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 No.283 [Reply]

>mysteriously disappeared: some people reported having media files like mp3 or mp4 rejected, despite most seem to work fine
this is most likely your php.ini had limit on post_max_size and/or upload_max_filesize


>this is most likely your php.ini had limit on post_max_size and/or upload_max_filesize
True. Especially in the first weeks it wasn't completely clear at how many places the upload file size limit needs to be changed to be effective. The current count is four: Board config, nginx config and the two places in php.ini you mentioned. Could be that there were differences between these configs earlier which caused this problem. In any case: Thanks for the input.

 No.40 [Reply]

Thread to insult mods.

Brace yourselves for ebin joge:

Mod's mom is so fat she gets her passport picture taken at Google Earth.
8 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

 No.272 KONTRA

OK, fixed. For some reason the thread was bumplocked. Probably me fiddling around with stuff and then forgetting to clean up.


1681217714.png (26.55 KB, 850x310)

have i been banned?


No, this can happen if you post in very quick succession, or if you delete and immediatly repost something, for example when fixing a typo. Just wait a minute or so, should be fine afterwards. If it repeats even after a few minutes, please report here with a description of what you tried to do, in that case it might be a bug.


thank you. as it appears my post came through, i just didn't notice that immediately

 No.216 [Reply]

fragazeichenjungchen.jpg (60.31 KB, 500x500)

First of all no i dont want to post pictures of Children. But what about sharing a link to a repack computer games website in the quake or vidya games thread or a link to a streaming website on other ocasions. The website itself isnt really illegal i think, but maybe what you do with it. So it would also be Grenzwert i guess?


>So it would also be Grenzwert i guess?
Not really. When we included "Grenzwert" in the rules after "don't post anything illegal", the idea was that we didn't want to host anything that smells like CP, even if some stuff technically might be legal. Nobody will complain about a link to a shady website.

 No.128 [Reply]

Was tun wenn ein Bret weder Moderation noch Neger hinkriegt?

Frage für ein neueröffnetes So-Naja-Bret.

Die Negerfrage muss geklärt werden.
Davon hängt alles andere ab.
Sie ist ja nur der Platzhalter.
8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


This thread feels suspicious;

2bh the “commiecat” thing was spam on oldEC too and we should be vigilant about someone trying to get the mascot of a political board assimilated into EC culture.


2 or 3 posts in one thread is hardly spam or a reason to go into panic mode.


That sounds a bit like the "sarcasm and black humor" reply I got on xyz when I complained about Bernd taking over the board.

Let's wait and see when this board will be overrun.

t. not >>202 I swear


>That sounds a bit like the "sarcasm and black humor" reply I got on xyz when I complained about Bernd taking over the board.
We are aware of this thread, but please keep in mind that eagerly banning/closing threads sometimes isn't the best option to deal with those situations. It may well be that removing threads too fast will only motivate people to spam their stuff even more (see anorectal violence), so sometimes it's best to let them decide whether they are spam or not: If they take it easy: Fine. If they bump their thread all the time or create new ones: Also fine, makes the decision easier for the mods. For everyone else I recommend not engaging, since even Kontra'ing or insulting the OP might not lead to the desired outcome.

>we should be vigilant
Don't worry, we will intervene if it becomes disruptive.

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