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 No.4616 SYSTEMKONTRA [Last 50 Posts]

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Interesting refrigerator pictures edition


jerome_y_lettvin.jpg (90.82 KB, 838x948)

>I can only work from this lackluster information you are giving me

You don't have to work, you are not forced to do emotional labor here, Ernst :DDD

>and if you are not going to publish it, why even tell anyone in the first place? It's clear you want someone to acknowledge what you are doing.

Maybe EC is just my write away trashcan? If I want to be acknowledge for my work I talk to lecturers or peers with whome I share what I actually found and what my research questions are and what a probable thesis would actually be. But I don't share these with Ernst and stay celebral. Why? because I just need it as soothing. Reflecting myself. My Zettelkasten looks very different from my post. It's interesting that you are so mad at "questions" and "ideas" because these are vital. Of course they can also be distracting but as you mentioned, you can hardly judge because you don't actually know the ideas nor the questions not the theses, so you are damned to speculate which can be right or wrong.

It looks like nothing because you know basically nothing about the situation and the material and my ideas and questions.

You want to be a substitute supervisor that gets his mentee by the balls for not making progress or getting lost and putting him on track getting triggered like this and taking fat people hostage does not make you look like a good supervisor tbh, which is a necessary task of a supervisor and appreciated, but you lack the information to correctly assess and play your role. No offense but being aware of my problems (similar happened with student papers) I think I can assess well enough when I think I hit a promising path that won't be abandoned quickly anymore. The difference from attempts before is that I could already start writing a thesis that has a rather lame claim. But I want to find out if there is an unthought twist still waiting to be discovered. I essentially have two interesting but not very special theses on their own and I am wondering if these two can be conjoined (missing the question here) to lead to another insight that would be a third claim.


>Maybe EC is just my write away trashcan?
How flattering. Wie man in den Wald ruft...

But seriously, what do you expect? There are so many digital and analog ways to get thoughts out of your system and "reflect", without anyone seeing them, yet you specifically chose EC, and that has to have a reason.
If your put yourself out there you are of course bound to be scrutinized by an audience of some sort, and it's the same here. People will read what you wrote and some people will reply, and since you a) talk only vaguely about a very special field and b) don't share anything about that field that would increase understanding of what you are doing, it's also natural that some people will react less than understanding.
And you responding is also something you specifically choose to do, because you could either just not reply at all, or say something along the lines of "whatever fag" and be done with it, so I feel confident in making the assumption that you do have a need to explain yourself.

And if I were your supervisor, I would certainly make jokes about you being a fatass (although I don't know why I would hold you hostage), but I would also ask you if you need help and offer you to look together through what you have compiled so far, because four eyes see more than two and from personal experience in education and job I know that it helps discussing things and bouncing ideas off each other, because having someone look at your work from another perspective can help you break the hyper-focused tunnel vision you might be having from lonewolving for so long and give you new (helpful!) impulses to find that unthought twist. Was ist ist - nur was nicht ist, ist möglich.
Working entirely alone is only for accomplished writers and even they have editors who might have to keep them in check. I remember something by Tucholsky where he was talking about his old editor and it was something like "and he taught me how to properly write 'what do you want to write?' 'this and that' 'so write this and that goddamn!'". I can't find a sauce for it right now, sadly.


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>that has to have a reason.

Habit, have you heard of that? I just need to write things down because I need things to get out. EC is convenient for that. That does not mean that I use EC only for that btw. I have a German diary document on my computer that I use to note down academic thoughts or important thoughts about things and experiences though.

>because you could either just not reply at all, or say something along the lines of "whatever fag" and be done with it, so I feel confident in making the assumption that you do have a need to explain yourself

Just like you I like to correct people from my side. I went to a meta level by replying on your post, not its content as such, why I did so follows on the next paragraph: I don't want and need to here on EC
I would indeed have to explain myself if the context would call for it, given we are on EC this is not the context I feel I need to explain myself it's "whatever fag" but sensible perhaps and it basically has zero consequences in contrast to academia. My supervisor has received two emails from me in the last 72h where I did some of the work you want me to do here.

>but I would also ask you if you need help and offer you to look together through what you have compiled so far, because [...]

Yes, I talk to people like my supervisor and talking with other (academics) can be great, when I was on that conference I was talking to somebody who wrote interesting stuff I will go through once I have the time and during and after the conversation a question in my mind crystallized that I think lingered around for quite a while but only on the edges since I pondered writing about the topic since my BA, it's related to my current topic a bit and it relates to a big interest in my life. So that is great, but for my MA the gathering of source material would have been suicide because I have no idea about how to get at it, it probably would also need to be oral history to a certain extent which is something I'm not familiar with and that is not unproblematic.
I don't even disagree with what you say, it is also not the first time I have encountered these thoughts, I have been in reading groups for example, and know the value of multiple eyes and hears.

The thing is: I'm not here to actually discuss my project, I just needed a space to write out what I accomplished albeit abstract to "keep track" and remind myself and it connects with the habit of writing things into the today thread, especially if they are not super important but I still feel like it gives me something by writing it out. It's like counting tiles or something, it's soothing, or maybe like pissing and shitting, it has to go somewhere I cannot keep it in my head. The Today thread - by the way- was made for (banal) blog posting if anybody here needs a reminder.


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>Interesting refrigerator pictures


Rastafarianism needs its own Hitler


>Fridge picture
I wish I had taken a photograph of my grandma's 1950s American-size fridge while it still existed. It was 170cm high, 1m wide, had rounded corners, chrome applications, a fancy name ending in "deluxe"... The whole shebang.

 No.4624 KONTRA

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You might not like it, but this is the peak fridge form.

Chest freezers/fridges should be the only type allowed. I hope EU forces this on all the peasants some day. Way more energy efficient design.

 No.4625 KONTRA

>crook my back to get stuff from the fridge



>putting things on top of other things
Pretty silly innit


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This is what I expect influencers to have in their new kitchen they present to an audience.

 No.4628 KONTRA

Fellas is it gay to text her to ask if she's fine since she didn't come to class

Watched an absolutely bonkers German dystopian sci-fi b-movie starring Rainer Werner Fassbinder (in 1982, as he was about to die) as a cop in a leopard print suit solving future crimes. Basically think Blade Runner directed by Helge Schneider.

Also fridge pic rel

 No.4629 KONTRA

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Thank god for death metal and calisthenics otherwise I would've probably punched a wall by now since she didn't write back yet

 No.4630 KONTRA

Dogg damn it, why did you text her :DD asburger :DD

 No.4631 KONTRA

women laughing.jpg (70.39 KB, 751x489)

>OMG I missed one class and look what he's texting me


All pixar movies contain reactionary messaging


We need a dedicated thread for these, so they don't fly under the radar in the today thread.

This, but unironic.

 No.4634 KONTRA

thing aboud dhe wall guys :dd id mighd ged :DD hurd afder all :dD

Joges aside, my thought process was that she didn't miss a single class in weeks and said "see you tomorrow" yesterday but yeah I guess it's just me being assburger. Also I felt callous about half-complimenting her new haircut but then doing some weird backpedaling comment yesterday. Guess it's time for some self-destructive behavior in one form or another.


Become emotionless in her presence, troubles werent :DDDD

Why did you text her? I'm not sure if that is clingy and needy or showing care.

Also, my roommate asked for the number and she seemed surprised and said she will think about it. Well, I know that it can work from there to date, but I better don't bet on that outcome but the opposite. Might ask again in a month or so just to show that I mean it seriously if nothing comes back.


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Oh fuck's sake Ernst.
Well at least now the cat is out the bag and you can profess your undying love for her.
Maybe this was just the necessary push needed.


Thread of aphorisms?


True. A least that would pump some well-deserved life into it.


