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/int/ - certified time wasters

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 No.11871 SYSTEMKONTRA [Last 50 Posts]

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The Sokal Affair of modern "art".

Author is Herluf Bidstrup, Danish communist who drew comics with political satire or just humor. He was printed in huge numbers in USSR, I have two books of him

 No.11873 KONTRA

Thank D-g that the practitioners of the Eternal Science of Marxism-Leninism recognised the necessity of fighting against Entartete Kunst.

 No.11874 KONTRA

Thank who? Clearly there is much work to be done with the cadres.


Went to work. Left for a few hours in the middle of the day to take my cat to a vet appointment. They drew some blood. His liver numbers look better. We managed to get enough food into him this past week that a feeding tube wasn't needed. Steroids helped with his appetite. His red blood cells are still low but haven't dropped any further. Which is good. More appointments in the future.

I own a car, but it's not really a part of my personality. Just a way to get around. Not that I go anywhere. But I could. And in that respect, it's important to my psychological well-being. To not be dependent on others for transportation. To be able to come and go on my schedule without thinking about public bus routes. It's also a small home away from home. I can relax as soon as I get behind the wheel. It's my space.

I've never engaged in car talk with others. Well, rarely. Some coworkers have, at times, spoken at length while I try to not appear completely ignorant.

t.completly ignorant

>I hardly care about performance in a car even though driving fast and sporty is fun
Same. Reliability is most important.


t. socialist realism enjoyer

The notion that art is supposed to be this elevated thing that is meant to enlighten us on deep truths and the human condition and shit is all liberal idealist nonsense

art is just pretty pictures + propaganda


Duchamp was initial charlatan! And people have fallen for it until today!


I enjoy driving my car because in there I feel safest of all. I can lock all my doors, for example.
And I don't have to talk to anyone; when I turn off my phone I can only receive and listen to the radio and it keeps me stable for nights.


Someone said socialist realism and I feel the need to dump my thoughts on this famous mock-deyneka from pripyat

1.) I hope an amateur painted this. If it was a professional, he was clearly payed in moonshine. The perspective and proportions are off. Look at the right arm of the girl in white to the right. Or the Grumb-esque hips of the girl who runs towards the viewer. The original evokes a sense of dynamic movement, the copy gives a vibe of a bunch of women statically doing weird poses. The women running half-naked in winter doesn't make any sense, either. Bonus points for succesfully changing the palette to cold colors.
2.) Yeah, it makes sense to copy "The wide Expanse" in a building in pripyat. The girls symbolise a pioneering spirit, the youth of the country optimistacally dashing to the future, which is built in the huge vastness of the motherland and all that. Pripyat was supposed to be the atom-town from the future, built from nothing in a few years, so it's a good choice.
3.) Unintended symbolism: the late soviet-union tries to emulate the successes of the early- and mid soviet union, and fails miserably, resulting in the train-wreck of this mural and the train-wreck of the Chernobyl-catastrophe.


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That banana on a wall really enlightened me on deep truths.

BTW, was reading 1950-s book on music theory. What it has to say on "avant-garde music":
> By the end of the 19th century, the general decline of bourgeois culture was reflected in music. Formalist bourgeois “schools” have completely lost touch with folk music, with the traditions of classical realists, and have consigned to oblivion the laws and norms of musical creativity developed by the centuries-old development of culture
> Example 128 illustrates the lack of clear melody and the lack of euphony in decadent formalist music. A.M. Gorky, in his article “On the Music of the Fat Ones,” gave an exceptionally vivid description of modern bourgeois formalist music: [description of Merzbow tracks]


What's the difference between a deep truth and a supperficial truth?


As if the banana on the wall did not reveal anything. The banana on the wall is a revelation machine that reveals you, the art market, and other dynamics at play.


my parents kinda fucked my by convincing me that I am very smart as a child

live has taught me that I'm actually a midwit, but somewhere deep in my brain there still lives the idea that I'm a pretty smart guy, actually


Maybe you and your brain just needs a little bit more time, to convince yourself that you are a pretty smart guy?


This was an extremely intelligent year for me. I doubt that I'll manage to make next year at least half as strong as this one was intelligent.

What about you, Ernst? How was your 2k23?


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>still thinking he is smart

Now, is this not normal midwit behavior? Advanced people never think they are clever. It's more like a whiff they catch occasionally, nothing more, but nothing less as well.

The other German is right, don't make yourself down like that, even if we are potentially all midwits, it's not a problem at all

I got my master's degree so it was an extremely intelligent year. Let's not forget all the bickering as well which was spiraling us up in the intellectual heights unmatched by the masses this year on EC.


I hate shopping carts and people who use them.
>hurr I am so important get out of my way i have a shopping cart because i am so important
>durr I need to buy so much shit to later throw out because I need to buy so much shit


Do you know that there are people with families and kids? They have to buy more stuff and they don't throw it away.


No, they should take the little single person shopping basket that I use everytime REEEE


>single person shopping basket
>for families
Yeah, I know you cucks. Can't get your gay bag open wide enough to properly stuff your groceries into it on time, thus holding up the whole line, but it's people with carts being the problem.
The actual problem is people trying to pay with card, but being just too dumb for it


I store the bought items in my anus. Do you use a shopping cart? Midwit energy bro.


There is a thread for people like you.


Do you mean this one? >>11871

 No.11895 KONTRA

I want to say I wasted the entire day but it's not the case.
Basically, a few days ago we discovered a spot of mold behind my bed and today was the day to finally take it on.

My father's battle-plan was that we move the desk to free the bed and then we'd move a shelf so that we can re-arrange everything for "a few days" until the wall dries. He then repeated the plan but said a week, and then closed it off by saying "One or two weeks" and I looked at him and said "You know this conversation's been going on for like three minutes and we already went from "a few days" to "one to two weeks", right? This thing's going back, you're not turning this into a five year plan too."

I swear he gets some subconscious pleasure from just wrecking order in the name of "rebuilding things", but once he tears the order down in half an hour it takes months or years to "rebuild" based on his cool plan.

So anyway, I got to moving things. Emptied the bookshelf, removed the computers and then also moved out what I could from under the bed. Kicked up a lot of dust. Turns out it was an "old" mold infestation. The wall was dry and the mold was dead. We sprayed it with fungicide chemicals just to be sure. By the looks of things the wall got wet from the eastern side and the liquid descended from there. I have no clue how water got there, because the wall that I share with the bathroom is clear.

Anyway, I vacuumed under the bed, threw out a huge bag of papers and also rationalised a lot of stuff. But I also spent blowing my nose the entire time.
By the end of it I got quite the headache and I was kinda mad that I almost let my father talk me into rearranging the room semi-permanently.

Once I was done with the cleaning he said he could make the bed smaller if I wanted it, but I told him I actually like how big the bed is and how it's next to the desk so I have a night stand. In the end I just told him to just cut the head of the bed shorter so I could open the window properly.

I don't know what got into me honestly. I was straight-forward. I basically verbally steamrolled him and he just took it for some reason. I got what I wanted.
My mother seemed impressed by it.

After the modifications were done I slowly rearranged the room, still sneezing and my nose running. I think I managed to get a pretty okay, 5/10 cold doing this shit all day.
Ultimately I'm just glad I avoided "rearranging" the furniture in the room. (My issue is that the furniture basically only fits together this way due to how custom everything is.)
As I said, I felt like it was a waste of time, because the wall was dry, but I wouldn't have know it otherwise. And I cleaned out nooks and crannies that I never could have accessed otherwise. And the bedhead being a reasonable size now is also nice. Wanted that one for years.

I was coping that my nose running was due to the dust so I went out for a walk and to pick up a package to clean out my nostrils. I decided to get a pair of headphones for home use. I did the most hipsterish thing possible, picked style over substance and got a pair of Porta Pros because damn they look so cool. (And they were on sale.)
Honestly, I like them so far. The whole openback thing's actually amazing. I don't think I ever had openbacks before.

Shorthand for Stalin.


Might have been one of my least intelligent years, but maybe that was necessary.
Got a headstart on the field of strength already, so I expect great results there next year.

 No.11897 KONTRA

Now that the Intelligent Year is coming to an end, we should discuss what should the next year be.
Any ideas?


I never subscribed to that nonsense.

A year is a year is a year, and it's only the personal experiences of a year that can define a year FOR YOU PERSONALLY. And we assume time is an arrow because it is as a clock - one second is one second for everyone. Cause precedes effect - fruit rots, water flows downstream. We're born, we age, we die. The reverse NEVER happens.

So my vote goes to put your money where your mouth is and be more intelligent in 2024.

 No.11899 KONTRA

>one second is one second for everyone.

Well that is your personal truth, but my truth is different. Maybe leave that narrow reductionist road? It's a typical white masculine view to structure time by the oscillations of a mechanical contraption. Women& black people have a deeper knowledge that is embedded in the realities of their bodies!


Ernst, my Windows Office applications will cease to function on January 1 because I'm no longer a student. Now would be a good time to start using markdown editors instead.
But are these 5-10€ downloads (just a key?) from vendors for Office 2021 Student or Business valid choices as well?

How quickly is it possible to get a formatted (application) letter down in a markup editor that resembles a simple letter written in Word? I mean I started HTML and CSS so I guess I have an idea yet it (still?) seems tedious for Word can do with a click, I don't need to place formulas, subs and sups etc. Just font (style and size) and alignments.

Spare me the roast, please and just answer without being condescending

>The reverse NEVER happens.

We can get a glimpse through media and time axis manipulation.

>more intelligent in 2024.

Another intelligent year it is then.

 No.11901 KONTRA

Physical time is not the only concept of time, dumbo.


>Spare me the roast, please and just answer without being condescending
Ok, let me be ridiculing then.
But first I have to understand what you exactly want. If you just want something to look like Word, why not use OpenOffice or LibreOffice or any of those? Or does it have to be from some code whatever?


perfect is the enemy of "ah fuck it"


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The day would come when Lidl would stock it. Truly a late Christmas miracle, an opportunity to taste the so controversial marzipan.

 No.11905 KONTRA

Ach halt deine drecksfresse.


Ref--NR21_S[1].jpg (229.62 KB, 1365x2047)

Not anywhere outside of imageboards

 No.11907 KONTRA

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Wait, I found a better picture.


