? That there are men who will lie to bed a woman? Yeah, that's totally unheard of.


>But how is that agreement made?

By signaling attraction. Force could also be understood as going against resistance. And before you ask: I did not have to break resistance to be with the women I have been with. Instead, we sensed attraction and went from there to wooing and making moves. No need to push against something as they were open to dance the dance.

>No, it's the reasonable adult in me that doesn't infantilize women.

What an attempt at twisting my words. Adults have a psyche and insecurities that can be exploited as well. This has nothing to do with being a child. You are not reasonable, you are just embracing a certain ideal of an individuality, rational and self centered at all times. You place yourself in that image and expect everybody else to be like that as well. Doesn't align with reality though. A long tradition to see people like that.

>rest of the post

Ach Ernst, why do you so much need to defend PUA? The tips they gave you my mum gave me as well (make them know you like them)
PUA is broscience but it makes use of psychology in order to archive something. Again making use of psychological knowledge is itself not bad but the question is how and why/for what you use. For exampling to exploit insecurities. One the many PUA strategies is exactly to make women feel insecure. And as I said using people's anxieties.

>That there are men who will lie to bed a woman?

So you think it's totally alright to lie to people to get what you want, or is it just that everybody does and so you think it is alright and you do as well?
The thing is not that it never happens, the thing is that it happens but that it is not necessary. Even when I had sex with a woman that had strong feelings for me I at least managed to tell her I simply don't love her. No need to lie to her to continue having sex. It is ambivalent, but at least I did not led her on that sex would lead to a loving relationship one day.

Again, I interpret your defense as a defense of yourself (and perhaps how you acquired gf)


>What an attempt at twisting my words
There was no twisting of words. Your posts make it clear that you don't see women as equals, but as weak children who can't think for themselves and thus are highly susceptible for evil pua mindbenders.

> Adults have a psyche and insecurities that can be exploited as well. This has nothing to do with being a child.

And I stand by that statement that I should be able to expect of an adult to at least recognize if something is bad for them (if they're acting on that afterwards is a whole other matter), especially if there is a prospect of intimacy.

>Ach Ernst, why do you so much need to defend PUA?

Ach Ernst, how about you actually READ AND UNDERSTAND the post? There was no defense of pua, at all. There was explanation of how pua works and how your image of pua is distorted by some kind of anti-pua zeal.

>One the many PUA strategies is exactly to make women feel insecure. And as I said using people's anxieties.

Yes, you've mentioned that every time, yet you still have failed to provide an actual example. Or are you talking about "negging"? What normal people call "banter", which you can indeed do with women without trying to exploit or manipulate anything?

>So you think it's totally alright to lie to people to get what you want, or is it just that everybody does and so you think it is alright and you do as well?

What an attempt at twisting my words. Read (and understand) it again, properly this time.

>Even when I had sex with a woman that had strong feelings for me I at least managed to tell her I simply don't love her.

Interesting, was that fact known before or after you had sex?

>Again, I interpret your defense as a defense of yourself (and perhaps how you acquired gf)

You should really work on your interpreting skills, my dude.
Let me just tell you this: pua, won't get you gf, and certainly not a long-term relationship. Ah shit, I defended it again!

 No.6559 KONTRA

im this cat 87.jpg (36.36 KB, 563x567)

Love you too buddy. Mwah!


>What kind of discovery has Ernst made lately that improved his life immensely
There is no greater tool for cleaning crumbs from the kitchen counter than a slightly damp hand.


Good that I'm paid timewise, not for amount of work. "The soldier is sleeping, the service is on". Things to do while work is stuck due to coworkers:
1. Make two cups of different tea from coffepoint. Sip one, than another, than first one again. Try to notice subtle differences of sorts of tea.
2. Read teutoning.

> Ach Ernst, why do you so much need to defend X

Good line, I'll save it for future episodes of internet trolling.

>One the many PUA strategies is exactly to make women feel insecure. And as I said using people's anxieties.

Based. Now I'm interested in examples as well.

> No, it's the reasonable adult in me that doesn't infantilize women.

There is nothing reasonable in taking PC-shit seriously. I mean we all pretend to believe in it, but cmon, we're in männerbund on anonymous imageboard here.