Startup idea: pay shills so that they will ride in subway with your webpage opened on their device. They will advertise it to people around peeping in their phone.

Similar dilemma: do I know her good enough so that buying birthday present won't look cringe?


>Similar dilemma: do I know her good enough so that buying birthday present won't look cringe?
Wait, I remember that thread.
Was it Hungaryball? Or the swiss?


Nazism needs it's own Bob Marley.

Coincidentally I spent today's dinner reading Wikipedia about Rastafarianism, didn't understand shit, should have opened English version instead.


>Deh wie a laif sohtaim refa tu az "Rastafaarianizim", bot dis toerm kansida ofensiv bai muos Rastafarai, sens deh kritikal a "izim skizim" (we deh si az tipikal a "Babilan" kolcha), so deh rijek di liebl a "izim" fi dehself.
Jah bless mon


Ach Ernst, when will be a mr on-her-mind?


 No.4646 KONTRA

Lecturer liked the study I wrote on disability in China. He wants me to correct the spelling mistakes and the wording (because apparently using the word "dwarf" in Hungarian is not "politically correct") and after an enlarging he wants me to submit it for publication.
I almost told him that I am currently in a manic period and that I am basically devoting my undivided attention to reading about 20th century soviet music history but I decided against it.
Unironically unable to give a shit about anything else until I'm bored of my current mania.

I spent most of the day listening to Shostakovich's Antiformalist Rayok. Also found a translation of the text and have been reading that. I want to make a poetic treatment of it in Hungarian because I can't stop giggling when I hear and read it. Funny thing is that I feel like with the translation right alongside it I can "reverse-engineer" a lot of the Russian original.

Got an email from the journal that published my book review that they finished assembling the necessary papers and now they just need my signature for the contract. I'm gonna get paid 40 euros for the review.

Left the studying for the exam to the last minute. It's like 1 A4 page worth of material. Don't give a fuck. I just want the semester to be over.
But I'm greedy and I want that 4.75 rating. I want it to be the highest ever. And I want it to net me a good stipend. If I'm going to waste another year here despite my outstanding competences and flowering talent while the retards who can't differentiate between Qin and Qing are out there abusing their degrees I might as well make a bit of money out of it.


You're on a pretty big Shostakovich bender right now, hm?
Why not let other Ernsts partake in that and make a radio show where you play some stuff?
It's easy to do.


Don't listen to him >>4647 , just post it to music thread


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Response time: 6:45
Smiley count: 1
Follow-up question: 1

Ngl, pretty disappointing stats boys

>Become emotionless in her presence, troubles werent :DDDD
I could do that anytime, but it won't lead anywhere for sure

>Why did you text her?

See >>4634 spoiler. Felt like showing that I ~care~ since I think I was a bit condescending when we last talked. Dunno, it was a spur of the moment decision and I thought I'll just do what I feel like and what's the worst that could happen, but I didn't anticipate how insane it would drive me to wait for the response.

>I'm not sure if that is clingy and needy or showing care.

Yeah it's probably both unfortunately
In hindsight I should've known she's just preparing for her presentation tomorrow and let it be. But then again testing what her response time will be is not so bad intel, before she responded in <30 mins.

Ach Ernst, let me do my stupid little mistakes, how else am I gonna learn

 No.4656 KONTRA

I made a well thought out post explaining that it's not your fault, you are just a German committed to punctuality and she expressly showed her carelessness in making commitments to "see you tomorrow" that evidently she doesn't take seriously enough to honor.
I say if this doesn't work out, it's for the best. It's that simple.


I don't feel like it'd work. If it was a one-off event then it'd be too long at like 10 hours I feel like, because I'd play everything in whole and probably add some introductory commentary before the pieces.
If it was a weekly thing then my issue would be that my flame would not burn long enough to play everything I want.
(Though I have been thinking about a radio project titled "Radio Free Eurasia" which would have been orchestral music interspersed with comically bad Eastern European agitation I write and perform.)


What about just playing a single symphony?
"Sharing" does not mean "throwing everything you have at the people".
Also, radio shows usually are around 3h long, so there would even be room for assburgering.

 No.4668 KONTRA

A response time of <30min is quite good. Maybe she was indeed just busy, after all, she has a presentation to give and she at least had a follow up question.

On the other hand this behavior of yours is definitely what people would call anxious attachment and it's a problem: for you specifically.

I'm not even wondering what her "type of attachement is" but be careful.

I can only repeat the brit because it is usually true, especially for anxious people I'd say: get to know more women so you donÄt start to obsess over one. you are in China soon anyway. My advice would be to continue in China of course
I tried to get that number from my roommate's friend, the likelihood is low that something happens and that is a bit sad but I got turned down or things stifled a few times this year already so I don't care so much anymore but better prepare to get another possibility going

 No.4669 KONTRA

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>A response time of <30min is quite good


Depends on your definition of "good". A response time of 24h is quite good - for Ernst. For girls however, who usually have their cellphnes wired to their brains, it might be a different story.

 No.4671 KONTRA

helsinki city boy.mp4 (652.63 KB, 426x190)

My grocery delivery was late. Probably because Joe Biden's visit has shut down half of Helsinki. No problem, Joe. Come over for dinner if you have the time.

T. Jack of Finland

 No.4673 KONTRA

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Herr Ernst, the response time might have been longer than 30 minutes.
It was over 6 hours.


I mean he didn't specify units, so 6:45 could be anything. Obviously within the context of the posts it can be assumed that it was indeed 6:45 hours, but it never hurts also providing the necessary units.

 No.4675 KONTRA

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Sent her a response yesterday evening asking how the preparations for the presentation went which she didn't respond to even this morning, so I basically lost my shit. Got myself into a terrible mood by listening to all the wrong music and tried doing a bump of K in the morning to calm myself down (which didn't really help much). If that's something that upsets me that much I really have my work cut out for me.

>Become emotionless in her presence, troubles werent :DDDD
Ended up going with this, though I couldn't fully pull it off. Chatted with other classmates before class and arrived late so we wouldn't have to talk before the class starts, but anyway she joked about how I managed to survive yesterday without her, I said sth like "oh, barely" (hope I managed to pull a proper smile).
In a display of my immature pettiness I mostly gave her the cold shoulder. Didn't look at her or really talk to her more than what we had to do in terms of partner work or responding to what she asked me (doubly cruel tbh since she had the corner seat and no other neighbor to turn to). Managed to make her nervous enough to drop her pen on the floor while fiddling with it and start chewing nails (don't think I ever saw her do it before).
To add insult to injury we had to listen to a Faye Wong love song during class (with some classmates singing along or joking about it while I sat there like a stone) and the teacher talked about some love-related vocabulary. Wonder how visible it was that at some point I was about 80% of the way to start crying.
Wished her good luck with the presentation but broke the streak of after-class-chat-hug-goodbyes because I just wouldn't have been able to do it in the state I was in.

>On the other hand this behavior of yours is definitely what people would call anxious attachment and it's a problem: for you specifically.
Yup, basically my conclusion from this too. I wasn't sure when you mentioned it before but feels veeery accurate now.

> get to know more women so you donÄt start to obsess over one

It's just not really what I'm interested in, but I guess that's what it might take after all.

>you are just a German
As >>4674 might have unmasked me due to my sloppiness, I have merely infiltrated the land of the Germans and assumed their identity


 No.4678 KONTRA

>Ended up going with this, though I couldn't fully pull it off

This was meant more as a joke, though.
I mean it is difficult at that stage, you don't really know each other, how can you demand of her to response quickly. Maybe she does not want to chat, you saw each other anyway later so no problem?
While I can understand it, it is obessive in a sense and thus a problem. I mean I would not want to look around all the time either and dig up potentialities in order not to be obessed but it is the only thing that helps. Because I also know obsessing over a person can become a problem of mine. So if you have more than one person you are likely to be less obessive about another. Although you will probably start comparing between them etc. also not super helpful.


