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me palm.jpeg (1.2 MB, 4000x3000)

Does anyone here engage in zone pushing? This is where you grow plants in climates that are too cold (or hot, but that's rare) for the species and employ various tricks to pull it off.

I planted this windmill palm tree about a month ago. In this pic the weather got down to around -7 C and was obviously quite snowy, and the palm was entirely unharmed save for the tips of a couple west-facing fronds that took the worst of the wind. For future winters, I am planning an evergreen bush to its west for wind protection as well as a removable snow cover. I haven't decided yet if I'll try to add supplemental heat with Christmas lights or similar.

 No.14760 KONTRA

Sounds like something a climate-cuck might do, only to point out that

> now, palms are growing in Canada!


I live in Michigan so I don't know why my flag is Canada. I'm not even close to the border, at all

 No.14762 KONTRA

also palms are already growing in Canada. This is Vancouver and those are the same species of palm as mine


I grow several palms indoors :DDDD

What about citrus trees? I would be interested in growing citrus trees outdoors all year in central Europe.


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There are quite a few citrus hybrids you should be able to pull off. I wish I could grow US 119 here, that's definitely one to consider

 No.14765 KONTRA


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I'm growing a few herbs on my balcony, but I never tried growing anything unusual so far, but I noticed the chive (which lives through winter) growing like hell since as early as February. It's fully grown now and I already harvested twice.

 No.14780 KONTRA


Googling it I found a swiss page offering a variety of winter resistent citrus trees. If I have a job soon I can gift one to my mum. I think she would be delighted to have something like that.
My own trees I'm currently growing from seeds (they all made it through their first winter fine indoors) are from Italian trees and won't survive outside.

 No.14788 KONTRA

>growing stuff you eat on a balcony in a city where everything is toxic and dirty
Poor and disgusting.

 No.14791 KONTRA

True, I also love my grain from next to the Autobahn or Landtraße better.


Big cities generally have a worse air quality than rural areas. Smog is not something you get in the open.
More than combustion emissions, pesticides should be more of a concern. Interestingly I couldn't find a recent study measuring pollution along highways (at least not with my two seconds of googling), but they seem to have done something in Autria in the 80s: https://trid.trb.org/view/1022183
Granted, there were far less around 40 years ago, but they also didn't have catalysts. It would be interesting to see something more recent.

It's also interesting to note that fruit and vegetables aggregrate pollutants differently; apparently there was a study conducted in Berlin that found that vegetables grown in the city are actually more polluted: https://mundraub.org/sites/default/files/inline-files/Studie_Schadstoffbelastung.pdf

Generally though, air quality in Germany seems to be not that bad, given the data from the Umweltbundesamt: https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/daten/luft/luftdaten/luftqualitaet/eJzrWJSSuMrIwMhE18BY18h8UUnmQvNFeakLFhWXLFic4laEkDNYnBKSj6w0t4ptUW5y0-KcxJLTDp6rAqtzT59dnJOXftpB5UoDAwMDIwAvKiJt
Especially outside of the big metropolitan areas there's little going on.



Big cities are full of micro-particles that accumulate in everything grown there. The city-dwellers breatht that shit, it clogs their brains and makes them stupid. This is actual science, not some bullshit I made up.
It's probably also why there are so much dumb greenvoters in cities.


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You can even make out Freiburg and Tübingen as bright red spots in the map, and that is where the greenvoters are!

 No.14860 KONTRA

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Look at what the BRD GmbH. did to the workers’ paradise of Democratic Germany…


>Ostfriesland or northern Bavaria worse than Hamburg

> It would be interesting to see something more recent



I just skipped over it, it says that the contamination is highly variable depending on the place. Which might not be that surprising, when it comes to motorized traffic. What is the physics or chemistry behind vegetables and fruit grown close to city streets in comparison to rural streets? Are there simply more cars per day passing by that is the problem? Air flow? Or have the regulatory (EU) limits been lowered since the 1980s?

The city can "keep" contaminations better than rural areas?


>What is the physics or chemistry behind vegetables and fruit grown close to city streets in comparison to rural streets?
What do you mean? It's exactly the same lol

>The city can "keep" contaminations better than rural areas?

Well you have to consider the dwelling time of a given pollutor. In a city you have a lot of pollutors on a small area, perpetually.
On a highway you have less pollutors at nights because less people are commuting and trucks are sleeping, plus people on the highway move faster through the area, wheras in a city it's usually stop and go, and acceleration costs more gas and thus produces more dirt than going straight at a constant speed like the autobahn. Some people going very fast might burn a lot of gas, but I out of a first impulse I would say a truck passing a crop field on a highway will leave less dirt along the 300 meter of field (plus higher dispersion because more room) than when it's moving the same distance in a city where the 300m might be two turns around a block, plus traffic lights and brake-accelerate cycles.

Then of course in cities you have all those areas where there might have been industry so the soil is already contaminated, or people using certain spots as designated trash dumps, all the dog and cat shit, trash everywhere (incl. smoking residues), and so on. There was a reason the plague could spread so well in cities.


>What do you mean?

Air flow that might have an impact or other variables that might impact chemical reactions. I'm not an expert in either hence the question.


Air flow in cities is definitely different than outside of cities.
In fact, city climate can be very different from rural climate, though that effect is more pronounced in bigger cities with higher buildings.

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