The illusion of free will is a sick joke


Wait, you're not brick


>don't see women as equals

I said some women are different from other women in their psychic state. Your argument is missing anyway. Also, I said adults which means that also male adult can have insecurities and act against "what is good for them". You are not able to understand your own concepts you more or less unconsciously use and how they developed. Is your rationality also better than your gfs? That clumsy doll that evokes a headshake every then and now? Get over the fact that people not always act rational, not everybody is a formalized autist or thinks of themselves like that.

>"negging"? What normal people call "banter"

If I call a black man a little nigger, I'm just messing with him, normal people call it banter bro, why u so upset? I know banter is - unlike manipulation of course - not objective and you clarified that for us

love bombing insecure people for example, make use of loneliness and low confidence. playing with anxieties aka withdraw attention and intimacy. People with low confidence will fall prey for people that act on that.

Also, I really think it is telling how you blame women for others trying to use them instead of blaimg the people using them. It's the same as when you say she should not have dressed in a way that shows she has breasts, it's her fault somebody raped her, the dude that raped her cannot be blamed (just like the pua guy cannot be blamed for making use of peoples conditions). This becomes more funny when you specifically think that it's all about individuals being rational decision-makers all the time. It comes in handy when you want to blame somebody for sure.

>defense of pua, at all.

You defend pua, maybe not all of it but there is something good in it. But tips about confidence could be had without all the bs around it. There are certainly better ways to understand social and psychic phenomena than by studying broscience.

>Interesting, was that fact known before or after you had sex?

Before. I made sure that I don't signal interest in a relationship, albeit I like(d) her. We still talk.

 No.6578 KONTRA

>I said some women are different from other women in their psychic state.
...and yet all of them are subjected to the pua warlock rituals that make them into lust zombies, right?

>That clumsy doll that evokes a headshake every then and now?

You want to make this personal? Let's make it personal.

>Get over the fact that people not always act rational, not everybody is a formalized autist or thinks of themselves like that.

"It was not my fault, I wasn't acting rational, I don't need to take any responsibility for anything" Great attitude, really. Works for rapists too, you know?

> I know banter is - unlike manipulation of course - not objective and you clarified that for us

No, I explicitly said that "manipulation" IS a subjective thing. You really need to read better and more attentively. Or maybe you're intentionally misunderstanding everything because else your head would explode from all the cognitive dissonance.

>Also, I really think it is telling how you blame women for others trying to use them instead of blaimg the people using them.

I made it pretty clear that I do not condone pua actions in any way.
But if one person does something wrong, does that mean the other person is entirely innocent about the situation?
A cop shoots a robber twenty times. Did the cop overreact? Yes. Has the robber not just robbed a store? No.
The rape analogy is a pretty bad one btw, because that one is forcing (in the very meaning of the word) one's will on someone else without any kind of consensuality whatsoever. A woman falling for a guy because of "love bombing" or "withdrawing attention and intimacy", however that is supposed to work among people just getting to know each other (and being in a shitty relationship is whole other topic), is not one-sided. The poor, poor "victim" can always stop it. Oh wait, no, they're vulnerable women with childish minds, so they can't. Because they're not always rational, and thus can fall for ANYTHING.

>You defend pua

This is getting tiresome. You're functionally illiterate, at least selectively, it seems. Then again, maybe it's still just intentional misunderstanding.

>Before[...]. We still talk.

Ok, so you knew she had feelings for you, actually exploited that to get sex, and then kept on leading her on because she apparently still has feelings for you?
You know what, you disgust me. You're a disgusting hypocrite and you're worse than any pua could ever be.
You win this discussion, believe what you want, I give up, because I won't entertain your buffoonery any more.


>and yet all of them

No. I just said that adults have psychic problems that can make them behave in a certain way and that these people are not always aware of it, since people are not super rational all controlling autists (or as it appears to autists wishful thinking).

>Works for rapists too, you know?

One is a victim, the other the offender. You usually blame the offender for committing the act in the first place. Jurisdiction might make a difference between planned or affective action.

>The poor, poor "victim" can always stop it. Oh wait, no, they're vulnerable women with childish minds, so they can't. Because they're not always rational, and thus can fall for ANYTHING.

I don't know why you continue to equate infantility with irrationality and think that is what I think. I explicitly decoupled irrationality from age contrary to what you think is true, though. If a women is behaving irrational, she must be a child is what you think, because adults must be rational at all times, that is what you expect. And if they are, that is their fault. If somebody exploits the "mechanics" of the psych (PUAs), they dinndu.

>if one person does something wrong, does that mean the other person is entirely innocent about the situation?