>develop a oneitis
>cope by listening to music that puts you in a shit mood and THEN do dissociative drugs
Ernst, you're really not helping yourself here.


I am only able to give you an answer if you deliver a link to a pseudoscientific online self test.

 No.4681 KONTRA

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>This was meant more as a joke, though.
I got that, it just is my usual defense mechanism in social situations anyways.
>I mean it is difficult at that stage, you don't really know each other, how can you demand of her to response quickly.
I really don't blame her, she was trying to be nice about it today, I am clearly just sabotaging myself and being toxic for no good reason here.

>if you have more than one person you are likely to be less obessive about another

Now that I think about it there's probably some impact of me stopping my usher job beginning of this month. Since there I had some other prospects with female coworkers, even if they were rather tenuous.

Sure am not.

Okay then, how do I salvage this? Text her something (even more inappropriate)? Pretend like nothing's happened? Keep negging her like a toxic piece of shit? Apologize? Skip/change classes next week and try to never see her again? Go to the movies? Get a new tattoo? Smoke crack with a dwarf hooker in the park?


>Okay then, how do I salvage this?

My way would be to pretend like nothing happened because it probably did happen not much, it's probably a lot on your head, and enjoy her presence (go to the movies, go to a museum/gallery, park, bar whatever) and by doing so get closer to her as well.


>Keep negging her like a toxic piece of shit?
Maybe if you stopped using pua and sjw lingo your state of mind would be better.
Friendly banter is something women respond well to. The emphasis is on "friendly" here.
Also, no point in salvaging this, you have already spent too much time massively overthinking the whole happenings she most likely spent exactly the time it took to respond on, so act accordingly. Or don't, it's not like anybody listens to me anyway.


The Bee Movie is this generation's Communist Manifesto.

 No.4685 KONTRA

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Gonna start by having a meal. Perhaps there exists a person able to solve the riddles of their existence after subsisting for the better part of the day on two bananas, an espresso, cigarettes and ketamine but I am not him.

You might be right, I will just start by asking her how the presentation went next week and take it from there. I might have actually underestimated how big of a deal it is to her.
>enjoy her presence
She did even ask about my weekend plans today, wish I hadn't been such a myopic pissed-off retard at the time.

>Friendly banter is something women respond well to. The emphasis is on "friendly" here.
I would go so far as to say that despite all my difficulties in communicating with women, "friendly" "banter" is in fact one of the stronger weapons in my flirting arsenal.

>act accordingly. Or don't

I can't tell what you're suggesting tbh
It's not like I can stop overthinking by sheer force of will. I do try to fill my time with other activities to take my mind off her but that only helps so much.


I slept 4 hours. Severely underestimated the amount of data the lecturer was going to ask. Started 10 minutes late because another group was in from a previous exam. He set multiple exams for this time and I guess he was teaching some theatre class because one was on Dürrenmatt. I kinda have to imagine how retarded you have to be to FAIL an exam and to take it at this time but I digress.

He probed my knowledge for like 5 minutes and then I was let out. Afterwards I went to the post-office to mail the paperwork to get paid for the article. Saw a box with "Jiangsu Earthquake Bureau" written on it so I went in and asked what it was and apparently it just contained some third rate painting reproduction and the guy is hoping to sell the box instead of the painting.

Also saw an Azeri language book for like 2 bucks so I grabbed it because it seemed funny and the lack of sleep and the heat was getting to me I guess.

When I got home I tried to sleep but my sister woke me up because she didn't bring her keys with her so she needed to be let in. Maybe I'm just too much of an assburger but to me it feels like leaving your keys at home is kind of impossible. You always keep them on your person. Always. It's like having your ID with you.

Gonna desperately try to stay awake. until like 11 and then go to bed early. This time for real.

Which generation's?
I'd consider it to be pro-hierarchical and a deeply pro-Darwinist film which argues that the production chains and consumption relations are set in stone.
(Of course a New York Jew, living on the top of the world would argue this.)
It's just a silly kids movie that Seinfeld had to make because Spielberg forced him into it.


Achschually it argues that the liberation of the working class does not necessitate decrease in productivity or abolishment of labor at all.
By showing the bees still producing honey in the end, but no longer as slaves, it dispels the false conservative notion that it is necessary for things to be as they are or else...

 No.4688 KONTRA

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Did the bees get liberated in the end?
I remember it being a more "Arbeit macht frei" situation where they just go back to producing honey but the protagonist gets to have the cool job so his individualism is satisfied in exchange for achieving no structural changes.


I don't get that cartoon.


I wish I had an actual activity that led to wearing away my fingernails. Cutting them is always annoying.
No, biting fingernails is NOT an actual activity, it's a pathology. No, scraping wooden doors just makes ugly scratch marks.


Having the same dinner for a third straight night. Cheese omelette with a cup of coffee and an ice cream sundae. Additional info: the coffee is decaf.

>to me it feels like leaving your keys at home is kind of impossible.
Same. My current home lock is digital with a keypad- so no key to forget- but it has one for use if the battery dies. I keep that in my car at all times- just in case. Funny thing, I was actually locked out of my car once. At a gas station I took the key from the ignition and set in on the passenger seat for some reason. Pushed down the door lock as I was getting out- a habit- only to realize a second too late what I had just done. The attendant at the station knew someone who could come pop the lock. Gave the guy $20.

Has ernst ever been locked out of anything?


>Has ernst ever been locked out of anything?
Yes. My flat after the key broke off in the lock. Not an experience I would recommend.


I've reached a point where I'm totally comfortable lifting up my leg and blowing a massive fart in public, in presence of strangers including women of dating age.

Is this what being enlightened feels like?


You’re not truly enlightened until you are comfortable taking a shit in the middle of a grocery store aisle.


Damn, walmart must be a buddhist pilgrimage site then.


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How about we all watch Metropolis and then write essays about the churchtop fight?


>Is this what being enlightened feels like?

Not sure if social deviance is enlightenment but you certainly debunked manners is constructed with that one.




It's a natursl biological function, noyhing deviant about it.

Are you also one of those people who think breastfeeding in public should not be allowed?


>Are you also one of those people who think breastfeeding in public should not be allowed?
Yes, if she's ugly. Then again, ugly women should wear burkas anyway.


brudedavidson_subway3.jpg (106.16 KB, 1057x704)

I spoke about social deviance

t. outsmarter

Spoken like a mediocre looking man at best


Meme compilations on YouTube seem to contain a consistrnt suspiciously reactionary angle.
This must be investigated further.

I wonder who is bankrolling these meme compilation channels

 No.4714 KONTRA

my drip.jpg (1.13 MB, 3024x4032)

Important announcement: I'm drinking beers.

Fucking globalists!


>official (state) media is (far) left
>user generated media is moving right
Really gets the noggin joggin


Until I see calls to put landlords against the wall on CNN, mainstream media is not far left.


I'm drinking store bought gin tonic because I've lost all shame and dignity and self respect.


I remarked over tea that all landlords should be shot, and mom pointed out that we used to be landlords.
I said "Yes".

She then said that I'm almost 30 and should stop randomly exclaiming embarrassing nonsense like that.
She also asked when am I gonna get a girlfriend and marry.

Bros I think my mom might be a counterrevolutionary.


his mom wont let him.webp (37.83 KB, 500x375)

Cheers, mate.

>Until I see calls to put landlords against the wall
Just wait until they have to fix up their houses to match new environmental laws, and they will kill themselves.

Pic related.