Nah, I don't want a Word-like alternative, if I can have Word for 5-10€ for the rest of my life. The question would be if these vendors can be trusted. It seems so since they are so many of them and they are listed by ideolo for example:

However, I would consider a markdown editor simply because why not **my note taking app is a markdown/text files, but it takes a bit of work to get used to it I assume if I want to write applicatopns. At the moment I just need a word editor to write applications. I also have a more or less academic diary document that has more than 200 pages and which I want to continue that way.

 No.11909 KONTRA

>has no idea what he is talking about
>opens mouth regardless

It shows.


Haha spoiler fail!
That said, just for writing applications, get some *Office and forget about it. I don't know any special markup or markdown editors, I just use Notepad++ for everything I don't write on actual paper.
Also, let me add: FUCK ONENOTE!

 No.11913 KONTRA

There's always some nutjob who has a different concept of this-or-that. It's still bullshit. Some people made an art is making up that bullshit and think it's smart, they even drove their self-worth from being connoisseurs of made-up bullshit.

It angers me greatly that I and other working people pay taxes so these people can be paid for their bullshit.

In my eyes, you fully deserve to be hanged.

 No.11916 KONTRA

>unprecise word bubble that further indicates having no clue what you are actually talking about

You are a mental weakling. Go watch some more Lüning or whatever to feel strong, understood and smart. It's terrible that EC is bursting your bubble already.


I want 2024 to be a polite year, without bickering, edginess and hostility.
Let us at least on this imageboard, on /int/, - that was, in ancient times, known for "Pure Love" - hold up the ideals of friendship, brotherhood and camaraderie, as should be.

 No.11919 KONTRA

>hurr i have an entirely different concept
>i am very smartest
>it's all made-up, it can't be measured, i don't have data, but data is racis and sexist
>everyone who says different is dumb
gabber-sciences in a nutshell. You miserable little piece of shit. Your profession is literally making up bullshit, and you are proud of it. Hanging is too good for you.

 No.11921 KONTRA

Marzipan review: The rum taste overpowers whatever marzipan flavor exists, but it's pretty agreeable. May one day Lidl stock unadulterated marzipan.


Can you not buy Marzipan raw mass for baking in Portugal?


Just another post without substance and an overload of empty wording. You lack discipline when it comes to your morals.

Why don't you become a youtuber? You already have the attitude of a choleric crybaby ironed into your personality which pairs impeccably well with your lack of knowledge to become just another opinion shitter on the web that seeks parrots to feel a glimmer of self-esteem.

Maybe if you drop the megaphone (and your megaphone phrases) that seems glued to your mouth people will take you seriously one day and can have something that resembles a conversation. But you don't want to anyway, so what is left is this we have right now.

Frankly spoken, I pity you.


They probably have bad marzipan, but cheap rum-aroma. It IS Lidl, after all.


It's possible, but I don't know where. Pretty rare, it's not something we eat.


> it's not something we eat.
I just found this:
No idea if that is genuine.

 No.11931 KONTRA

I woke up and then went back to sleep. I was very well rested afterwards, though I also noticed a slight soreness. I wasn't expecting to get sore after yesterday, but even though I was sore, I wasn't overly so, so I was very pleased with it.

I took a hot shower and washed my hair. It gave me the final push and finally cleared my nostrils completely.

Everyone was out and I was alone. Dad organised a trip and no matter how much they claimed it's going to be cool to take a walk in the forest, I said even two hours is two hours much to walk outside in winter. (With my parents' boomer friends to top it all off.)

I felt pretty good, sipping on tonic, eating scones, listening to Mahler. Also kept on watching House episodes.
Set up the package delivery from China. It's not the best deal ever, I'll be paying 30 bucks total for three books.
Package is being declared as "Contemporary Literature 现代当代文学" which for some reason amuses me to no end. Like at some point, in multiple countries, people had to sit down and determine toll and tax rates for shippings like these. Things happening is amazing.

Also wanted to continue playing Persona 5, but I just didn't really feel like gaming. Played the first hour or so a day ago and it seemed like a very good game. Even if the performance on PC is ass. Gotta do some troubleshooting with it. (That is if it hasn't fixed itself miraculously.)
Library reopens on the 2nd, so I can eventually split my time between actual projects and pleasure more effectively.

Honestly, being alone for a day felt so good. I think the circles under my eyes haven't been this small in weeks.
Plans for tomorrow include gaming, some research and making a fuckload of pizza dough and sauce because I will be the one making the meals for my sister's New Year houseparty she's throwing. Well, at least I will be spending it with people relatively my age. Other adults.

My mother a few weeks ago told me he and dad are only going to leave for a party if I'm not alone, because "You cannot spend New Year's Eve alone!". She almost started crying for some reason so I asked her why the concern in the first place and if she's worried I'm gonna kill myself or something. No idea why.

 No.11932 KONTRA

> (With my parents' boomer friends to top it all off.)

Did they scold you for wasting tax money?


> I said even two hours is two hours much to walk outside in winter.
There's a nice german word for kids like you:
"Stubenhocker". A more modern version would probably be something like "Kellerkind".

But in time, you too, will learn the value of getting out of the dank and get some fresh air, especially in winter.


Article seems to imply it's an Azorian thing. I'll ask around, it might be that it was something that simply fell out of fashion 40 years ago. I'll report back my findings after asking people about marzipan.


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Yes! For science (you monster)!


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Ah yes, totally forgot to post about the Marzipan bar I ate recently. Kiitos!


Do you have tiles in the living room or where do you ate this?


Yes, this apartment has tiles in the living room, sue me.


>sue me
Not unless you also have a Fliesentisch.


I'd prefer wood, but you can't really choose the flooring as a rent slave. But it has underfloor heating, so it's ok.

 No.11943 KONTRA

Damn, my ungarndeutsche relatives had one of those :DD

 No.11944 KONTRA


 No.11945 KONTRA

> rent Slave



My grandma had one of those too.

Despite it being a felony how about using more carpet or does this interfere with the heating? What kind of place do you rent that it has tiles in the living room? I only know tiles in the living room from those Neubauviertel with one family homes and I never understood how people choose to use tiles in the living room freely. It's the opposite of comfy. Interestingly in a southern country, I would accept them more easily because it is genrally warmer.


Why do we celebrate new years at exactly 0:00.001 O'clock?

the earth spins -> days
(the moon spins around the earth ~> moónths)
those spin around the sun -> years

We alter the length of a year by a whole day every ~4th iteration. That doesn't fit perfectly as well, but is pretty close for an attempt at chopping down an integer count of years into full days. Why does a year depend on the time of the day, though? Why aren't we celebrating a new year at the exact same point in time all over the earth?
That point would "wander" ~6h in local day-time every year.

Gut'n Rutsch, Ernst!


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You asking who is responsible for the sokal affair of NYE? Ha, oh boy!
Mathematicians and physicists and people with power came to make us obey physical time and calendars in an unnatural way.

 No.11949 KONTRA

>Interestingly in a southern country, I would accept them more easily because it is genrally warmer.
I would accept it more easily in Germany, because Germans aren't known for their taste.


>because Germans aren't known for their taste.

I would say thank dog I have slavic-french ancestry but slavs are people I'd say also wouldn't mind tiles in their living room while living in a German Neubaugebiet with one family homes yes, I have seen these houses insides as a DHL guy a lot of times in an an area with many russo-germs


Sexist European men have been keeping track of the winter solstice since the neolithicum, neglecting all the other dates that are also of vital importance for humanity!


Happy new year for everyone celebrating


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So how will Ernst spend his NYE now that he knows it's another Sokal affair we have been made to believe in?
This Ernst will go to friend and celebrate together with the roomie that also stays. I declined to go to the club afterward.
I already dread the way home with public transport because drunk loud idiots will cross my path and I don't want to wish people a happy new year.


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Had a leak in the long pipe which carries wastewater from my washing machine to the basement drain. Put some Flex Paste on it. Seems to have solved the problem. Thank you, Phil Swift.

I will stay home and do nothing. As is my tradition.

 No.11955 KONTRA

Leave it to one butthurt "justfunpostinglol" to run a joke thoroughly into the ground.

This is my final Kontra for this year.


 No.11957 KONTRA

>Had a leak in the long pipe which carries wastewater from my washing machine to the basement drain.
Damn I wish I could afford a basement.


>This is my final Kontra for this year.
With an EC goldaccount, you have access to unlimited KONTRA, consider buying one for the new year.

 No.11959 KONTRA

I had decided to skip NYE, just study Chinese for a few hours and go to sleep before 10. After sitting down, my pen exploded ink everywhere. The forces that be demand that I go to a NYE party, so it is to be done.


> The forces that be demand that I go to a NYE party
Shouldn't the forces demand that you clean up your mess?

 No.11962 KONTRA

What makes you think I haven't, Mr. Hans?


south carolina is the socal of the united states of america


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Happy new year, Mr. UTC +6!

 No.11966 KONTRA

Heaven, New Year's Eve is the most magical night of year. Divine intercession.


Happy New Year, ernst.


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Nice one, saved! Happy new year Ernst. How many hours left for you? 5?

Happy new year Portugalernst!


3.5 hours to go. I may, or may not, fall asleep before then.


My attention to detail is as keen as ever. Fixed, lol.


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>On a cold and lonely new years eve, Ernst Wurf finally launched his time machine and traveled 20 years into the future...


Happy USA new year.


Happy new year, Ernst.

 No.11979 KONTRA

im this cat 339.gif (2.09 MB, 480x320)

Happy new year Ernsts!

Good to see EC has been restored.


Happy New Year, Ernst.
May this year be even more serious (=Ernst) than the last one.


>May this year be even more serious (=Ernst) than the last one.
Here you go, Ernst in a game I'm playing.


Happy New year Ernst!
Best of luck for 2024

 No.11987 KONTRA

> yadda-yadda happy new year
> lol I wish you all the best

I hate it when people do that. It's so fucking obvious that they are lying.

Fucking hypocrites and sycophants. May you step on lego bricks.


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Happy New Year, Ernst. May it be even more intelligent than the last one. Let's become accumulators, not only of intelligence but self compassion, gf experience and job security

You are a walking cognitive distortion and it is mesmerizing from a scientific point of view.

 No.11995 KONTRA

I knocked myself out with Fig-brandy and I spent the first half an hour of the new year vomiting furiously and then falling asleep next to a copy of the little red book I left on my bed.
I also watched a lot of archive footage of the Sino-Japanese war and the Chinese Civil War on the British Pathé youtube channel.