If I rob somebody's Porsche, is it their fault for driving around in an expensive car? Or am I as robber solely to blame? The high value of the Porsche might explain why I did commit the act but this should not be permission to rob a Porsche, nor should the all people drive old Volkswagen so as to be not guilty of giving robbers a chance to rob them.

>You're a disgusting hypocrite and you're worse than any pua could ever be.

It must be true if you say so.



ach ernst, are you finally done talking to yourself?

> I made it pretty clear that I do not condone pua actions in any way.

i'm not rly sure what pua is, but using manipulative tactics e.g. advertising Game v2 with big PvE content, not delivering, and consequently being review bombed to oblivion on a gaming platform generally should be condoned, regardless of its success - even if the target is a woman and not an autistic neck beard.


if you freeze bread, you should slice it beforehand. that way you can make a sandwich even if you do not have time to unfreeze the bread before you have to go.
having a whole loaf, a pepperoni sausage and a big chunk of cheese works as well, thou...


Time for country autism


Well, this one was hard my first guess was
Philippines because it was integrated circuits and maybe molluscs sounded like SEA, then I did an African country which told me it must be between Asia and Africa and the Caribbean or central America was were I needed to look but I never heard of that country


>if you freeze bread, you should slice it beforehand
Excellent advice. Have been buying sliced bread for years. My grandma always bought loaves (granted, they didn't generally offer to slice the bread in the bakeries at that time, but she also had one of those bread cutter machines) and then froze them, just to thaw them on the radiator again, and it didn't do the taste much good. With slices, however, if you let those thaw, they basically taste like new - or you can throw them into the toaster if you're in a hurry.


You're true sigma male, literally Patrick Bateman. My respect.

You're an aspie trying to have a serious discussion with self-righteous psychopath. And you've lost this round of teutoning.

 No.6595 KONTRA

IRL.jpg (110.48 KB, 1500x1006)

Today was relatively uneventful. I keep skipping breakfast again and again. I have a modest lunch due to heat and then a light dinner.
I had a nightmare that my mother scolded me for leaving the freezer open and saying that "This just costed us a bunch of money."

I went to an assembly at college because as I said, I was personally invited by one of the people running to head the student committee. It was interesting. But mainly because of the guy who invited me. You see, he's studying to be a lawyer but he's also classically trained. Which meant that he delivered such an address to the assembled people that I felt like I was looking at archive footage from 1989 or something. It was eerily reminiscent of how the young Orbán talked in a sense, which when you consider that he was also a student of law, maybe isn't surprising. (He had this line as a reply to a question which went "I will first give you my opinion as a simple peasant kid, and then as a man of law". This wouldn't be out of place in some 1990s political speech.)
But I feel like that if anyone less erudite did this they would have been laughed out. And indeed there were a few snickers and giggles when he used metaphors like "Our college being like a fine oak tree, which the axe of reform cannot cut down at the roots, we must instead encourage its branches to grow in different directions." but when he ran out of pre-written speeches and still carried on in this style people just stopped. It was such a serious tone, utterly unusual for people our age that it was refreshing. It was like waking up from a bad dream.
He cited figures. Really, it wasn't a speech for a "politician", no, this was "Statesmanlike" so to speak. It was completely devoid of that tone, which we see nowadays. It wasn't delivered to be part of an epic roast compilation or to be some quotable one-liner. By every sense of the word it was traditional.

Of course this, in my opinion, made his opponent (with whom he agreed not to be actual opponents in the sense of being political enemies) look quite lacklustre. He Bumbled from topic to topic, talking about grassroots initiatives (which basically looked like this devolving of responsibility from the centrum while it still being able to take credit for organisational work done in the college by the "grassroots" volunteers. He laid out very few concrete policy ideas.)

I gotta wonder if this was a devilish trick on the part of the lawyer-guy. He said they consulted beforehand on the topic of the assembly and their views on issues, so I gotta say that even if just subconsciously, he took him for a ride by coming with an almost prepared programme and being able to cite figures like "350 grants we are eligible to apply for" or "There's 1.5 billion Euros available as grant money for Green research" and the like.
It was such an interesting political manoeuvrer.


