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/meta/ - Board features and moderation feedback

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Im suggesting that Threads are no longer pushed by the OP, even Days or Month later.
This is a big One and might get some interesting Threads go to Page 2-4 but it would help to get rid of Threads like the KrahThread on /b/ bc none other than the OP is pushing it.
There wont be any need for Kontra at really unnecessary Threads and they wont be seen again easy, just by ignoring them!


I know the 4chongs has something implemented so that bumps only work for consecutive posts of unique IPs, i.e. if nobody but OP is replying nothing happens.
Of course that can be circumvented by new IPs.


Sounds good, but trust me, it's useless. Think of it like this: Any of those posters you have in mind are probably doing this for a while, so they are used to working with different IPs. Just as you say:
>Of course that can be circumvented by new IPs.
Everyone and their grandma has those today. Even if people do it with clear IPs, those also usually change periodically, even outside /24-range. There might even be good reasons for an OP to bump old threads, like rescuing a quality thread from falling off the board, or reviving one instead of creating a similar one.

>but it would help to get rid of Threads like the KrahThread on /b/

If we wanted to do that, we would have simply removed it. It's not forbidden to talk about politics on EC, we just don't want to have political shilling, namecalling and stuff like this. Obviously, we would have preferred the thread to have a more "general" topic, but as long as politics discussion stays in the thread and stays civil, there is no reason to remove it. In general, we aim to rather remove cancerous posters than forbid whole topics, knowing well that there might be a limit to that approach. But as a byproduct, that also prevents people trying to shit up threads in order to have them removed because they "attract cancer".

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