Tomorrow, the library opens so I'm going to get to work. I need to get out of the house.


Wasn't supposed to work today. Boss called. My desire to be reliable was stronger than my desire for a day off. It's not like I had plans and holiday pay is basically double-time. Easy decision and an easy afternoon.


Clerks is a good movie. Clerks 2 sucks.
Didn't see the 3rd and most likely never will.

 No.11999 KONTRA

there is clerks 2? (and a 3rd?)
but yeah, the first one is a master piece.


Neoliberal ideology favors obesity so much because it represents submission to desires and lack of willpower -- which are traits of ideal consumer.

 No.12001 KONTRA

> plus-sized athletes
Can't make that shit up.


>plus-sized athletes
clearly an euphemism for powerlifters


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I request rebranding of fatposting to plus-sized posting.


>Can't make that shit up.
Yes, they just did.

Point me to a single time this was happening on this board.


This is olympic lifting though.


Yeah, but you don't have to know them.
Clerks 2 is okay but mostly an average comedy with a few good moments (porch monkey).
Clerks 3 looks like some nostalgia cash crab.
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is the last really good movie Kevin Smith made.


 No.12013 KONTRA

I have accidentally destroyed my sleeping schedule. Thank you for subscribing.


I woke up to intestinal pain so I decided to stay home. Thankfully it passed without me having to take anything for it but I still decided it'd be for the best to just stay at home.
I managed to scavange all the intact leftover tonic bottles from the party. Great success.

Tomorrow I'm making my great escape to the library because my father managed to make the entire house smell like solvent with his latest DIY project of trying to flatten a door's surface to apply a tasteless sticker on it he ordered from China for like 10 bucks and I am about to have a neurotic breakdown over the fact that he fucked up a door just so that in the end it could look like something someone living in a commieblock could deem tasteful.
(He didn't apply the sticker yet, he just butchered the surface with foam.)

Finally managed to update my catalogue of books and also translated some classical Chinese. The holidays are over and I feel like I'm collapsing into a paranoid neurotic spiral.


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>I managed to scavange all the intact leftover tonic bottles from the party. Great success.

Don't tell me you collect empty bottles of strong alcohol. If that is true though, please refrain from talking about your fathers decorative taste in the future in the way you did in that post.


Now I am interested in what you are decorating your rooms with.




Better tell me why you would be a good judge for the few elements that would be deemed decorative elements.


Ok, so you don't want to answer because you know you have shit taste yourself, got it.


You just want to be a judge and say it it is shit because you feel personally attacked is what I can assume. Nothing more speaks from your question.
The few specifically decorative elements in my room are house plants, large and small.

 No.12021 KONTRA

>Nothing more speaks from your question.
The question was completely without judging, it was simply a question of interest because your post, however, was already extremely judgmental (and Hungary didn't even say what he needed the bottles for, but you immediately jumped to conclusions), so maybe you should have asked that question yourself first. So yeah, I feel personally attacked by you being such a joyless prick, and completely needlessly so, just to be mean to some kid.

But ok, then let me judge you based on your answer:
You're a boring, dull person who is also condescending, judgmental and probably thinks of himself as a very mature and adult person solely on account of being such a boring, dull little twit. "House plants" my ass, it's probably just a bunch of cactuses.

 No.12022 KONTRA

> Tonic
> strong alcohol

And I thought the Gin-part of a Gin Tonic was the alcohol. Today, I learned that it's actually the tonic water. You never stop learning with Ernst.

 No.12023 KONTRA

lol good catch, I didn't even see that.
He's probably too much of a serious adult to concern himself with such bydlo activities as drinking alcohol or anything else than lukewarm water.


>let me judge you

I just knew you wanted to. Your assumptions are wrong. You don't seem to think about such things much anyway and despise people who do so. I don't need many specifically decorative elements to make for a pleasing living space because I have things that both fulfill a function and are aesthetically pleasing to me.
Also, collecting bottles and use them as decorative elements has nothing to do with being an adult or not. It's just tasteless either way but I don't expect children to have an idea of taste. I collected (foreign) soda cans until I was 12 or so.

>Hungary didn't even say what he needed the bottles for, but you immediately jumped to conclusions

For somebody who likes to critique people on their reading comprehension from your attitude I have to assume it is you, you fail to comprehend that my post included a conditional. My conclusion was based on a truth value. And yes, IF Hungary collects them to use as a decorative element, it is tasteless trash, I stand by that statement.

 No.12025 KONTRA

No, I collect full bottles of soft-drinks I like so I can DRINK THEM without having to pay for them out of my own pocket.
The bottles then get tossed in the trash. (Actually according to legislation in force from Jan. 1st 2024 I shall return the bottles to get a 50HUF rebate per bottle in the name of environmental protection.)

The only decorations my room have are two pieces of calligraphy, a relief of Pallas Athene and a map of Austria-Hungary. And a Buddha.
I don't really consider the books to be ornamental.

It's precisely because of my father's slight hoarding habits and sometimes absolutely kitschy solutions that I am such an over the top minimalist and radical de-clutterer in some most cases.
When the family is asked about something, I always say "Throw it out".


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In that case, you shall continue reporting on your fathers decorative adventures in a condescending and judgemental tone so that Germans have a reason to put more pepper corns up their bum and make a fuzz about it.

 No.12027 KONTRA

>You don't seem to think about such things much anyway and despise people who do so.
Assumptions over assumptions. Though you are right in one regard: I don't consider plants to be "specifically decorative", I consider them an integral part of any furnishing.

> It's just tasteless either way but I don't expect children to have an idea of taste.

Ohhhh, now I want to hear the rationale as why to it's tastele-
> I collected (foreign) soda cans until I was 12 or so.
Ah, as I thought, you recently acquired "taste" and now try to distance yourself as far as possible from that old self. We all did that.
Oh, let me make another assumption: You recently discovered the "minimalist" lifestyle and now only have a table with a macbook, a chair and those two cactuses. What a boring and dull person you are. And so presumptious.

>you fail to comprehend that my post included a conditional

A rhetorical question is not a conditional. You jumped to conclusions (it's telling which one) and were being mean just for the sake of displaying your presumed superiority and got caught (also for being a dumbass who thinks tonic is strong alcohol) and now try to deflect and diffuse, especially since it was not even tangentially close to than anything your dumb ass suspected.

 No.12028 KONTRA

Like there's this fancy one you can only get at Lidl and it's two euros for a 2dl bottle. This is gold in liquid form.
I'm basically impervious to malaria at this point. (Actually no, because the quinine content of modern tonic is a fraction of what it was in the Victorian era and you'd need like 500 micrograms per 100ml for it to act as prophylaxis.)

 No.12029 KONTRA

im this cat 340.jpg (100.25 KB, 1280x720)

Sames. But not really. I simply remain indoors.

Great news. Always love to see a bottle deposit scheme. Please be so kind and tell your local beverage container depositories to switch to quality TOMRA reverse vending machines in the case that they don't have them already. Repant and other manufacturers make terrible machines that are slow and regularly out of order.

T. Reverse vending pro and TOMRA shareholder

 No.12030 KONTRA

>Assumptions over assumptions

Your posts so far lack any proof of you thinking about these things a lot. My guess: you got triggered by the Balenciaga model I posted ironically. Are you intimidated by cool people and how you had to feel the consequences of peer pressure or why are you so salty? Would not be surprised if you posted the Unterschicht response to the Fließentisch post above.

>you recently acquired "taste" and now try to distance yourself as far as possible from that old self.


I'm of an age where I could potentially have kids that go to school already.
But I have no hard feelings toward this "old self". As I told you already I don't expect kids to have taste taste is always acquired in that case btw and therefore I don't hate my old self and need to distance myself from it or whatever sort of delusions you produce rn.

>You recently discovered the "minimalist" lifestyle

I don't live very minimal, sorry for bursting that bubble. But as I said I have multiple plants large and small and only one of them is a cactus indeed.

>A rhetorical question is not a conditional

Can't make this shit up. Get the peppercorns out of your ass, I sure did not put them up there but you tell me it's my peppercorns regardless.
In case you did not notice but Hungary judged his father for being tacky and I told him that he should not judge his father for being tacky if conditional :^) he might do tacky things himself.


Have to be at work for the first time after the holidays at 5:30. Guess who can't fall asleep? I hate this.


Feel known. Just pull an all-nighter and use that insanity boost to suggest some groundbreaking ideas to your boss.

 No.12033 KONTRA

Similar settis.

 No.12034 KONTRA

My sufferings are immense. Maybe there is some kind of way to turn sleep deprivation into something good. I sleep a lot during the holidays, so maybe there's credit for that. Just hope I don't need to drive tomorrow.

 No.12036 KONTRA

maybe this year i manage to establish a somewhat functional day-to-day routine.
already got one or another ball rolling, which should help me achieve such.

most probably not happening, though.


Today I got complimented on my looks by a female I've met for the first time.
> It was an old hag with children older then Ernst.
Still, felt gud.


>complimented on my looks
Like what?


>have lightning fast SSD
>programs take longer to start than in the times of old because they have to phone home all the time


Did you ask her out?

 No.12047 KONTRA

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Today I went to the library, hoping it'd improve my mood. The rooms still smelled like solvent so I dropped the fragrance equivalent of a nuke and I spayed the outer rooms with perfume that smells like pine trees.

I decided to have lunch in the city, and food did help with my complete and total despair. I settled down in the library and started working on a translation. Wasn't really into it, I finished it up but felt zero satisfaction from having wrapped it up.
Spent the last hour with an Indian unironically studying Java, and this guy reeked. Next time if a Pajeet asks me if the seat next to me is free I'm gonna say no.
Basically I managed to do what I wanted to get done for the next round of consultation with my supervisor for this year's research seminar at the college. Two essays by Chao Cuo translated into Hungarian.

I walked home and got to see the finished door. It's magnificent and I'm sorry I ever doubted my father's tastes and ideas about home decor.
How this came to be is probably my mother saw some cool 5 minute crafts bullshit video on facebook and decided to ask for that to be made, but my father decided to do an even more low-cost "Improved" version because it'll be better and it turned into this.
The Central Committee asked for it, the Working Class delivered it, and the Intelligentsia gets to live with it.

Honestly I left the house and nothing really changed. I still feel drained and annoyed by basically every little inconvenience to no end and I just don't know what's the cause. I must be missing something.