Personally I only delivered a few comments regarding the encouragement of interdisciplinarity, stating that while it has recently been deemed popular here and abroad, it is by no means up to a central committee to say that it is more valued than regular, non-interdisciplinary research, because ultimately, our college, on the atomic level is made up of people, who as individuals all have their own goals and interests, which shift constantly. I also rhetorically supported it by citing my own experience with going from an interdisciplinary research topic to a strictly Sinological one.
So yes, I, as an internet extremist, have stood up and delivered a comment about the freedom of the individual and the fluidity of personalities and research. I kinda wonder if this makes me a rat or a worm, but I felt like it was the right thing to do.

Gonna go to the store early in the morning tomorrow. Though I've already stayed up way too late for that. But I don't want to go out in the heat because it's borderline deadly at this point I think. Gonna buy more pizza flour. A younger relative is coming over and I want to show some hospitality. (And I want to eat a pizza.)

Worked a bit on my lesson plan for next semester. I need 18 credits total to not get kicked out from the free degree program of the government. Thankfully I can bolster my credit numbers with college stuff to the point where I only need two extra, normal classes. I decided to make those "Chinese Philosophy", because they keep telling me I have to meet this guy who holds it, not just because of myself, but because he also needs to know people like me exist, and "Classical Chinese Texts 1.", which is an MA class but I will take it anyway, because I got straight As from Classical so I'm entitled essentially. And it'll be shit like the Zhanguoce and the Shiji again so it's not like it'll be that fucking demanding and it's one less class I'll have to do during MA.

 No.6598 KONTRA

>which is an MA class but I will take it anyway, because I got straight As from Classical so I'm entitled essentially.

From my experience MA classes are just more of the same, the are not getting more difficult or anything since it's the same: texts and other cultural products and talking about these. The expectations might be different but even that is not necessarily true.

 No.6602 KONTRA

Honestly I don't know how more complex it could even get anyway. Maybe reading obscure Daoist texts or something.
But considering that by the end of year three we already graduated to reading unedited texts from Warring States philosophy I don't think the complexity could increase, especially how the listed texts are the Zhanguoce, Guwen Guanzhi and the Shiji. Like the first one we read extensively you could say, the second was literally assemble to train scholars in imperial China and the third is also a text very close to the style of the Warring States (and even if it wasn't, I personally have read from it in the original so it's not a big deal for me personally.)

I'll probably message an MA student (because I have le connections like that) and ask what it's like. Because I never took a class with that professor before and I want to know his style. His online page where students can evaluate profs (independent of the university) has nothing on his teaching style.


You know, being an easily identifiable ball is actually not a bad thing.
You are already known, and thus you have nothing to hide.
As a germanball, while I might have the "advantage" of being able to hide in plain sight amongst other germanballs, there is still one thing I can't hide from:

The administration.

Mods can distinguish all posters from each other.
And this behind-the-scenes lack of anonymity makes it all the more insidious, because you have no insight into who is doing what with that knowledge. It has a kind of a voyeuristic quality, even, but with the poster being the subject and not the voyeur. Like a god watching the humans, the mods have the power to give and take, to bless or to violate, and we are utterly helpless.


Joke's on mods, I post with five different IPs.


Uh no, that's a misunderstanding. I don't mean cutting the timeline but cutting a shape from one video and inserting it into another. Something like cutting Spongebob from a scene in the TV series and inserting a few frames of the animated bob into a video of a US president giving a speech, replacing the president. Stuff like that.

How to cut sections of a video using ffmpeg is something I already know.

With my question I'm operating under the assumption that there is software the assist you more than just using the copy-stamp on each frame of both videos... but maybe I'm wrong here?


I got it right on the last try. Is this the same Country for everyone each day?

 No.6614 KONTRA

>Is this the same Country for everyone each day?

Yeah, nevermind, it sais so on the info page.


who_is_this_kitten.mp4 (866.03 KB, 360x640)

are you the AltNeuErnst who annually visits thailand to get pegged by TransErna?

like this?
i think you need to do it nearly frame by frame... some "magic selection" tools work somewhat decently, but not perfectly.
and i am not sure if there are some open source and/or free tools for that. didn't rly look into it myself.


dafuq man.gif (1.87 MB, 285x223)

That's much more sophisticated than I had in mind but generally speaking, yeah.

Here is a simple example of what I mean.


I wonder what mods think of the bickering between the few Germans. I'm one of them, but I'm not always part of the bickering, sometimes it is between other Germans. Which makes it interesting. I wonder how much the Germans vary I'm bickering with. My suspicion it is nearly always the same person.
Whatever, I sometimes was thinking about this as well. Mod voyeurism.