Only the OK guys will kill themselves. The crooks will find a way to "match" the laws on the cheap, likely involving fake certificates and the labor of illegal immigrants. And the will scrape up all the real estate that goes in the market for pocket cash.

You will own nothing and you will be free.

 No.4724 KONTRA

im this cat 213.jpg (43.68 KB, 957x491)

I fucking love gin and tonic. Good on you m8.

 No.4725 KONTRA

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Objectively, the best weather is a fog with a very light rain.



Mom, there is this guy on the playground posing as a landlord while he owns no property at all but has to rent an apartment like most people.


>and the labor of illegal immigrants
Ameriball with proxy?

 No.4730 KONTRA

Females, in most forms, are very positive. The tasks of doing vacuuming, hacking at the clothes pile and cleaning the bathroom seemed too daunting to even tackle, thinking I'd just have to reserve an hour or two to get whole thing settled tomorrow.
But no, I really did it all in under 35 minutes because of the female element.

On ethnographic findings, dealing with a German up close made me realize they're not orderly, they are bureaucratic.


The Ordnung doesn't really kick in (if it does) before either reaching the age of 27 or having a child.


So true bro, share more wisdom about females please I'm willing to learn everything from the king.


I think you replied to the wrong post, my male feminist friend.


What do you mean? I want to be a Super-BF just like you. You seem very wise when it comes to females and I want to learn about their inner workings in order to handle them better because that's what a man got to do, no?


angry-cat-lady.gif (2.88 MB, 640x478)

From my experiences women can be very dirty, too. I once helped a girl of our sports club with moving (I wasn't interested in her, and there were others helping, too, so no friend zone shit involved), and when we arrived the flat was a MESS, like you can't imagine it. You couldn't even walk through, nothing was prepared, it reeked, there were cat food bowls and open half-full tins, and everything was covered in dust. Normalyy I'd recommend orbital nuclear bombardment, but luckily the flat at least wasn't large and we were a lot of poeple, so we got it done, but it wasn't a nice experience. What baffled me most is that I knew her as very motivated and disciplined from the sports club, so I basically expected the exact opposite. Strange how character traits can be so present in one area, and completely absent in another.

Also there's the fact that most toilet cleaners confirm that womens toilets are usually more dirty than males.


The actual fuck are you babbling about? Are you the uncomfy rude schizo again or just another idiot?


 No.4742 KONTRA

Slept 10 hours. No strange dreams. I had lazed around in bed a bit and then had lunch. I went outside and bothered with the tomato plants a bit. One had a broken branch because of the storms. It's sad. But can't be helped.
Then I continued reading the Shostakovich biography. Halfway done with it.
I also took a look at the text of the Rayok and made a few rhyming lines based on it in Hungarian.

We visited grandma in the carehome. She's doing fine, but my mother says she won't last long, because she keeps talking about leaving. Which is apparently a bad sign.

Gonna go down to Szeged tomorrow to see the terracotta army that's on loan from China. Not all of it, but they did bring over 50 of them from Shanghai. And some other Qin-era stuff. I think it's some good-will mission on the part of the PRC government.
Hopefully it's not a disappointingly small exhibition. I want to get lost in it for hours. Gonna take a lot of pictures anyway.
Could've picked a better date in hindsight, because it's gonna be like 38 degrees tomorrow. And that's for Budapest. Can't fathom what the south is like during summer.
Prepared the notebook and the powerbank for the excursion.

I just got done with the Avantgarde film-exam and I was so glad I didn't have to watch the whole thing for it.
So no, I will not take up your challenge.

I actually threw out the practice sheet I made and it always feels weird to look at notes I take for an exam. Like for a day or two that becomes the world. The horizons shrink to just a few pages, and then boom, they become utterly meaningless.

I love tonic. I'm ambivalent about gin. It's not bad but I find it pretty eh.

 No.4744 KONTRA

I don't think you don't know what I mean. I'm wanting more wisdom from you about females. You shared a bit of wisdom on females and I want to hear more about what wisdom you have to share about females, so I can be a Super-BF.
Or are you not wise on females? Is it why you avoid sharing wisdom?

 No.4745 KONTRA

In case you really have replied to the wrong post:
My post was an attempt at making a joke about the Porto's experience with disorderly Germans.
How you read anything related to women into that is completely unfathomable to me.
I hope this helped clearing things up.


Does an alien attack trigger NATO article 5?


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Reading this book atm and the author talks about her youth which would have been very a shut-in one if not for the internet lifting a bit of that heavy pressure that comes with it through virtual communication. How she was not in IRC or cool bulletin boards though but AOL made it happen back then: a feeling of not being completely alone.
That made me recall my own contact with the "net". I remember late 90s looking up cheat codes with the help of my brother at my uncle who had a modem. On the cusp of becoming a teenager, I entered the famous German Knuddels chat rooms together with classmates (including having an online gf from god knows where she was blonde is all I remember) and later used bulletin boards and then went on to imageboards when I was around 18,19, last year or two in school. There existed accounts for school social networks when I was a 16-year-old stoner (SchülerVZ, literally pupil directory), a Facebook page after school was over once but I never used any other social media, I don't like the concept, it's a certain social pressure I don't like. That is probably why I like TikTok so much, it can be intimate and informative without you having a network to perform to. Albeit TikTok works on connecting "friends" via your phone list. Luckily one can decide to stay invisible or ignore that. But it notifies me when names long forgotten (like a coworker from when I delivered packages) download and use TikTok.

So, Ernst, what is your story about entering online communities and so-called social spaces on the information highway?
Ernst being 10 years and older or so might know more about what McNeil mentions in her book, but the 90s were my childhood, not my teens.


>So, Ernst, what is your story about entering online communities and so-called social spaces on the information highway?
Got DSL in 2006, had an ICQ account I used to talk to friends after school, joined some social networks because of girls, still have accounts, but the only one I am actually taking care of is my linkedin account.


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I also remember having ICQ in the mid 2000s, and later joining Facebook for maybe a year or two because I felt left out when my friends started to organize meetups there, and nobody used ICQ any longer. I didn't really post anything, but it was nice to see who goes to which event, and so be informed about regional events for free. It also was interesting to see how people who were chill and friendly in real life could be agitating online, even when posting under their real name. I stopped using it after maybe two years, and then stumbled upon imageboards via Encyclopedia Dramatica, while I was recovering from surgery for a few weeks. I lurked a few months on 4chan, despite already knowing about Krautchan, but back then I thought it was only for people who couldn't speak English :DD Only when I properly checked it out a few months later I noticed that /b/ there actually was better than 4chan /b/ and stayed there. Still using 4chan sub-boards these days for topic/event-oriented posting.

Didn't even have access to a PC before 2001, so the early times went completely past me.


> but back then I thought it was only for people who couldn't speak English :
I actually came to Krautchan because of porn (which also originally brought me to 4chan), and noticed the same.
In fact, the ED entry for Krautchan at that time did indeed mention how the german /b/ was much nicer and helpful than 4chan's.

>Didn't even have access to a PC before 2001, so the early times went completely past me.

Ha, we had our first family PC in 1999!


Book reader here. Also used ICQ and MSN Messenger, later a messenger was in use with friends who also took drugs so we had encrypted communication


In retrospect, those interfaces were really fun, playful, and had goofy sounds. Today my phone is silent when I use a messenger.
One can only hope that gui design to a certain degree is a matter of trends and we might have something else than these minimalistic graphics. But perhaps they don't come back. It was still new. While already corporate these products don't reveal it, like there still seemed some college or geeking in it. Today's apps seem straight from a drawing table, outright tidy corporate sleek.