2bh I've been hearing news that the legal integrity of Budapest's mass-transit system is in jeopardy due to a disagreement and that the Budapest pass might get abolished if the government decides to properly take over the suburban lines after a disagreement with the city's administration, so that instead of there being one joint State-City regional transport company you'd have two companies, one run by the state and one by the city, servicing different areas with no incentive to properly link up lines and timetables. Experts say we're about to undo decades of progress over this budget disagreement.


>Spent the last hour with an Indian unironically studying Java, and this guy reeked. Next time if a Pajeet asks me if the seat next to me is free I'm gonna say no.
Maybe if you were a little less racist you wouldn't always be in such a bad mood.

Also, lmao'ing at the doorframe, the sloppy paintjob wall/doorframe (and I hope it's not finished yet) and the extremely overtightened screws on the mount. No wonder you balkanites never get anything done.

 No.12051 KONTRA

> I still feel drained and annoyed by basically every little inconvenience to no end and I just don't know what's the cause. I must be missing something.

go to therapy

indeed, you seem to have no good clue about your emotional life, which is quite normal for your age in a way but on top you have been raised in a way statistically normal for people born with penises that is also in the way of lifting the veil.


Lake effect snow fell in a band narrow enough to hit my house and commuting route but left the city at large relatively unscathed. Only worked half a day and by noon the plows had done their duty. The drive home was significantly less perilous than my ride in.

You can never overtighten a screw.


> screws on the mounts
Do you mean the hinges? They don't look true.

 No.12057 KONTRA

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No, the "Beschläge", no idea what the proper english term is. There are no screws visible on the hinges.

 No.12059 KONTRA

Ein Band ist ein Beschlag.


Uh, sorry, TÜRbeschlag, Herr Currantshitter.

 No.12061 KONTRA

If you're talking about the shielding on the doorhandle, then it's like that not because the screws were drilled in too hard. It's by factory design so that the screw can go in deeper and not stick out so much from the rest of the shielding.
There's a leftover set of these in the basement and also has those dents to make the screw go deeper.


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Interesting construction. Normally you'd expect a Senkbohrung, but pre-denting could also work, I guess.


There has been a fly in my room since yesterday and the fly seems to lose energy, barely moving anymore. Will the fly die from hunger? I'm wondering how it got here in the first place, there is no open food. Did it come through the window? But around this time of the year?


Incredibly mild winter, I've had mosquitos into the december.
Is it a common house fly or one of those small ones that eat plants? That's also a way how it could have come to be. Or is it a fruit fly? In which case I recommend putting the bio waste on the balcony over night to kill them all.


Common house fly. The Biomüll is definitely fly free, thank dog.
Yeah mild winter, but still quite cold in between looking at the forecast it will get ice cold again :/


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Update: the fly still lives, but is mostly quiet.


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Once you leave Heidelberg/Neuschwanstein, Germany amasses a post-soviet atmosphere.
Remember this video when you read a German post. They might have money, healthcare and luxurious education but their landscape turned them into people of the mind, the abstract and of unfunny overall quality (Kant, Hegel, Cybernetics Ernst)


germany_depressing.mp4 (3.67 MB, 576x1024)

Wizardry, it should work now.

 No.12071 KONTRA

Yeah, it's really depressing how Germany produces such low-value people who film vertically.

 No.12073 KONTRA

This video is why I hate Germans. Only those very final commieblocks have any credence to be some depressive postsoviet landscape, and even then they're so clean.
Just be happy you're in clean and safe Germany, you damn krauts.


My two week vacation is almost over and I feel a weird mix of ennui and "this could go on for a bit longer".
They are probably even connected: I can't start anything new because I only have one day left that's already scheduled through, as well as the weekend, so I can't really "do" anything and instead just keep waiting for things I want to do, but there's nothing to do immediately at the moment because the weather is shit and I can't just wander around the whole day just to wander around.
I have also been putting off a big undertaking of ORDNUNG for quite some time. Sorting documents, unpacking some shit that has been standing in moving boxes for over a year now, hanging up stuff, and so on. I wish I could just throw everything away and buy new stuff, but that would be extremely wasteful, and of course - costly. It's all so mewsome.


Hey now don't be so harsh on him. He probably tried to be funny, but as you would expect from someone who would even think making such a comparison in a humorous way he failed.
I am sorry you had to see this.

 No.12077 KONTRA

I know you would give your left nut to live here the post was for you, just turn over the sunshine and southern mentality and I will get you German citizenship, I have contacts high up in the party.

 No.12078 KONTRA

It's a Romanian living in Germany who made this btw.

 No.12079 KONTRA

I woke up after five hours of state in a state of anxiety for some odd reason. My mother was just leaving for work. I didn't go back to bed.

Lazed around a bit and then decided to go out and solve the issue of not having any salt for three days now and also get a box of tea that I actually like. Also went to the pharmacy to get a new bottle of eyedrops.

On the way back I felt like total crap for some reason, as if my intestines were twisting or something. Strangely enough once I resolved my digestive issues my mood improved considerably.
Like I was measurably less depressed. But I called off going to the library.

Then I flew into a fit of rage because apparently none of the translationwork I did yesterday was saved, so I redid it all over again. To quote a classic, "If I had to do it all over again, I'd say: Stick it up your ass!"
But it's done. I'm also done with the Powerpoint.

Also came to the odd realization that I've been missing out on most of my vitamins and the anti-acid pills since Christmas and I guess a slight iron-deficiency could also be the reason for my bad mood.

Anyway, good day overall.


I am trying to come up with something positive, but I can't.
All I can think about it conflict and arguing. There is a single source of positivity for me, and it's an external source.
Anything I try to do from within subsides pretty quickly.
What have you people recently done that you are proud of, or that you would consider satisfying or positive or giving you a good feel?
Let's share these successes.


>What have you people recently done that you are proud of, or that you would consider satisfying or positive or giving you a good feel?
Weightlifting/dieting/bodybuilding by a big margin. I feel like I'm constantly harping on about it so I guess I'm still in my "honeymoon phase" of having found a new hobby but it's done a lot for my self-confidence so far.
There's both the psychological aspect of doing something many people consider hard or unpleasant and sticking to it, and the "vain" aspect of simply looking better in the mirror. It's also an almost constant source of progress (or if you're not progressing you have to figure out how to solve that) and it's pretty great for general health (as long as you avoid injury).

Maybe the only negative thing about it for me is that I'm a bit obsessive about learning all the ins and outs so I spend a lot of time consuming fitness-related content. But I think I'll be able ot find a good balance going forward as I'm starting to hit diminishing returns information-wise.

 No.12090 KONTRA

blue dancer_severini.jpg (2.96 MB, 2274x3000)

>What have you people recently done that you are proud of, or that you would consider satisfying or positive or giving you a good feel?

Started dancing.
It makes you feel good, I dance to music I love and that is positive vibing music and the whole dancing is based around getting rid of negativity in a sense.
The cardio blows running out of the water, is more challenging than running and less boring. I wish I would be better at it though but I still have years to improve. Seeing professionals brings me joy. I also look into other dancing and it opens up a new world where new concepts are relevant (the body and its movement being some of them).

I also went for cognitive behavioral therapy which is often used as form of therapy which proved kinda useful in regulating and understanding my thoughts and feelings and therefore not being so slavish to my depressive attacks it still is hard work and only partly successful so far


> I feel like I'm constantly harping on about it
lol you're almost the single regular poster in the fit thread at the moment, but it's understandable.
Feels are known. I think everyone who lifts does that. In fact, taking up lifting is what helped me through the aftermath of a particularly nasty breakup.
For me particularly it has a meditative function. Sure, getting stronger and more robust physically is the goal, but the way there is important too. Per aspera ad astra and such. Do you know that article on The Iron by Henry Rollins? Think what you will of him, but I really like it: https://www.oldtimestrongman.com/articles/the-iron-by-henry-rollins/

What kind of dancing? Like regular waltz and disco-fox and what you learn in dancing schools as a teenager or "modern" stuff you see in pop music videos? Or something else? I know a guy who goes salsa dancing.

 No.12115 KONTRA

im this cat 313.jpg (54.34 KB, 603x401)

I went outside. My body temperature will never recover from this.


d-d-d-dance.mp4 (1.78 MB, 720x1282)

>What kind of dancing? Like regular waltz and disco-fox and what you learn in dancing schools as a teenager or "modern" stuff you see in pop music videos? Or something else? I know a guy who goes salsa dancing.

Something relatively modern instantiated by various cultural dance influences coming together in club culture. I would also go to salsa or something sometime in the future. It makes sense to look at Latin American dances as these are one influence.

this video shows a professional, I'm not anywhere close, these are variations of moves you learn as a beginner and they are fast and fluid af

 No.12119 KONTRA

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> What have you people recently done that you are proud of, or that you would consider satisfying or positive or giving you a good feel?


hau_tu_daanz.mp4 (22 MB, 640x360)

Are you actually like training/learning to dance in a group/on your own or are you just going to clubs and hit the dance floor?
... I really like to just go dancing in some club and copy-cat, test, experiment or whatev. Not to look good or something, just to have some fun :3


I have classes and dance at home. I do it for fun, to feel good, to enjoy, and to free myself from negativity.
10 years ago I was at the clubs stepping from left foot to right foot maybe a bit more, use my arms etc, back then I also produced electronic music as a hobby so I know the structure and elements of these tracks to a certain extent, which also helps with dancing to a certain extent these days I don't go to the club, or very very very very rarely (last time was 2021, before that 2015 or so, in between there was <5 open air parties I went to).
But apparently, I missed dancing! And now I want to be good at it because that brings so much more joy when your body does movements you had no clue were possible. Your range of expression becomes broader, the fun doing so increases, the joy multiplies. And looking at others and what they are doing, copying, is still part of the deal. That is why I watch videos etc. Thank dog for media and time axis manipulation.


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Today was a good day. Found out about an interesting sounding Chinese short story, so I'm going to read it. I tracked down a PDF and did some preliminary reading to see how much I'd need to fuck around with a dictionary to get it.
If it's really good I'd like to translate it too.

Had research consultation. I felt pretty good about my report. I think the supervisor is satisfied with my progress. I know there's only three of us in the Chinese cabinet, but I still feel like I'm the avantgarde. That I'm doing so fucking great I'm leaving the others in the dust. Turning in high quality stuff.