4th this time. Did not know this country is mining diamonds at all. Are radioactive chemicals uran exports? Another thing I would be surprised about


Sounds like you just want some program with layering.
Something like Adobe Aftereffects or Sony Vegas.
Both are free if you know where to look :^)


German bickering built Ernstchan. Only the fewest know that.


doenertuete-16-x-16-cm~3.jpg (61.07 KB, 600x600)

It's not even a lie.

 No.6623 KONTRA

Confession: I think I never participated in the German bickering ritual. Sometimes I write a reply to one of the posts but in the meantime there's already been an additional exchange of several posts so I just give up


>hey guise look at my humblebrag


gassi.jpg (188.75 KB, 1080x1348)

Super Bf and me are carrying heat ready to pull the trigger multiple times


I failed to go to the store, because I went back to bed for an extra hour after I woke up. Turns out my sister was going to the store with her friend anyway so ultimately I saved myself a trip in the summer heat.

I disassembled the PC to check what components it has and indeed it truly has two, 2GB DDR3 ramsticks and a dedicated GPU from 2012. Quality stuff. Don't know about the CPU because I'm never touching that cooler lest I break something.
Discussed this with a friend and he said that with a minimal investment all my gaming dreams (Running games from like 5-6 years ago) could come true. Which sounds nice in my opinion.

I also did some pruning in the garden because it's getting unbearable again. I wish I knew what this plant is called. Odd thing is I think when I was a kid there were plants exactly like these which were purple. They looked quite fancy with the hairy seed-pods or whatever that thing is. These ones are simply green though. I have this suspicion this might just be a cousin of a plant that was kept originally as a sort of decorative item.
Well, after a bit of searching it's most likely something from the plant nation of Amaranthus, the exact type being Amaranthus retroflexus probably. It's green and the photos fit the bill.
The common name is "Hairy Pig Spinach" in Hungarian. And it has a purple/red variant. Crazy how the red one just sort of died out. Anyway the good thing is that by the looks this invasive species is suffocating the Japanese Bitter-weed that also invaded the garden, so it's basically like when Kurdish and Turkish families fight in Germany.

Tomorrow we are departing for the holiday. I think it'll be okay. We wanted to stay on Sunday too after leaving the motel(?) but we will cut it short afterwards because my sister got offered double pay for a Sunday shift.
We think the manager at the place is trying to make it so that next summer she'd be running the whole operation so that he can fuck off to sail the seas or some shit like that.

Hungarian blogposting built Ernstchan.

 No.6627 KONTRA

For some reason the combination of the clothing and the surroundings brings to mind graffiti tags on neoclassical architecture. And that's not a good thing.


Could you maybe try to curb your fascism.


experienceMachine.jpg (267.11 KB, 693x1000)

clarksurfing.jpg (47.82 KB, 331x500)

I'm getting a copy of Andy Clark's The Experience Machine (2023) next month. The more scholarly precursor is Surfing Uncertainty from 2015 it seems.

Any Ernst interested in reading along?
Would Ernst be interested in reading more cognitive science and psychology books? And I mean more of the popular kind than the super scholarly.


Help, I am becoming more religious as I age.


Become communist, kill god.


how come?
i view religion as a form of escape-ism. only for people, who cannot handle reality.
didn't Nietzsche kill god a while back?



>Widely acclaimed philosopher and cognitive scientist Andy Clark unpacks this provocative new theory that the brain is a powerful, dynamic prediction engine, mediating our experience of both body and world. From the most mundane experiences to the most sublime, reality as we know it is the complex synthesis of sensory information and expectation. Exploring its fascinating mechanics and remarkable implications for our lives, mental health, and society, Clark nimbly illustrates how the predictive brain sculpts all human experience. Chronic pain and mental illness are shown to involve subtle malfunctions of our unconscious predictions, pointing the way towards more effective, targeted treatments. Under renewed scrutiny, the very boundary between ourselves and the outside world dissolves, showing that we are as entangled with our environments as we are with our onboard memories, thoughts, and feelings. And perception itself is revealed to be something of a controlled hallucination.

>Unveiling the extraordinary explanatory power of the predictive brain, The Experience Machine is a mesmerizing window onto one of the most significant developments in our understanding of the mind.