Thank touch devices and consoles for that. Everything is set up in such a way that it can be used on a phone, tablet or tv/console.
And applying a skin to something is apparently too hard for most people.
But I find it interesting that if you look at e.g. Windows you can see how it went from round edged XP and 7 to no-borders windows bullshit from 8 onwards and with 11 they now have round edges again. Not saying that 11 isn't utter shit, but imo it's all just trends that are pushed onto the customer.
If you ask a hundred people what interface they like you will get a hundred answers.


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>In fact, the ED entry for Krautchan at that time did indeed mention how the german /b/ was much nicer and helpful than 4chan's.
I remember this - vaguely. Still I first thought it was only some cheap 4chan knockoff, like WKW (german boomer social network) was for Facebook.
>Ha, we had our first family PC in 1999!
Get out of my slum, you fucking rich kid :DD


WKW was a facebook knockoff? Was facebook even available here at that time? I first joined StudiVZ, then wkw, then facebook.

 No.4767 KONTRA

Coincidentally my thesis has something to do with that topic. But still probably in a very different way to this post nonetheless. registration is schedule for next week when I have a good title for the already existing subtitle that serves as a description of what to expect from the content

Yes, phone and other objects play a role in what is possible and how an interface can be used (touch, mouse, or even eyes as with the new apple vision pro). And it certainly limits design. But I think there still is some freedom in how to design shapes, colors, and so on. Back then it seemed like a sort of geeky futurism, a fun thing. Maybe design today reflects a sobering about communication utopias replaced by corporate reality.
Funfact: interface design was aiming for more "human" styles of controlling computers which is why we have touch and speech input and generally easy to use devices instead of a tool box that works by command line. I even came across a book that also mentions the one laptop per child initiative as an attempt to integrate illiterate people into the economy in a certain way certainly not to educate them on literacy, which would still be quite important, but to provide them with an interface that allows computer control without being literate, one could argue that is noble but I'd say indeed giving people computers but let them be illiterate is shit, literacy is important to navigate the world and also to be "empowered", shit use here of the word, but being illiterate in a mostly literate world makes you quite a powerless being in many regards ... cheap and illiterate workforce, a good combination for keeping people where they are.





I think this movie is of course a gross hyperbole but it also points to the fact that there are people who are "literate" in engineering, design and system design that build these systems and devices and have the power to control them while other people more and more become users as in passive and without knowledge of an supposdely increasingly complex world.
We once had a discussion here but late Bernard Stiegler called the athrophy of knowledge both abstract but also especially practical a proletarianization. This is of course and updated understanding of a marxian concept but it is nonetheless interesting and might be helpful to point toward a problem in light of computerization and automation.


Now that you say it I'm not sure any more. I remember that the arrival of Facebook on the german market basically killed WKW over time, but I think it's correct that Facebook wasn't available here when WKW became popular, so I'm not sure if it was modeled with Facebook in mind. Google says WKW became popular in 2006, and Facebook became available in Germany in 2008, while WKWs decline started somewhere around 2010 when users fucked off to Facebook, until WKW was shut down 2014.


I don't think they put that much thought into the background of how that technology comes to be.
It has always been in fact one of the main things that irked me about that film because if even the CEO of a world's biggest company is an idiot, how would anything work?
My headcanon is that it's all remnants of a time when there were still people able to think and do stuff and everything else is done by robots and automation.


Yeah, the movie itself does not. But you and I apparently notice an unanswered gap so to speak and this gap points to a reality of our present on which Idiocracy tries to comment in a satirical (?) way.


>in a satirical (?) way.
Oh you :3



Lately, I've been especially amazed in how music makes me nostalgic. I wonder how media of the last 150 years changed our memory and melancholia in comparison.


Availability. Most things today can be copied exactly whenever you want, no matter where you are.


It was warm as fuck down there. We went by car and it sucked, because the AC in it is completely broken, so we travelled in an air-fryer on wheels.

The exhibition was nice. I spent like 4 hours there. I went through the rooms multiple times. Took a bunch of photos.
I bought some souvenirs. One is a Qin Shihuangdi statue and the other is a Qin Shihuangdi fridge magnet.
Also bought this booklet they had as a proper, event-tied memento but I'm gonna write a letter of complaint.

Not only is the booklet full of typos (Basically 1-2 on every page), but it also contains factual errors and mistranslations. And I'm honestly offended that they thought this was in any shape or form serviceable.
Some parts are borderline unreadable. It's as if it was OCR'd and then machine-translated.

After the suffering that was the road home in scorching 36 degrees I took a dip in the pool. All in all it was a very good day. I'm glad I went to see all the funky little objects they brought over from Shanghai.

Gonna get up early tomorrow to water the plants in the morning so they don't go up in flames when we're close to 40 degrees.


Yeah, but I meant more like general experience and affectivity, feelings. Surely immense recording capacities and mechanical and digital reproducibility are a cause, recording media enable a different experience. But how does this translate to the level of experience?


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>It's as if it was OCR'd and then machine-translated.

Maybe it was.

 No.4806 KONTRA

Today is going to be FUCKED UP beyond belief lmao.
I did get up early to water the plants. I think this afternoon I'll be able to have my fist tomato-harvest.

I don't want to face that possibility honestly.
What I don't get is that besides the translator there should have been an editor and an organiser who sees it before it goes to print.
It feels like as if I have arrived to the scene of a disaster after it happened and I know what happened, I just don't know how and I'm frantically trying to reconstruct the events that lead up to it.

2bh the thing that argues against machine-translation is that it has a few parts where it tries to be way too smart for it's own good, calling Qin Shihuangdi the "First Yellow Emperor of Qin", because the author thought that the Huang in Huangdi 皇帝 the same as the Yellow Emperor's (also Huangdi) Huang 黃. (Which is all the more comical considering the booklet contains the hanzis 秦始皇 in both modern standard and seal-script.)
Or how Li Si became Li Shu and then Li S' (sic!) in the brochure.
(Same goes for the mixing of the transcription-systems, which is one of my pet-peewees. In one line you have a string of proper nouns for measures and it goes "the measures for capacity are as follows: Jüe, che, csang, tou the chu (sic!)"
Jüe is in the Hungarian transcription, che is pinyin, csang is Hungarian again, tou is pinyin again, then there's an "and" missing and chu is pinyin again.
Two lines above this travesty it says "1 cchun is 10 csch'"(sic!)

Not going to nitpick shit like how it was obviously written by someone who isn't familiar with Hungarian terminology relating to this era of China's history, because for example they made a literal translation of the phrase "Warring states era" in the text, even though the Hungarian phrase commonly used from shit like wikipedia to well above the PhD level is something along the lines of "Era of the warring principalities".

My other suspicion is that it was maybe some good comrade from Beijing who did it, because that'd explain the switching between pinyin and Hungarian Popular (sometimes within a word) but that'd still not explain the typos and the factual errors.
Even if you have a weak grasp of Hungarian, you still wouldn't make typos like "Pkchej", which is supposed to be a Chinese word just transcribed.

I'm surprised there's no fuckups and switching between BCE and BC.
Makes me wonder if the copies in English and German they had on display are as terrible as the Hungarian is.

It might sound like I'm mad as Hell about this but I'm honestly just baffled because generally speaking most event-organisations have bureaucratic layers to prevent this type of stuff.

 No.4807 KONTRA

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Been reading about limerence^, and despite my skepticism towards some aspects of modern psychology it just describes my situation way too accurately. It seemed like a more-or-less fun or in any case exciting ride until now but this weekend I've been realizing just how obsessive my thoughts about her are. I.e. from the moment I wake up I start thinking about what I'll say when we see each other on Monday, when I'm in the cinema I fantasize about her watching the movie with me or what I'm going to tell her about it, when I'm walking somewhere or out with friends at a bar I imagine that there's a non-zero chance that I might run into her etc. Obviously I also associate studying Chinese with her as well, so it's really not helpful that my thoughts drift off all the time when I'm trying to prepare for the exam.
So gonna have to ask her very clearly for a concrete date the week after the exam to gain some temporary peace of mind. Luckily it's the end of the semester so if things go sour there'll be a natural end to our contact.