I got my book review published in an academic journal finally. It has a DOI number and everything. And it'll also appear in print, which means that I get to tick another thing off my 2020-2025 "5-year-plan".
Honestly I feel a sense of euphoria after today but I also realise that it's not "life changing" and there's no catharsis. Just like when I won that contest or got my first translation published. It's a nice badge and great that I achieved a set goal though.

After the meeting I did some gaming and I played Persona 5. This was the game I upgraded my toaster for and I think it was worth it. My friend who helped me pick out the PC parts said that the fact that I'm enjoying it means that my soul is trying to escape it's own "Assburgerity" after playing the same games for close to a decade. "I'd say if the first game you tried in a decade wasn't also 8 years old, you could pop a bottle of champagne open".

The game's optimised like ass and the graphics themselves are a bit meh but whatever complaints I have are swept aside by the sheer power of the cohesive aesthetic the game has. I just hope I can complete it and I won't mismanage it to the point where I navigate myself into a corner. But I refuse to brows a wiki. I will refrain from using a guide.

Also found a bunch of funny Japanese-language Maoist/communists songs and it's so funny to hear shit like "Watashi no sukina Pekin no Ten'anmon" instead of "Wo ai Beijing Tiananmen".
(I mean actually there's nothing funny about this, it's just me being amused by how Kanji/Hanzi are shared but have different readings.)

Honestly I feel full of energy. No, vitality. Like I think I could actually achieve things. Totally charged up.
Maybe the orbital bombardment that was drinking those 5 shots of 40-50% alcohol really did my gut flora some good in the long run. Who knows.


Pulled into a gas station to fill up and left after only putting $20 in. Half a tank. It was cold, I was late, and that was the slowest gas pump in the world. Got tired of waiting. I'll now have to stop again in a couple of weeks. Maybe it will be warmer then.

>What have you people recently done that you are proud of, or that you would consider satisfying or positive
I started writing again. Not much, but a start. My creativity took a nose-dive when my hours at work exploded. Getting back on track.



> fuel for $20 lasts a couple of weeks
You don't know our suffering.


Which way, western men?

 No.12142 KONTRA

who dat center boi?


Future.png (1.83 MB, 1440x1712)

Why not both?


Because there is not a single woman in that picture.

 No.12148 KONTRA

The future will be menless. Or men will be held as sperm cattle. A reservoir and working animal, that's what they can do best, they shall receive.

 No.12149 KONTRA

>there is not a single woman in that picture
>the future is menless
Schizo now completely short-circuited?


If all men are made eunuchs (maybe by chemicals in food, like leftist-green vegan soy-eaters), there will be no more men.


Eunuchs are still men. In fact, eunuchs were pretty popular with the ladies back in the old time because they couldn't get them pregnant.


t. soynuch :DDDDDDDD

 No.12157 KONTRA

Is this how vegans try to cope with the soy-induced loss of what little virility they ever had?


weini_ethnopluralist.jpg (36.76 KB, 562x475)

But this is the new times and now you are only a man if you use condoms like toilet paper because you sleep with so many women without getting them pregnant anyway.


>womanizing is a modern invention and men have only just started to make virility a big factor in determining their manliness
Those last few posts landed in the wrong thread on accident, didn't they? The "retard" thread is further down.

 No.12161 KONTRA

By all means, who's the retard here, good sir?

 No.12162 KONTRA

You, for replying to me


It always existed, but never at scale it exists nowadays. Same as economic liberalism creates economic inequality, social liberalism creates inequality in access to sex, and top 20% of males are mating with 80% of women. When the system regulates sexual life, it does in a way which incentives womanizing even more. As I remember from reading Ernstchan, in Germany paternity tests are banned (!). And even if they weren't, welfare state motivates women to participate in chad harems rather than build long-lasting relationships.


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The main reason nobody can ever properly drink water is because the glasses are not made of metal.
By using a tablecloth, it's impossible to hang posters on the wall, but only after the painkillers in the tv show have run out.
Obviously the killer will steal the doctor's clothes, clothes will hang on the coatrack, never to move, expect for a gust of wind and chairs are not pushed under the table, as it should be.
It's interesting how a stream of consciousness, coming together like an abstract painting where the painter is depicting the object from multiple angles simultaneously, is virtually indiscernable from an AI generated text.
Is it because the AI is also merely employing a stream of information and trying to put it together in some way, just to learn which way makes most sense to the turing-incomplete reader?
Am I an AI? Or am I a cunty kike faggot? You decide.

 No.12167 KONTRA

Makes about as much sense as the average post.


Went outside yesterday to help someone.
Exerted myself physically only to just barely break a sweat.
In the evening I felt my sinuses clogging up again.
This is getting more and more irritating.


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I just ordered Pizza.


Merry Christmas (orthodox)!


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You are welcome.


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If you wondered how the Finns look, here are pictures from ethnographic exhibitions.




Changed the cat's litter box, vacuumed my bedroom, shoveled the driveway, did laundry, shaved the beard and cut my hair. Today's planned productivity finished before breakfast.

t.Eating breakfast


I'm a fucking genius that I managed to not play video games until my exams were over. I got absolutely hooked on a fucking JRPG of all things and my playtime basically keeps doubling every day. First it was an hour, then it was two, three, today I spend six hours playing a game.

Though I also realise I'm drinking the worst form of aesthetic poison possible. Colourful, romanticisied and idealised depictions of everyday life and human interactions.
Almost suffered a mental break again last night. I couldn't sleep because I had an accidental nap during the afternoon, so I was rolling around in bed and the though struck me that I'm alone.

Now that I think about it, I couldn't "hang out" with anyone even if I wanted to, since most of the people I know return to the countryside for the exam season or are working.
Well, whatever. I've been stuck at home for like 3 days now again, I should head out tomorrow to get some fresh air and read some at the library.
I'd also grab something to eat but I'm actually running short on money. I have one last stipend paycheck coming in and then it's nada until I get my diploma. (Well, a really pitiful sum most likely.)
(I think I'll get a part time job for my MA. Was thinking about working at a bookstore.)

Had pasta for lunch. And then mom also made some doughnuts. They tasted good.

All things considered I "recovered" remarkably well. Wonderful what a little Wagner and venting can do.
Would be better if I wasn't up at 2pm. But I feel pleased with existence regardless

 No.12206 KONTRA

im this cat 337.mp4 (586.82 KB, 360x360)

Journaling on my beloved Apple device is keeping me away from bosting. My interactions with G*rmans have reduced by 100% and I'm happier than in a long while.


...and then you turn around and post on the EC.
Are you a masochist?


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Tonight my stomach is constantly making noises.
Tomorrow I will have to drive through half the country, and it's cold as fuck.
I will have to get up a good one and a half hour earlier than I usually do because of that, but all I want is to sleep.
I just had two weeks of vacation and the recovery effect was close to zero because there was always shit to do and take care of and I don't even have a house or kids, plus I slept like shit this night, constantly waking up and sweating and when I got up today I felt like I was going ill.
I think I'll just pour me some liquor so I can at least sleep properly.
Prost, Ernst.


Prost, Ernst.
Nothing like being drunk on a monday.


Best way to start the work week innit.
btw, what is the common toast in Portugal? Some kind of salud or something else?


>Some kind of salud


Thanks. Saúde then.


My soul feels like water, swaying from side to side. One moment I'm insanely motivated, the other, I'm in despair.
I woke up very late and got myself together very slowly, but I did go to the library in the end for two hours.

I worked on some translations and also read some. Also surfed some catalogues and turns out I might have what I need at another library, so I'm hitting up that tomorrow. Even if they don't have it in Chinese, having it in English is okay. I just wanna do a preliminary reading.

Once the clock hit 6 I wasn't really feeling it any more, so I packed up my things and left. My mood turned seriously melancholic for some reason, almost tore up on the street on the way home once.

We ran out of coffee at home. Kaffeekrise. I guess it's up to me to solve the situation again. Tomorrow's battleplan is to go to the city, get the book, get out of the city and then buy a picture frame and some coffee.
Oh, and to keep on reading.


Good stuff, very relatable and on point. Except for listening to ballads while working out :DDD
Lately I've rediscovered the post-hardcore and nu metal stuff I used to like in my teens, a lot of it also has emotional lyrics, but also been adding some death & industrial metal into the mix.
Him quoting Mishima makes me want to re-read Sun and Steel.


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>While these groups may have different consumer preferences and different cultural narratives, both divorced dads and yoga moms agree that each individual is responsible for the fate of the world.

Do tend to be a yoga mom or divorced dad in terms of consumer choices?


Ernst might be a hyper-segmented hybrid, though.


Who are you quoting?

 No.12242 KONTRA

your (yoga)mom
or is it a divorced dad*


I don't get it


Judging by the poster and the writing style, it must be an article on sniffingfartmag.org about stupid boomers buying biodegradable bags instead of protesting for establishing automated gay luxury communism


Business trip was quite comfy, albeit very taxing intellectually. I had a hard time staying awake during the afternoon program.
It was pretty fruitful, at least, but driving around is tiring, especially during rush hour.
And right before I got home I had to take a detour because some idiots had an accident (because the traffic lights were turned off and apparently people forget how to use signs when that happens) and were blocking the road I usually take.

 No.12248 KONTRA

t. opinionated divorced dad

 No.12250 KONTRA

>Do tend to be a yoga mom or divorced dad in terms of consumer choices?
I have no idea what either of those means.
I try to avoid consumer choices by not buying. That might put me in divorced-dad-territory, since divorced dads don't have any money to spare.

 No.12251 KONTRA

>divorced dads don't have any money to spare

Divorced dads usually spend their money on gadgetry.
Your choice of not buying catapults you into moral highs, though.


homer credit.jpg (9.9 KB, 303x166)

Received a credit card offer in the mail today. You are invited to apply for...
I only have one credit card and usually just toss these things in the bin. I don't carry debt and pay my bills off each month. Still, that one card has a limit which is ridiculously low. I recently asked for a line increase because I kept hitting that limit and they only bumped it a few hundred. So, I was already thinking about getting a second card. I applied for this one and was approved. Strange thing: this card is apparently marketed to people with a high FICO score. I have never checked mine, but it must not suck. Good to know.

>I try to avoid consumer choices by not buying.

 No.12257 KONTRA

>Your choice of not buying catapults you into moral highs, though.
Nah, I'm just stingy.