Today I wanted to post on bernd.group, but there was an "Unknown error". Can you still post or is it broken? I'm glad EC doesn't have such heavy JS shit required just to post...
Also they don't have any way to contact the admin besides posting. Same is true for EC, I think I will make a post on /meta/ about this because there could always be technical problems.


reply.png (105.53 KB, 640x440)

This website works for me. But for some reason I have different name from other posters.


Thanks for checking. I tried with another browser and it works too. Weird.
The different names things is a feature, not a bug from what I know. There's a lot of unnecessary features on that site, but simply trying to post doesn't work properly. This board has better software but bernd.group is a bit more active.


My sister was sick last week. People are coming in to work sick. Now my nose won't stop running. These events are possibly related.

Where are you going?

>didn't Nietzsche kill god a while back?
No, it was the other way around.


It just might be that the universe was made by a creator. But it doesn’t follow that you should worship it and become religious.


The more you care the less it's worth it. The less it's worth it the less you care. Dialectical!

> only for people, who cannot handle reality.
Makes sense, as you become older, you need more copium.


Among the maxims on Lord Naoshige's wall, there was this one: "Matters of great concern should be treated lightly."
Master Ittei commented, "Matters of small concern should be treated seriously."


eatthatfrog.jpg (9.8 KB, 179x282)

Westerners got it all wrong, so westerners should manage their life after ancient eastern wisdom. Buy my book where you find all the wisdom extracted.


Welp, fuck.

I got spoiled by high quality displays on my electronics and now looking at TN panels annoys me to no end.

t. bourgie

 No.6652 KONTRA

im this cat 128.jpg (25.48 KB, 500x373)

Have a nice weekend, Ernsts.

Good, no one deserves to use a TN panel.


You too


Screenshot from 2023-08-26 00-17….png (Spoiler Image, 90.13 KB, 525x730)

Today's (26 aug) is brutal. From beginning I understood that it must be "Her majesty's Turdwater Islands" (population 10k people). After first try surrendered and looked on a map.


I failed August 25th
I was thinking about the meds since I watched something about meds from India and mistakes in production that killed kids in Africa. But the diamonds and petrol were very new to me so I typed in other countries like Iran :DDD


Screenshot from 2023-08-26 01-05….png (Spoiler Image, 79.14 KB, 525x730)

I thought the same way as you. But clicked southeast Asia because of rice and then used compass


You lived in the future. I went with suriname, trinidad & tobago and then I was out of countries to name since these islands are not memorized. I did not know that grenada is also close


brudedavidson_subway2.jpg (117.59 KB, 900x590)

I was waiting to cross the street on which many cars drive and I looked in the inside and thought humans are funny because they are motorized apes going places all the time.


Always moving, but never getting anywhere. Leaving home for work and then coming home again. Head out to the shop and come back home. Same scenery, same people, same day over and over.
The agriculture bros have won.


 No.6670 KONTRA

im this cat 132.jpg (30.52 KB, 697x697)

My coffee machine broke. I'm going to die.


Repair it


Nothing more delicious than coffee cuck tears when they can't get their coffee.

Something I have been thinking about for quite some time was what would happen if, just for one day, there was no coffee anywhere on earth, neither beans nor brew nor any other state of matter.

Maybe we should conduct an experiment, in Finland.


vivian_maier-1819161036.jpg (2.68 MB, 2953x2953)

Get a coffee in a café or get one delivered.

 No.6676 KONTRA

markolaugh.mp3 (31.44 KB)

I will (attempt it).

>Finnish water is the best water in the world.

t. Marko, on video

You come off as absolute human trash by the language you use.

What's the point in hiding it, I guess.

Still have my back-up coffee machine, but need to pick up ground coffee for it. All I have is beans.


Can't you make ground coffee out of coffee beans yourself?
All you need is a towel and a hammer.


P.S. in hindsight I realized that gold and Jewelry are good hint too.

 No.6679 KONTRA

im this cat 138.jpg (41.38 KB, 676x676)

Of course I could grind them somehow, like using a blender or whatever. But I don't think espresso beans will make for good coffee in a regular old coffee maker.


Don't think so much.

 No.6681 KONTRA

marko_chart.jpg (95.39 KB, 780x551)

Coffee made and consumed. Really need to fix the machine or get a new one. This is not good.