Is there a word for the tendency of people to disregard age-old and proven experience in matters of social interaction and only starting to care about this after some "scientific" term has been coined for it?
Is this what the other Ernst has always been talking about with the "scientification" of human interaction?

 No.4811 KONTRA

I suppose I might be thinking more scientifically (or rationally) about it now but is that supposed to be a bad thing? I fail to see how the truisms/heuristic knowledge of "age-old and proven experience" (which I don't I even disregard but view with a dose of skepticism - how age-old and universal is it really?) are supposed to be more helpful to me than the combination of first-hand experience and a more accurate theory.


>and a more accurate theory.
Because this "theory" shouldn't even have to be formulated because it's basic simple fucking human interaction.
You're literally flowcharting a relationship.
And yes, human interaction has, for the past 2000 to 4000 years been largely the same. Cavemen mourned their dead, romans drew dicks on walls, and men and women have had relationships since mankind's dawn. What could you possibly make "more accurate" here?

But I'll now just postulate that it's the 24/7 availability that amplifies the problems you are encountering.
Imagine you didn't have a phone and the only means of communicating with her was to actually talk to her vis-a-vis. What would you do different?

 No.4815 KONTRA

>What could you possibly make "more accurate" here?
I have some sympathy for lindyism, but I wouldn't know where to start, I think our views are just too fundamentally different.

>I'll now just postulate that it's the 24/7 availability that amplifies the problems you are encountering.

I don't think it's a problem at all.
>What would you do different?
Nothing, 99% of our communication was in person. I don't like texting except for setting up appointments and usually restrain from it aside from this one time. Before that I've only used it to send her stuff that we previously talked about in person.


Weighed myself for the first time in a month. Down 6 pounds. 2.7 kilos. Almost half a stone. Not good. Don't have the extra to lose. Need to eat more. Or move less.

>Took a bunch of photos.

 No.4835 KONTRA

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It's really strange how electricity prices have often been negative this summer. How does that even make sense? Today was the lowest, -6c/kWh.

Feels good to put the dishes on, washing machine and 3D-printing projects, desktop crunching stuff on all cores while I cook dinner and watch Amazon Prime™ shows on the TV and getting paid to do it all. Pretty sure -6c/kWh covers the transfer costs as well but don't remember the exact price.

Obviously come winter the prices will be a lot higher, but still.


>human interaction has, for the past 2000 to 4000 years been largely the same. Cavemen mourned their dead, romans drew dicks on walls, and men and women have had relationships since mankind's dawn. What could you possibly make "more accurate" here?

Yes and no and the no makes your post look typically arrogant know all. Hurr durr cave people have been sad so there is no difference to being sad today. Guess what people centuries back did not that things fall to the ground but knowing about gravity opens doors for engineering. Psychology is similar in that regard (scientification of human interaction in order to control these interactions better, "optimize", disturb, whatever you need it for). But besides that people mourn differently, across time, depedenat on place, culture, perhaps even glass, but also gender and even race. They might all mourn, but it's like all people take a shit, it tells you not much, it's surface knowledge. Differentiation is what science is about among other things. Seriously making big brushes across centuries makes you look like an idiot in a way. At least in the eyes of people who try to systematize things like this in a scientific way. With people like you history is always the same, because people killed, people laughed and people loved. Historians don't deny that but there is more to it that is swept under the rug by these statements.
Biologically that makes sense perhaps and that is where you are coming from but it doesn't cover what you think it does. And even if the cave people brain is still the basic "hardware", the environment is very different and hence the interaction with the brain is as well in a certain sense.

 No.4837 KONTRA

>Yes and no and the no makes your post look typically arrogant know all.
How ironic coming from you....

 No.4839 KONTRA

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I knew you would make a comment in that direction, ironic how you were talking about Wie's in den Wald schallt not that long ago (pretty sure it was you who I was interacting with). Collecting the no u.
intentional choice of tone, but the argument still stands and I'm also quite sure that the base from which you took off is biology, as has often been the case. I just wonder if you are the same person that mentions that Australian natives had wood sticks to make music and are generally backward trash but humor is what all people have in common even these natives make a joke and it proves something


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It wasn't as hot as I anticipated. Perfectly survivable.
I didn't do much.
Harvested the first four tomatoes.

Did some grocery shopping too. Mom and dad are going on a trip so I'll be running the household for a week or so.
Shouldn't be too hard.

They said it's going to rain tomorrow, but it'll still be around 35 degrees.
Totally fucked if that's true. Even if it rains it's till going to be over 30 the next day so it means that we will just have weather so humid that the papers on my desk will just roll themselves up.

I posted them in the Asian Studies thread because I didn't want to clutter the today thread with them.

 No.4842 KONTRA

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Oh so you were just being retarded on purpose? Well okay then.
Shame, because I would have actually engaged in that discussion if it were in good faith.


People saying "weed is not a drug". FUCK YOU

 No.4844 KONTRA

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It's a psychoactive substance. What else could it possibly be than a drug? No need to get all mad about it sheesh fr fr.


To be fair, it probably was serotonin syndrome.
Interesting experience, I should revise it in order not to forget like a dream (already had). Almost as psychedelic as mushrooms
Luckily, didn't disgrace myself as much as I could.

I thought it's closer to alcohol than psychedelics.


EC is a psychoactive medium and I'm addicted.

I need to hit refresh several times a day and it has been years


Define "drug", then we'll see.


Define peepee, then we'll poopoo, herr quarrelsome German


Okay, then: Weed is a drug, it's a dangerous gateway drug that makes you dumber than drinking and it should stay banned and selling, possession and consumption should be illegal and punishable by incarceration.
Remember Hitler? Notorious pothead. Chinggis Khan? Loved to blaze it. Donald Trump? "Pussy" means "dank leaves" in slang. Poutine? He's stoned out of his mind RIGHT FUCKING NOW.


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>I need to hit refresh several times a day


We need to find a solution to the German question.


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>We need to find a solution to the German question.
More German postings?


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Got you:

There currently exist people in the world that criticize the iPhone or people buying iPhones but not the conditions of labor under which said iPhone was made and they think they have done something.

 No.4855 KONTRA

Of course I worried about nothing, today went really well, the heat and end-of-semester excitement perhaps also doing their part. We set up a date to go see that Wes Anderson movie next week. Did not mention anything about my little tantrum last week, but I guess she might have sensed something was up and this time let me know ahead of time that she won't be coming to class tomorrow.


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I don't buy iPhones because I don't like Apple's closed shop mentality, I don't really care about how they are manufactured. If countries export goods I assume they enforce their own standards for themselves. If their standards are low, so what? In more modern words: Wouldn't it be cultural appropriation if I simply assume our work standards should be valid for other countries? If it's so bad, maybe the state should stop importing from that country altogether. If it's only that one company though: Why don't people there leave? I'm not running around judging what's buyable or not from shady information, which might as well be false flags from competitors, and will likely concern similar products from other companies as well. And assuming they are not using slaves: If we really stop buying products and the company goes out of business, who says that this will make anything better? If there were better work opportunities in that place, people would already have switched. I guess you can make a case about forced child labour or things like that, but muh long work hours and bad pay: Nah.

In my eyes it's that western holier than thou-mentality that spawns this power fantasy of the fate of the entire world restnig in our noble hands. We're the missionaries of the world, and despite all our tolerance our way to live is the only correct one. If you want to change anything as a customer: Don't be wasteful, stop buying things that you don't really need, and use things until they break. This will likely help a lot more than not buying an iPhone, and then buying a different smartphone, while inevitably huffing ones own farts on social media about it for good boy points.