Alcohol is nice in medium amounts, it soothes the soul and makes my head feel soft (in how it feels tense from all the thinking over the day).
Having a soft head all day must be nice.


>I try to avoid consumer choices by not buying
Same here. Saves money, saves resources, saves me from things that I have to care about.

Don't even have a credit card. I never grasped the concept why a credit card is necessary. I mean I have a bank account, where I have money at my disposal, and the bank gives me a card for transactions. For what would I need a second company, that does the same but charges me extra? It makes sense for work I guess, when you might have expenses which your company will only reimburse each month or so, so your balance doesn't drop below zero in the meantime, but outside of work? No idea why I would even want to have one. And if companies don't accept my bank card, then they should pay for the additional service, not me.


You need a credit card to rent cars, reserve a hotel room and to use in countries where German ec-cards don't work. (Scandinavia).


There are no charges or fees from my credit card if I pay the balance in full each billing cycle. This new card will offer 2% cash back on purchases, though. So, there will be a tangible reason to use it over my bank card.

 No.12271 KONTRA

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Finally went back to work. Had a little too much time off. Would've been better spent split into two holidays.


Is light a particle or a wave?

 No.12276 KONTRA


Had three and a half hours of constant meetings this morning. It went way into the time I am usually taking my break, and there was another one scheduled right after, so I had like 20 minutes to eat something just to continue, and there is another one scheduled for late afternoon because of timezones.
I should have taken another week of vacation.


Stupid EC, be funnier!


Es hat sich ausgebickert.


Bickering is not funny though


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Really? Hm...I think it is
Bicker bicker bicker bicker!


>posts a super assburger Spede
>uses "bicker" as a sound effect
You're a fake assburger and a phony.


The spoiler was thought of as a representation of people outside the ring shouting though that we should fight it out here and now like real Germans.


That was not clear at all, plus who should be doing that?


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Bickering might not be popular but it is what keeps this country alive.


Finland and the Portugese of course!


>Finland and the Portugese
Do they enjoy and promote the bickering?
Also, bickering is an incredibly ugly word that only gets uglier the more it's used.


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>Do they enjoy and promote the bickering?

The Portuguese does, he is a succubus that likes to see Germans fight in hopes of the empire crashing down.

Also bickering is a beautiful word.


I would rather hear it from them.
It is unseemly for you to speak for them.

 No.12295 KONTRA

>The Portuguese does, he is a succubus that likes to see Germans fight in hopes of the empire crashing down.
I feel attacked but it's true. Krautbickering is the opium for the peripheral European Ernst.


>It is unseemly for you to speak for them.

I'm a German, so it is very adequate to do so.

Ein Hascher, wie er im Buche steht!

>I feel attacked but it's true.

The mandatory German mind reading classes paid off :DDD


Yesterday I went to the National Library of Foreign Literature to check out a book. I reserved them in advance online. My plastic library card says they are open 10-20, the website says 9:30-15:30.
The reality is that it’s only “technically” open. You can go there and pick up a book, but otherwise every reading hall is closed to the public.

So I picked up the book and went back to the university library. I read some and also tried translating some modern Chinese. The results were horrifying at times but by the end I got really into it. Not that I made a “lot” of progress, but I did like two paragraphs and had to use the dictionary a lot so I guess it’s all good.
I want to translate an entire chapter and then show it to someone to see if I should continue with it.

I got home and played Persona for 6 fucking hours, but still went to bed before midnight.
Everything was pleasantly mixed in my mind. The books I read from, the game I played, the walk I took. The hot shower warmed me to the bones.

Today I woke up on time, despite not having set my alarm clock. I got ready and had some breakfast and then left for my doctor’s appointment.
There was a huge line and a mask mandate and I decided to risk it and not turn back. Waited 30 minutes in line to check in and then they asked me about the mask and when I said I don’t have one they gave me one, so my gamble ultimately paid off.

The doctor decided to see me without me having to wait in line for some reason, and then had a doctor in training conduct a weight-composition test.
I got out of the hospital in record time all things considered.

Outside my left foot started hurting for some reason and didn’t stop for most of the day. I had some time to kill before the meeting I arranged for today so I went home to rest for a bit.

Afterwards I went back to the city. My foot was killing me but I was actually supposed to pick up these books last year, but I just couldn’t find the right time to meet up with the person who donated them to our workshop. She invited me in and made me some good Chinese tea. We discussed matters of sinology for two hours. I was really electrified afterwards.
I saved all the books for the library, took nothing for myself. Save for this very funny DVD I saw which was apparently promotion material for some conference the Chinese organised in Guangdong to talk about the Belt and Road and I just couldn’t help seeing it. It’s like seeing something that will be historical one day while it’s relevant. This will be as much of a curiosity as a contemporary anthology of cultural revolution articles.
The video itself is just 20 minutes, so probably nothing much to write home about.

I then went and dropped off the books at the workshop. It was relatively uneventful. I contemplated staying a bit to catalogue but I wasn’t really feeling like it, so I went home.
I got home and had a really late lunch and then played some video games. I’m about to prepare for bed now.
Don’t know what’s actually happening to me. It feels like I’m climbing. I’ve reached the top of the mountain but I’m still ascending. Things can be so great. Things will be so great.

I’m reading more. Actually started reading again on the bus. Working my way through a book on oriental despotism and a Japanese novel.
I should go to the library again tomorrow. Maybe revise my Chinese again. I’ve been slacking off in favour of translationwork.

 No.12307 KONTRA

That unemployed feel when you are brushing your teeth at the window and somebody in landscaping work clothes passes by and looks at you. I call this glance the Portuguese sting.

I'm writing my research proposal and if nobody wants me within the next months I will try to find a job in retail while further trying to learn programming or try to find a job that suits my education. Not sure what makes more sense. I still find the idea of becoming a programmer alluring because it would mean amassing more knowledge in a new are and making good money as of now


Feels known, but because I WFH :3
I wouldn't advice you to go into retail, for some reason lots of people who went there "just until they find something" somehow got stuck there.
What makes your current education so unsuitable for the market? Just write some bullshit into your CV, outside of actual production or R&D nobody cares about actual qualifications. I know a hairdresser who got a job as a project manager (whatever that entailed in the company she was, I didn't get details) because she presented herself well.

 No.12309 KONTRA

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>Krautbickering is the opium for the peripheral European Ernst.
In the spirit of bickering, as well as the truth, you're wrong.

What you describe might be the case for the sad souls stuck in the Southern periphery. Your kind thrives in noise, chaos and discontent which might explain your attraction to bickering. I refuse to subject myself to these kinds of concepts voluntarily. I appreciate the serene, as well as truth and logic, thus simply ignore G*rman posts.

"Your words are like the flies buzzing in my ears."
A self translated quote from one of my favorite books, depicting my reaction to an average G*rman post.


>ignore posts
>flies buzzing in my ear
So you're actually able to ignore flies buzzing around you?


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Ernst, are you a likable person?

I feel a bit attacked because it looks so stereotypically german.
On the other hand, the questions were the usual psycho-wishi-washi diffuse fuzz that can go every way, and in light of recent experience, very american.

 No.12314 KONTRA

Finns are swamp people, it's unlikely he can even hear mosquitos or flies.

You're wrong but I won't explain why - to avoid bickering.


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You're a complete opposite of me


>Feels known, but because I WFH :3

My second thought tbh. I also like the idea of WFH.

>I wouldn't advice you to go into retail, for some reason lots of people who went there "just until they find something" somehow got stuck there.

>got stuck

my biggest fear tbh. It would be luxurious retail. Less people, for the love of good I would never consider Zara or whatever. Too many people. Also, I would avoid Louis Vitton and similar stores where people get explicitly a person on the side for information and advice. I went to LV once when there was accidentally no line in front of the store because I wanted to smell a perfume from their line. The guy who was my "guide" wasn't very professional sounding but ass-licking friendly which I did not like and wish he would have spoken differently because I bought nothing but got a sample from him for free, so he was cool nonetheless btw

>What makes your current education so unsuitable for the market?

my humanities MA :DDD Well, to be serious, there are a enough vacancies that suit my education but I don't really find many of them interesting. Learning to programm is very time consuming though. When I told the Jobcenter I consider software development instead of becoming a researcher the lady said no I should stick with researcher because that seems my passion, software dvelopment pays good money and I would never return to m passion, kek. Whatever, she said I have a few months to find something and then we can look again.

>just write some bullshit into your CV, outside of actual production or R&D nobody cares about actual qualifications. I know a hairdresser who got a job as a project manager

Yeah easy, project manager would be a suitable job as well. My CV features being a "coordinator" for a conference which indicates I have worked for and with people coming from a very prestigious university not Germany but known world wide actually, see my flexing ;) I've been organizing for people at institutes and have been a tutor so I have "teaching experience".

I don't see you showing these qualities on EC tbh :^)


>but I don't really find many of them interesting.
Well ladida, welcome to the workforce. It's a job. You sell your time to earn money, and it's certainly better to do something you learned instead of selling clothes. Code monkeys are a dying race btw, so if anything you should use programming skills to supplement your other qualities.
The better jobs also come with more tangible experience (no, student anything doesn't count), and in my experience, actual job experience is offset only by very high qualification.
If you are a humanities graduate, you should already be able to sell a product, and in this case, it's you. Focus on your positives, strengths (especially if relevant to the position) and drop the rest. And be approachable. Not in the "big smile and everything is awesome" way americans love (unless you are applying overseas), but in a way that people think that you are a good colleague, because it's always "how you fit in the team", especially when it's some HR (or related) bullshit job.


Why not landscaping? Good work, the outdoors, industrial equipment, exercise. I'd prefer it over retail, honestly.

 No.12319 KONTRA

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Accurate. People are mostly worthless pieces of shit, being liked by them would be a very unpleasant experience. I feel no need to suck up to assholes.


>Well ladida, welcome to the workforce. It's a job. You sell your time to earn money, and it's certainly better to do something you learned instead of selling clothes

Ach, Ernst I know that most jobs arent very attractive to begin with. It depends, I will certainly look into jobs that suit my area of expertise and pay better than retail. Ive been working in the administration of the university as student as well for some time and seeing myself in that office for a couple of years full time is kinda terrible. A typical office job, but not even interesting. An office job that at least sparks some interest would be nice instead. I heard from somebody from my childhood who was very smart and educated and knowledgeable back then, having an MA in a discipline that has to with knowing maths and natural science and he works at IKEA now, albeit in a supervisor position.