IMG_20230826_174932.jpg (141.18 KB, 1500x758)

Finally started assembling the minis for Kingdom Death today. The humans were no problem, just cleaning up some mould lines and flash, but the lion was a whole other thing.
Some part didn't fit as well as one could expect from such a pricy product, plus since this was a bigger model with more parts, the gaps were much more obvious, so they had to be filled.
This isn't a difficult thing to do, but since the seams went along bumps and folds and the fucking mane, cleaning them up is a horrible endeavour.
Gladly I realized I should do this before completely assembling him, hence the hind legs still missing, because those had to have their seams filled, too.
Tomorrow I will do the final assembly, repeat the whole process for THOSE seams and then hopefully do the first proper game.
Eventually I want to paint them, but I can't decide on a paint scheme.


best-french-presses-scaled.jpeg (290.72 KB, 2560x1707)

i once had an extended period, where i had no premade coffee machine, but coffee beans.
cooked water over open fire, crushed the beans by hand and used a thin cloth towel as filter.
the towel got some shit-brown hue because of the coffee and i still have it at home.

was one of the best coffees i ever had.
might have been, because it was the only luxury thing i had available at that time. still enjoyed it a lot.

i also was the king in the social group i was with, because i was the only one with coffee


iced coffee.webp (73.96 KB, 2000x2000)

Someone at work brought in a pizza and wings. Was in another office and fetching some would have required entering a room with an unknown number of people with an unknown serving protocol(were there plates? napkins? plastic gloves?). On top of that, separating one slice of pizza from another without manhandling the entire pie is no easy task. Weighing these risks, I just went home and made a sandwich. Not worth ending my work week with an awkward social faux pas.

Additional info. Drinking pic related because I don't have to get up early tomorrow.

It do be like that.



 No.6697 KONTRA

>not posting the accompanying image


tradle.jpg (Spoiler Image, 412.7 KB, 1335x1391)


My first guess was Ghana :DDD, then I misread the compass with Uruguay. Went back to Africa. Egypt because of energy exports, like nile river electricity or something + fish export. Russia seemed implausible due to the little mineral exports and little agriculture...now that I think of it, there are no natural gas exports listed...I guess I was driven by the compass to enter it

Anyway, I made the correct guess when I was thinking of a report I listened to as of late on how garden soil and potting compost are produced. That together with the compass and one of the large exports somehow made sense (and in hindsight with other exports as well).

>plastic gloves?

This strikes me as American or as very clean person. Maybe I'm just not very familiar with German workplace (office) culture but usually you take a piece of cake or pizza with a tool like a fork or cake lifter/spatula or even with your hands.

 No.6699 KONTRA

I think tradle is a good demonstration on how the brain works rather heuritically than logically.


Screenshot from 2023-08-27 12-18….png (Spoiler Image, 77.12 KB, 527x801)

Today's was easy.
Wood? Must be Canada or another northern country. Broadcasting equipment? It's Nokia, infa 100%. A bit to south? Yes, Estonia has electronic industry too!


The palm oil is irritating or what is declared as palm oil or how does it show up/count in this export data?


>This strikes me as American or as very clean person
I'm not personally concerned with food cleanliness and have eaten off of the floor on occasion, but in a communal situation I become overly cautious. Basically, if one obsessively hygienic person is present, then I see it as a courtesy to uphold their standards if possible. The problem is that I never actually know what standards others expect, and so default to gloves and such. I figure you can't go wrong being too clean with food. Unless they assume I'm the obsessed one. Which they might.

tbh, this is why I avoid these situations whenever possible.


IMG_20230827_171029.jpg (171.78 KB, 1500x1351)

Finally assembled everything and did the first actual game.
Took us two hours to stumble through the first fight, losing two people in the process.
It's a nice game and I think learning the mechanics better and not having to look up the rules constantly will make it go a bit quicker than today.
And we had to play on the floor because no table was big enough to accomodate the play area.


Today I talked lengthy about what problems I'm confronted with and listened to another person about their problems. I don't won't to compare the problems they aren't really comparable but afterwards I felt a heavy heavy feeling sink in that I'm quite depressed, that my energy is put into my work and that I hardly have any energy left for anything that I need to feel really good. I can't get the energy put into something that would help me, instead I'm infront of a big fat pile of things that should concern me. But contemplating this feels like everything is just washing over me, like laying in the sand at the beach and the waves come at me, wash over me and I lay there paralyzed not feeling much. As time passes things happen, but not much changes for me. The feeling of things just washing over makes it incredibly hard to connect to other people, because it seems all I can over is sharing the feeling of washing over and nobody wants that.