To avoid misunderstanding: The above rant isn't directed at you, but at the general mentality I described.


DAMN NAZI TRAITORS legalized weed 2 days ago.
This really tells you a lot about that POISON.

> Chinggis Khan? Loved to blaze it.

What was status of cannabis before 20 century? Was it known in Europe back then?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_cannabis - looks like no. Which is strange because the plant definitely grows here.

> C. ruderalis was first scientifically identified in 1924 in southern Siberia, although it grows wild in other areas of Russia.[4] The Russian botanist, Janischewski, was studying wild Cannabis in the Volga River system and realized he had come upon a third species.[10] C. ruderalis is a hardier variety grown in the northern Himalayas and southern states of the former Soviet Union, characterized by a more sparse, "weedy" growth.[7]

No, it just me living in its habitat. When I was in school, we tried to collect, dry and smoke cannabis growing at schoolyard. It didn't work.

> C. ruderalis is traditionally used in Russian and Mongolian folk medicine, especially for uses in treating depression.[3]

we wuz... so yes, probably Chinggis Khan smoked it


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For the assburgering in this post I pronounce you an honorary aryan.
Nur weiter so, Kamerad!


>Wouldn't it be cultural appropriation if I simply assume our work standards should be valid for other countries?

I don't think it it only westerners that complain about (many don't actually, like you for example) it but you might wanna ask some Foxconn workers if they like better working conditions or not. I'm sure they are not fond of the working conditions. One might say workers around the world adopted concepts of marxism to make sense of social relations that are political relations (question of power)

>If it's only that one company though: Why don't people there leave?

Dependent on wage labor to survive? Not being guaranteed another job that has better conditions?

> If we really stop buying products and the company goes out of business, who says that this will make anything better?

Consumer decisions won't do much. That is what that post was about in a sense. But it was more about people going at "status symbols" and consumer choice as main problem to be tackled. And you said it won't be different with competitors. That reminded me of the discussion we had about leftists using iPhones: it doesn't matter, the working conditions are usually shit and need to be changed, not the consumer choice.


> Wouldn't it be cultural appropriation
No. Cultural appropriation is when white person does something adopted from non-white (and that's le bad), if it's vice-versa as you describe then it's whitesplaining / cultural imperialism (which is also le bad).

> power fantasy of the fate of the entire world restnig in our noble hands.

That's not far from truth


In this lore do Portuguese count as Latin-/a/o/x or as white people?


>One might say workers around the world adopted concepts of marxism to make sense of social relations that are political relations (question of power)
Wasn't Maoism based on Marxism?

>That reminded me of the discussion we had about leftists using iPhones: it doesn't matter, the working conditions are usually shit and need to be changed, not the consumer choice.

Doesn't change a single thing about them being hypocrites, but you probably have a way of explaining that away, too.

 No.4863 KONTRA

>Wasn't Maoism based on Marxism?


>Doesn't change a single thing about them being hypocrites

Don't know wht you are talking about.


>I don't think it it only westerners that complain about (many don't actually, like you for example)
Well, that might be, but for sure it's westerners lamenting which I hear most. Of course that might not be representative.
>but you might wanna ask some Foxconn workers if they like better working conditions or not
You might ask that anyone, everybody would like that. Give people a 35h week, they will demand 30h-week, and they will paint childish signs with suns and smileys on it. When I was still studying, the two days I actually was present felt like torture. I'm not against it, I'm just saying that people will always complain. I swear: Give them free money, and they will complain it's not enough.
>Dependent on wage labor to survive? Not being guaranteed another job that has better conditions?
Yes, that is what I meant. The working conditions may suck from our point of view, and from theirs, too, but if the company goes out of business, the conditions will likely not improve, but become worse.
>Consumer decisions won't do much. That is what that post was about in a sense.
Somewhat, yes. But I also don't want to be burdened with such dealings, even if customer actions would change something. I want to base my decision what I buy on whatever is good for me, and I feel that if I don't indulge in needless consoomerism, that should be plenty of awareness already. And I certainly won't be bothered with working conditions in places whose economy and working situations I don't even understand.

 No.4865 KONTRA

>Well, that might be, but for sure it's westerners lamenting which I hear most. Of course that might not be representative.

You live in the west and consume western media, I don't think that is very surprising tbh.

>I swear: Give them free money, and they will complain it's not enough.

Weird way of relativizing working conditions at Foxconn but ok, also not very surprising to take such a route when you are the person that you are.

>but if the company goes out of business, the conditions will likely not improve, but become worse.

Not surprising in a system where the existence of people is based on selling their work as labor to people who own (industrial) means of production of goods that have an existential use value at times.

>And I certainly won't be bothered with working conditions in places whose economy and working situations I don't even understand.

What you want to say is that you don't want to be bothered by that knowledge because it is a burden to you. Imagine thinking about what consequences what is good for you might have for others. Lord praise the distance that comes with abstractions.


>You live in the west and consume western media, I don't think that is very surprising tbh.
That's what I was hinting at by saying it's not representative.
>Weird way of relativizing working conditions at Foxconn but ok,
If Foxconn is so bad, then people should leave. If they don't, then maybe Foxconn isn't so bad in comparison to the alternatives. Removing/damaging Foxconn probably won't help in that case. Maybe it helps westeners feeling better, so they don't feel bad when they book their next vacation, or order the next 5 pairs of shoes at Zalando.
>when you are the person that you are.
If this was meant to be an insult, you should spell it out.
>Not surprising in a system where the existence of people is based on selling their work as labor
>What you want to say is that you don't want to be bothered by that knowledge because it is a burden to you
Not quite. I AM not bothered. If a country decides that it is okay to export products under certain conditions, I will not try to stop them based on my western values and standards, because I don't think that we should force our values and ideas upon the rest of the world. I also refuse to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. I will take care of myself by not poisoning myself with alcohol, tobacco and sugar, and I will care about my environment by not buying useless trash. For people around the world who think their working conditions are bad I have an advice: Don't rely on people in other countries to fix it for you, because it won't happen.


Wrote a two page letter to the museum. Haven't received a reply yet. Though during my overly long afternoon nap, I did dream that I received one.
If I were an American I'd write to my congressman 2bh.

It rained a bit. For like two minutes.

Honestly I spent most of the day just reading a bit about the Whokraine conflict and then sleeping. Also periodically assembling a burrito to eat.

If you want it in Mao's own words, Maoism is the adjusting of Marxism-Leninism to the Chinese situation and environment. (Which was already, in Lenin's words, the applying of Marxism to the Russian situation.)


>thread half full
>already housing several german bickerings
So much for that theory from a few threads ago

Let's talk about something else, without do-gooders and edgelords, shall we?
Herpes, herpes, bo-berpes, Banana-fana, fo-ferpes!
Herpes! Oh.


/int/ - german bickerings
/int/ - do-gooders and edgelords


Catholics and Orthodox got it right. Religious ceremonies should be held on a special language, better not understood by plebs. Bible shouldn't be translated. Church shouldn't be a modest white box, it must be beautiful and distinctive. Because if you think hard enough you come up with conclusion that world is not 5000 years old and no one knows what happens after death. Religion should be about feeling, not reason. If someone needs to think about it, let it be special people who won't come up with wrong conclusions because they're too invested in it and even their material well-being depends on it.
P.S. same can be applied to Marxism.

On the other hand, protestant mindset works good for science, it could be the reason why did the industrial revolution happen in northern Europe. Mass literacy to read bible and so on.