> if anything you should use programming skills to supplement your other qualities.

That's another idea. Actually a really nice outlook to combine humanities with programming for me, something I would also be interested in. I guess that is what you did? There is this Ernst talking about programming at the job site, but I suspect is the guy with education in biology/chemistry and what not, so maybe you.

>Why not landscaping? Good work, the outdoors, industrial equipment, exercise. I'd prefer it over retail, honestly.

I have a friend who did an apprenticeship in landscaping, needless to say you tried to get away :D


Sounds good at first but then I remember delivering packages and mail in the cold or scotching heat. No, thanks.

>industrial equipment

Not a big plus for me


I found better and more rewarding exercise. Turn out it around and this job ruins your body over time would be another way to look at it.

It might be "honest" work but luxurious retail is something I could adapt to more easily I think. Contrary to what people here might think I cherish people knowing trades/crafts and would like to learn myself. Like with many other things, but there only is so many time in a life.


Stop saying "luxurious retail" and say what you actually means. I assume it's expensive clothes, but it could also be golf clubs, expensive cars, luxury food/drinks and so on. None of which I would ever want to do, retail in and by itself already sucks, but having to work with either the lower (e.g. at Netto) or upper echelons of society will probably make you hate people even more than you already do.
>>12319 is probably a cashier at Kaufland.

 No.12323 KONTRA

Nah, but I sometimes have to do IT-support.


> IT-support
Ah, that explains a lot.


>having to work with either the lower (e.g. at Netto) or upper echelons of society will probably make you hate people even more than you already do.

I don't hate people abstractly if you think that is the case, I'm not a ECschizo but a very normal member of society.
That said, I did deliver for DHL/Deutsche Post in the past and know what it is like to deal with poor and rich people at their doorsteps.
Selling expensive clothes I imagine a bit less stressful because it is less people overall that stop by to buy things. As mentioned before, I'm fearing getting stuck in retail though, doing it for a while seems ok, just like working for DHL for a while was ok.

Interestingly just today somebody in social work asked me if I could imagine doing social work with a clientele I count some of my friends and myself to different extents. So I'm a bit hesitant since I might not be stable myself (at least at the moment). On the other hand, it seems like more meaningful work, unlike retail. Helping people but institutionalized. I was surprised but the person seemed serious about it. I never considered it myself (I couldn't do care work, not with all I heard from people working there) but now I think about it as a potential avenue. Well, I will still try the PhD route first. I could also imagine doing a PhD and then going that route suggested today.


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>Not in the "big smile and everything is awesome" way Americans love
Now I feel attacked.

t.Certified likable pro

 No.12340 KONTRA

>I don't hate people abstractly if you think that is the case, I'm not a ECschizo but a very normal member of society.
>hate [...] abstractly
>very normal member
You just admitted yourself that you are, by definition, not a very normal member of society.
You know what, just go work in retail for some time and then come back to that post. It's VERY different from delivery.


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Honestly the biggest problem with tests like these is that it’s your own evaluation of yourself. It’s a nice oddity but all it tells me is that based on this questions I ultimately consider myself to be a manipulative egomaniac who is deeply unhappy.


>You just admitted yourself that you are, by definition, not a very normal member of society.

Because I don't people abstractly or because I phrase it like that?
Retail is prone for longer contact with customers. That is true. Not sure if you worked in delivery before but not all people are friendly at the door. Nor are people very pleased when their packages are "late" or whatever that is not my fault at all but a logistical issue.

 No.12346 KONTRA

>the biggest problem with tests like these is that it’s your own evaluation of yourself.

Looking at that diagram I can only repeat myself and tell you a therapy might change that perception and yourself in consequence less unhappy, because I guess you can indeed correctly evaluate how happy you are overall


the test is shit-tier, like always with these.

> Like what?
My hair and facial hair.
I've took the freedom to expand that compliment to my face - why else would she look in that direction?

> Did you ask her out?
She seemed too much of a druggy. would be too much same same ;3

 No.12349 KONTRA

>Because I don't people abstractly or because I phrase it like that?
Because you talk about your mental health issues and because of your phrasing.
And yes, I have worked in delivery, although only food and people, not postal. And while some people are unpleasant or smell bad or something, overall the contact wasn't unpleasant, but that's in the nature of delivery and it's understood for the most part that you're just the messenger, so to say, but having to know e.g. the exact inventory of your store is vastly different.
Last, nice digits.


Switched to drinking very strong coffee and I feel euphoric throughout the day after a cup. Joymaxxing.
My foot still hurts so I stayed home and worked on making corrections to the essays I submitted as part of my research work.

My stylistic Vorbild is the 2008 edition of Tőkei's works in a sense. Have a good Hungarian texts, but also make sure to include as many of the key terms in the Chinese original in brackets with hanzi as possible.

Mother said I needn't worry about my foot, since tomorrow's the day that people with the limp are going to be burned on the stake, so the pain will end either way.

For some reason I'm thinking about 2025 already. 2024 is dangerously close to the end of the "First Five Year Plan" I put forward in 2020. (Or alternatively the "Five Years, Five Goals" plan)
Ultimately I will probably have around 4/5 results achieved, which is good enough. I guess.
I just can't find the paper and I can't tick off "Getting published in print" and it frustrates me to no end.


Im reading an article on the conceptual history of infrastructure and I'm in the middle of the last century as NATO and supranational organizations used it in the context of modernization and as word for the physical realization of modernization theory and other economic thinking towards third world countries.

>Infrastructure was Cold War politics by other means. Under modernization

theory, the geography of infrastructure investment often reflected the priorities
(e.g. export-led growth) of the orthodox economic development model: roads,
rails, and pipelines often linked sites of resource extraction directly to cities
and ports (Ferguson 2006; Mitchell 2011).

Apparently there was a time when there was built a dam a day in these countries. I think of China building infrastructure and people complaining how the west doesnt do it, but he did after WW2 and it did not help. And China just follows the model again only this time channeled to China, not the US.


>I just can't find the paper and I can't tick off "Getting published in print" and it frustrates me to no end.

A text of mine has been published in print just once in my life (and has been the only publiscation so far) and could be bought in a museum publication. It's nice you know, but it's not like this makes the text better, more meaningful or whatever.

You better check other boxes in your age than publications. There is so much time to publish meaningful or good work in the next 40 years, bro.


Judging by your blogposts that seems pretty accurate.
But it's ok, you will eventually grow out of your edgy teenage phase and mellow out. At the latest when you try to impress a nice girl.

 No.12372 KONTRA

You have to statmaxxx these stats to impress the other sex or hit on an extremely insecure woman.
Therapy is like a particle accelerator for people with these stats btw :DDD


>Therapy is like a particle accelerator for people with these stats
...it makes them collide with each other?


I was just putting a strong emphasis on being accelerated but I think being shot into another particle with high (unknown before for these individuals) speed would also be fine.


But accelerated in what way? A particle being accelerated picks up speed, but what is accelerated in therapy? Healing?

 No.12376 KONTRA

In my experience, you get thrown around a lot, like a particle in an accelerator. Or maybe a rag during spin cycle. (Not him, obv.)

 No.12377 KONTRA

>what is accelerated in therapy? Healing?

Yeah, you are picking up speed towards feeling better. Accelerated is understanding of emotions/feelings. You become aware of things going on, in a second step you learn to regulate better what you are now being aware of and from it your mood benefits and a stable and generally enhanced mood changes how you perceive yourself, makes you act differently and also leaves a different impression on others. Once you feel better you can also tackle more easily things like getting gf because you are less insecure, open and so on.

The disclaimer would be that this is only true for certain problems that I think a lot of people suffer from nonetheless.
Hungary for example would benefit from knowing what is actually going on. From his posts I don't see that he is in touch with his feelings (he feels but that is not what I mean). He probably never learned to get in touch, just like me and many others. But being able to do so can change a lot. Once you know what is going on, you can regulate and change instead of feeling passive and lost. At his age feeling lost is kinda normal, therapy will help and you will benefit from it while getting older. Some people suffer through their 20s (me) until they realize a lot of suffering could have been avoided if I just knew things, but I was far away from getting close. Of course you reflect and understand bits and pieces but it helps to have people who are trained. I'm amazed what can change in a few months, I'm not cured or anything. But feel like I have more control and can direct change better. You make little steps forward and sometimes backward, it is not linear progress.


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Asked a woman out in the library today that I occasionally saw in the library while writing my thesis last year. I'm too late. She said she thinks I'm super attractive but she is dating somebody rn and wants to concentrate on that person. Still kinda nice to chat with with her for a minute or two. I think my action made both our days better as we validated each other's attractiveness. Great feeling.

 No.12388 KONTRA

I hate dogmatic idealism


Isn't that a bit dogmatic of a statement?

 No.12391 KONTRA

>but she is dating somebody rn and wants to concentrate on that person
Of course. Well, at least she didn't call the cops on you for sexual harassment.


Erna here.
Today at the library some creepy guy tried to hit on me. I stayed polite, but I already had my pepper spray at hand.
Gladly he seemed flattered by the pleasantries I told him and went his way.

 No.12394 KONTRA

Why did you smile at me in the past svereal times though? :(


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But today I gave her the desired attention. I cannot forget her beaming tbh :DDD


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Looks like I'm staying in tonight.
These alerts make a lot of noise. Should shut them off.


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>visibility will be reduced to almost zero

Sounds cool, would like to experience it, just not in motorized vehicle.


>full travel ban
Does that mean you're not allowed to leave town (no matter how large the town)?Or is it even more restrictive?


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Went riding from a hill today, it's fun and climbing back to top burned some calories. It's on a frozen lake, megaphone repeats every two minutes "walking on ice is forbidden!", but no one cares. Tested my winter clothes at -17. It's fine, I lasted for 2 hours. I didn't have winter shoes, but wearing warm socks worked fine. On the other hand, face freezes hard and hurts.
Warmed up in "Tasty and that's it" (haven't been there yet for 2 years), haven't noticed any differences. But they renamed "Big mac" to "Big hit"


A travel ban means no private vehicles are allowed on the road. Not sure what the punishment is if violated, probably a fine. They only want snow plows and emergency vehicles out there. We had a playoff game scheduled tomorrow night. The NFL moved it to Monday.

>But they renamed "Big mac" to "Big hit"
Should have called it Big Mic.