 No.6706 KONTRA

Returned from holiday. It was okay. We went to a pretty mid tier town in the countryside with thermal water. My mother loves those. We have one like 40 minutes away but we drove 2 hours for this one because we gotta try a new one every fucking year.
It's always the same shit basically, because most of these were renovated in the last 10-15 years with an abundance of funding from the government.

Anyway I enjoyed the 35C water despite the horrifyingly warm weather. Also tried the 38C one but that got a bit too heated after around 4 minutes so I hopped out.

What I noticed is that the food offerings at the stalls were pretty diverse, though I could identify most of the pre-made ingredients from places like Aldi and Lidl. (Obviously they buy it in bulk but it was the same shit.)
It feels like that they basically do no cooking there, save for frying the stuff.


My mind is blank today


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Shopping for shoes. Ended up at a mall. Business is not booming. Plenty of parking available.


20230828_111148.jpg (2.91 MB, 4160x3120)

It's 11 o'clock and most shops are still closed. wtf.

 No.6716 KONTRA

geolocated.jpg (135.8 KB, 1614x757)

Damn, your second pic gave it away. I was still trying to decipher the words on the arch. Got to ??? hills mall.

Go have a lunch at Duff's Famous Wings while you wait for the shops to open :D


20230828_115957.jpg (4.06 MB, 4160x3120)

No Duff's today; I have a burger waiting for me at home. Found shoes at Skechers. They have a buy 1 get 2nd pair half off deal,but I only needed one pair. Feels like I overpaid. Looked for another but nothing caught my eye.

 No.6718 KONTRA

geolocated2.jpg (305.76 KB, 2065x1025)

geolocated3.jpg (303.27 KB, 2294x969)

Yeah never a good idea to buy something you don't need just because it's cheap. But does feel like you're getting scammed a bit.

Is it possible to haggle in the US? Some consumer goods retailers allowed it in late 00s, but I think the culture is pretty much dead now. I think I still would try in a situation like yours.

p.s. Managed to geolocate >>6151 with the new information. Finally I'm free from my earlier shortcomings.


>Is it possible to haggle in the US?
On big-ticket items, yes, but not for smaller purchases. Although when I was at that mall a shoe salesman offered me 30% off of a particular pair. So there is some wiggle room- at least in smaller shops. (We chatted a bit and he mentioned moving locations, so I assumed he was the owner). No chance for bargaining at a national chain like Skechers.


Nice. As you can see, suburban strip malls are much nicer than what you see in the cities.



You probably searched for "Eastern Hills Mall". And then? Walked surrounding on Google Streetview until you found a similar place?


MegaLachz.webm (1.34 MB, 640x272)

> Plenty of parking available.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUNXFHpUhu8 [~30min]
i lol'd at the part, where the ~400bucks paper has 2, that is two, data points which suggest that the bigger your bowling place is the less parking you need. basically indicating, that you just need to build rly large bowling places to get rid of all need for parking.
yet, those fools, have no idea how statistics works and tried to aim from the origin thru the middle of those two data points.

 No.6724 KONTRA

Or searched for the nearest place with "Sally beauty supply" or "Five below".


>be american
>get malled
I am not good enough at drawing to draw something like a grizzly in a wal-mart uniform, so just pretend I did

 No.6726 KONTRA

im this cat 255.jpg (86.96 KB, 968x954)

I was searching for all sorts of * hills malls which lead to dissimilar locations. Then with the full name I used Google Maps and searched for it, enabled globe view, and located the arch. Dropped the street view guy around the spot where I think the photo was taken and there it was. First location happened to be the right one.

Failed with the Walmart photo before because based on the license plates I thought it was somewhere close to the border between Pennsylvania and New York border. But that didn't narrow it down enough. There are so goddamn many Walmarts. Still, tried to look around if I'd get lucky. The orange canopy thingy seemed to be somewhat rare and could be used to quickly disqualify locations with a glance.

On a second try locating it with the expectation that it was at least somewhat close to the mall made it a lot easier. Maybe eight possible locations, landed on the correct one on second try. Dropped streeview on the shelter. The shelter being aligned with the row 13 sign, large concrete tiles visible on the photo and the building corner on the spot made it a likely enough location to post the pictures.

I don't think those were visible in the original photo, or I missed them.

 No.6727 KONTRA

Oh and the other buildings visible in the distance on the Walmart photo made it pretty much a sure match.

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