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake-effect_snow - today I learnt
I wander how bad is it so they issue travel bans, could you take photos please?

 No.12403 KONTRA

My foot still hurts, but I think it's actually getting better.
Been drinking that strong coffee. The taste is awful but I feel very energized by it.

Today I revised the third essay. It was the first one I translated, so it was pretty awful at parts, but even the lecturer didn't seem to have caught some of the errors I made.
I kinda wish she'd actually correct the errors she did notice instead of just "I don't think this is correct". But I guess the point of being a member of an "Elite" college is that you work to better yourself.

Otherwise my routine is the same as always. Wake up before ten, laze around a bit, listen to music, do a few chores after breakfast and then have lunch, get some academic work done and call it a day once the task is finished or I reach 19:00, then I switch over to playing Persona until 23, I do some exercises, take a hot shower and read for about 40 minutes in bed before I go to sleep.
Sometimes the later part of the schedule gets screwed because I can't save in the game during the long cutscenes.
But I can't remember exactly the last time I had this much fun with a video game. It's actually a really motivating story.

 No.12404 KONTRA

Well, there are a few questions I don't know the answers to when it comes to myself. Of course I learn new things and can close some questions, but some are constant.
I actually went to a therapist as a kid after I took part in a brawl and accidentally hurt someone really bad, and I remember her asking me all sorts of uncomfortable questions. Ultimately, what was the verdict by the end of our year of therapy? "It'll get better in high school. It'll be even better at university."
When I had to visit a therapist in high school for another unfortunate social accident I had with someone, they just looked at my record and told me to beat it, there's nothing to be learned here.
Even then, I had those sessions because they were mandatory. My mother would probably be sad if I went to a therapist. She periodically reminds me not to get depression. Of course I tried to talk to her about my problems, my feelings of being inadequate, but if it's not met with being called an idiot, it ends with a laugh.

The central problem that honestly bothers me the most is how I do not seem to be able to form "deep" relationships in a sense. People think of me as a workaholic who leads no personal life. Which I guess is true. "Ernst, you're the academic equivalent of a mule!"
I'm good at forming collegial relations with people. We do similar things at a similar place. It never turns into "Let's see a movie at the weekend" for some reason.
I cannot seem to build "Friendships" with people I meet on a day-to-day basis. I don't know if going out drinking with online friends I talk with every day basically as proper friendship. Maybe friendship is different nowadays thanks to the net.
I'd like to say that I'm not socially inept. I'm very competent verbally if I can believe people, so it's not an issue of tools. There's some kind of colossal fuck-up at a framework level, and I think I can blame the two times I almost got made into a delinquent during my schooling, which in the end put me off from a career in being a bouncer, but it made me retreat to the Citadel of my soul to such a degree that nobody even thinks to visit me any more, because ultimately, focusing on erudition and my studies was in my head, the safest way to make me seem harmless.

You could probably fill an entire novella with episodes of my life that I think contributed to my unbalanced or "deformed" personality. That my personality feels like it's a wave in a box, or a pendulum. That I take everything seriously, while also being unable to pass up on making a joke, that I craw to be with people, but can't help but be bored to tears by what the average person does, that I think I get nothing done yet I look down on basically everyone else, that people think I'm a workaholic yet I probably get less done than most of them. Or is that just my feeling of inadequacy speaking to my own unreasonable expectations?
If life were a novel, me assembling these facts, laying them out and then trying to resolve these contradictions within me would lead somewhere. But repeatedly I have to arrive at the conclusion that life is not like a novel, and that things happen nigh meaninglessly, the best I can do is tie them together to form the prettiest bouquet possible to impress people around me. Get a combo.

Most of this is probably just meaningless noise on my part. I could go to a therapist but I'm a cheapskate, my schedule is full, it's too expensive, and my mother would be disappointed that her "gifted" son going to a good university is "mentally ill".
As much as I like to ignore my issues in favour of "just carrying on", I actually do think about it beyond my self-flagellating proclamations of being in despair saying it's all meaningless.
There we are, I'm feeling sad again. Not gonna cry, but if I think about this any more I'm probably gonna.

 No.12405 KONTRA

I wish it was summer again. That'd fix my problems.


Your biggest problem is clearly that you're a terminally online zoomer.
Unironically leave the house, touch grass and meet people.
And I mean that in earnesty, not in the imageboard cynical way.


>therapy visits at young age

Ok, but you are close to your mid 20s now,more grown and verbally capable. It is a different thing. First you come with the motivation of solving a problem yourself and second it might be a different problem over all why you go there.

>My mother would probably be sad if I went to a therapist. She periodically reminds me not to get depression. Of course I tried to talk to her about my problems, my feelings of being inadequate, but if it's not met with being called an idiot, it ends with a laugh.

Your mom doesn't know how to handle things either, obviously. My parents also don't know how to do it and that is why they probably did not taught you how it's down either. So don't take to much in consideration what your mom thinks but seek the help that you need.

>my feelings of being inadequate

Go to the therapist and say that this seems to be a reoccurring issue. Then together you can look at what is the problem here.

>The central problem that honestly bothers me the most is how I do not seem to be able to form "deep" relationships in a sense

Also mention this and you might find out why.

> but I'm a cheapskate, my schedule is full, it's too expensive, and my mother would be disappointed that her "gifted" son going to a good university is "mentally ill".

Excuses, lol. It's not uncommon for people to be afraid of going to therapy because it can be hard and uncomfortable, speaking from experience here. I only let the it's expensive slide. But there is a solution that I hope your university offers like they do in Germany: free counselling.

Not sure which uni it is but I suspect it's this one since they have a humanities faculty and I don't think you go to the art academy


Took me 20 seconds to find it.

Make an appointment. You have nothing to lose, only to gain.

and no summer won't fix your problems. the sun won't make you friends and all, albeit the rays are mood influencing ofc


Each winter, the Lake decides our fate.
>could you take photos please?
Now I'm wet.

>I wish it was summer again


I very much want to stress that your mom is not capable of handling your feelings well as it seems. Yet your mom is worrying about you getting depressed because it might mean she failed as a parent which would break her heart maybe. Alas, parents make mistakes, especially when they never learned to handle something correctly themselves. It is not about blaming them but acknowledging that something might be wrong. Your mom still did a good job in other areas of raising you I guess.

And since it is therapy at university you "just go to university", she never has to find out anyway if that still matters to you. And your full schedule is just an excuse. These things are not as important as your mental health tbh. Contrary to that, your academic work might benefit from going to therapy. And last: you will probably have 1-2 session of one hour per month, it is not a sports club or whatever.

 No.12410 KONTRA

Oh, and I forgot. Part of becoming an adult is to separate yourself from your parents as a person (includes taking responsibility, making your own decisions etc). Something that seems necessary in your case tbh. You can start by going to therapy instead of listening to your mom or what your mom (or father ofc) might think.


Oh and I forgot to add: Don't take life advice from Ernst, especially not from germans and russians.

 No.12412 KONTRA

Stop the sabotage.


I'm not sabotaging anything, I mean it, so cry me a river.
Getting life advice on EC is like asking about weight loss strategies in a weight watchers forum.
A "one-eyed leading the blind" kind of thing.
Every single one of you needs to do some serious internet/social media/smartphone cold turkey (don't kids today call that "digital detox"?) because nobody can convince me that it's not a major factor in all the mental health problems that only become more and more and no, "b-b-but better diagnostics" is bullshit.

 No.12414 KONTRA

old burgers.jpg (101.76 KB, 940x852)

That's a lot of snow in a day. We had the sames on Friday, could barely make out the neighboring buildings. Anyways, I tried geolocating the railing in your video, but quickly gave up when I found multiple close but not exact matches. In any case pic related was a funny surprise.

I'm glad it's still Winter. It's going to get way too hot indoors in the Summer while right now everything is cozy.

 No.12415 KONTRA

Homeopathy, psychology. Year of magic, manifesting itself.
As for sufferings, it is what it is and really what the majority of you need the most is to break these prisons of your own making, go "outside" and touch some women lmao

 No.12416 KONTRA


That's sexist. Women do not exist for you to 'touch' no matter how much you 'suffer'. Maybe get a REAL job, work out, have good hygiene and for a change, try being the semblance of a halfway decent person, you disgusting creepy sexist manosphere edgelord loser.

IF you are lucky, there is a chance that a woman might decide she wants to be touched by you.

 No.12417 KONTRA

not sure if troll post.

but if someone would post something like that seriously, I would argue that person is the actual sexist. Some things are implied without needing to state them. Assuming these things are missing, just because it was not mentioned, would only be done by a sexist.

> to break these prisons of your own making
me like.
(wanted to say something intelligent, but I failed. The year of intelligence is over)

 No.12418 KONTRA

>factor in all the mental health problems that only become more and more

It is but I would say that social media is a coping strategy among other things. You go to social media/EC/games instead of doing other things like going out and touching some grasswomen.
Drinking alcoholic beverages when you feel shit for various reasons is nothing else, it's a way to deal with your feelings or let's say not deal with your feelings but pushing them aside

Hungary should go to counseling simply to check out if that can be helpful to him. Better try this than continue to suffer, maybe counseling is necessary for him to go outside in the first place again.



photo_2023-12-18_19-51-57.jpg (106.11 KB, 809x368)

Ernst, do you believe in?..
a) Psychoanalysis (Freudian, Jungian, Lacanian?)
b) Psychotherapy in general

Liar's paradox.
It alarms me when people push something in a peremptory and cult-like manner but it's true that once in a month is affordable in terms of time and money. However if psychotherapist is able to help you, he's probably also able to hurt you, so that's not that harmless.


Fair enough

 No.12424 KONTRA

There I am, dreaming about my female co-worker keeping a menagerie of wild animals, when instead I could be having sexual dreams about my grandma. Guess I need to ascend in the hierarchy of competence.


Today I really need to get shit done. Any advice that would help me not just spend half of the day lying in bed beacuse I feel like I deserve a break?


How doth the little busy bee
Improve each shining hour,
And gather honey all the day
From every opening flower!

How skilfully she builds her cell!
How neat she spreads the wax!
And labors hard to store it well
With the sweet food she makes.

In works of labor or of skill,
I would be busy too;
For Satan finds some mischief still
For idle hands to do.

In books, or work, or healthful play,
Let my first years be passed,
That I may give for every day
Some good account at last.

 No.22929 KONTRA

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