DEUS VULT.jpg (81.22 KB, 809x600)

>Religion should be about feeling, not reason.
Agreed. It's so cute when overly religious people feel the need to rationalize their beliefs. Just go full believer chad mode, and don't act like if it somehow was about reason, it's offensive.

 No.4881 KONTRA

im this cat 59.jpg (69.71 KB, 1016x774)

Have to attend a funeral soon.

I hate funerals.


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>For people around the world who think their working conditions are bad I have an advice

Spoken like a true westerner that lectures the rest of the world on what to expect and how to act :DDD


>If Foxconn is so bad, then people should leave. If they don't, then maybe Foxconn isn't so bad in comparison to the alternatives

Have you considered that alternatives (if available and guaranteed to take you in at all) are not better? For somebody who kinda prides himself on not knowing anything about the working conditions in other countries you - weirdly enough - speak like you know a lot about the conditions of work in these countries.

 No.4889 KONTRA

Oh and what I also like is that you talk about consumer choice and worker's choice. You basically want everything to be resolved within the confines of markets it seems (this is your idea of democracy maybe, not an unusual one). The social, political and economic conditions of these markets in which options of entry and exit exist don't surface in your way of knowing the world, markets have no conditions, they are just there. Platonic ideals that descend down from heaven to guide us.


>If they don't, then maybe Foxconn isn't so bad in comparison to the alternatives
>Have you considered that alternatives (if available and guaranteed to take you in at all) are not better?
Yes. I considered that. It was the point of my statement. It actually says this quite literally, how could you miss that?

Since everyone seems to be convinced that buying one smartphone or another will turn 2nd world rough working environments into 1st world human rights workers union heavens, I might as well give an advice that might actually work in my opinion. Workers rights is somethnig the people in a country have to fight for. They won't magically appear by consumers in other countries buying different phones.

>You basically want everything to be resolved within the confines of markets it seems
That's your interpretation, maybe because you're actively looking to discredit my points of view by now, but it is not true. But it is not up to us to apply market regulations to other countries, they will have to do this for themselves. We found our solution which works for us, and other countries should find their solution based on their development and society standards. I for example find it hard to imagine that Japan only has 10 or 12 days of holidays, but I doubt anyone would boycott Japanese products because of it.

 No.4891 KONTRA

>give an advice that might actually work in my opinion.

You say it like these struggles don't exist or have not existed and make it like you tell non-westerners something they don't know or haven't considered yet. I'm sorry but you won't exit the ivory tower westerner giving advice to non-westerners persona any time soon.

>It was the point of my statement.

The point of your statement was to tell people they should leave and if they don't leave it cannot be so bad.
It's like telling a mother that has children to "just" leave their violent husband as if this comes with no strings attached. If she stays, it probably isn't that bad ''proceeds to get beaten**.

>That's your interpretation, maybe because you're actively looking to discredit my points of view by now, but it is not true.

I don't need to actively look for anything to discredit you do the work yourself.

>to each their own

That's very German of you :DDD
Westerns and Chinese are brought together by global markets. The isolation you assume and that you need to make such an argument is questionable. It also brings to the foreground the possibility of another reality, another delineation unlike the one you make (one of nation-states), namely a delineation by class (owning or not owning means of production, or having decisive power over the relations of production or not).


If customer choice doesn't work why did America have to enact laws against customer's choice?

And why is it THAT hard for some people to stop using Apple's hardware? Probably because they consider it part of their brand. Show myself to people without Iphone? What next? No Che Guevara t-shirt?


>And why is it THAT hard for some people to stop using Apple's hardware?
Because they're already doing what they can (which isn't true because if they really cared they would do more, but it would warrant actually, actively doing something) and you can still support worker's rights by supporting megacorporations.


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Brand-loyalty is one thing, the other is how they'd have to get used to a different OS. Having to log into every app, having to find apps that do the same thing, setting up the device just right again, moving things off iCloud, dropping Apple music, airpods compatibility and so on.
And to what benefit? To have, in the end, a near peer-level opearating system on your phone, for comparable prices that doesn't actually form that cohesive of a software ecosystem as Apple's iOS and iPadOS does with MacOS while also receiving considerably worse OS support in the long run on your device.

I'm sorry but no amount of Marxist or FSF seething and jerking off will change the fact that Apple is just good.


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>I'm sorry but you won't exit the ivory tower westerner giving advice to non-westerners persona any time soon.
It's funny because it seems I'm the one who is least concerned about what people elsewhere are doing - and everyone's mad about that. Yet, if I actually give my viewpoint how things could realistically improve, it's also bad.
>The point of your statement was to tell people they should leave and if they don't leave it cannot be so bad.
Yes, because the alternatives are worse. Again, I said that literally. The rest of that paragraph is a counter-argument to something that was never said.
>I don't need to actively look for anything to discredit you do the work yourself.
Yet it's my approach that works, while you still fantasize about the anticapitalist revolution. And you insist on ignoring parts of my posts to criticize things that weren't said or add progressively less disguised ad hominems, which is pretty telling that you're getting increasingly frustrated - not because of me of course, my viewpoints aren't exactly exotic, but they remind you painfully that capitalism is the dominating force in economics, and that it generated more prosperity than any attempts at a system change ever did. Not saying that this might never change in the future, but for now the track record is immaculate. I have to add here that I'm not even trying to convince you of anything. If reality hasn't done that by now, why should I even try?
>I'm sorry but you won't exit the ivory tower westerner giving advice to non-westerners persona any time soon.
No U. Remember, I'm not the one trying to force foreign companies how to treat their workers or judging the workplace environments based on my western standards.
>namely a delineation by class (owning or not owning means of production, or having decisive power over the relations of production or not).
Yes, this is true. But this is another reason why you can't apply our current standards, which have evolved in our culture and settings, to other societies. And I did not necessarily draw the line at nation-states, they are just the organizational unit at which measures can be taken. But the differences are usually cultural, for example western individualism and east-asian collectivism.

>And why is it THAT hard for some people to stop using Apple's hardware? Probably because they consider it part of their brand
Yes. As much as I despise Apple personally, you have to admire the great job they did on marketing and design.


What’s the alternative to an iPhone? Samsung? Same shit. Mega corps are good because you can regulate them and they’re efficient. Imagine everyone carrying an artisanal smartphone. Not good.


>Imagine everyone carrying an artisanal smartphone. Not good.
Why not? 2025 will be the year of the Linux phone.


I get it now. The discussion was just a drawn out joke. German humor can be difficult to detect.


Apple hardware is how gay people recognize each other with plausible deniability (the design is great!). You demand that they abandon their identity


Wait, is there more than one american? How did you multiply so quickly?


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no, again forgot about vpn


>it generated more prosperity than any attempts at a system change ever did

Did somebody say capitalism did not archive things never happened before? You know that Marx said that capitalism is a necessary stage more or less, do you? The problem with capitalism never has been its startling economic output maybe today with climate change and discussion about resource scarcity that is different. The prosperity is not for everybody and never will be under capitalism, that is the problem, it produces so much but many people never or barely see anything of that.

>my viewpoint how things could realistically improve, it's also bad

That is what you said about westerners (they give advice but they shouldn't) and then you proceeded to show what you mean by giving advice on how non-westerners should do things (as if they haven't in the past or even do in the present). I did not even have to ask you what non-westerners should do, you just had to give your opinion regardless.

> I'm not the one trying to force foreign companies how to treat their workers or judging the workplace environments based on my western standards.

You proceeded to tell people what they should do. And let's be honest, you don't force or try to force companies on how they should treat their workers in Germany. Because "foreign" or not, you simply think to each their own, people can leave.
You don't need to judge from your western standard, I think workers talking about the working conditions at Foxconn will give you an "Asian" perspective but for that you will explain that away with a competitor facilitating bad reputation in order to make economic damage or whatever it is.

>But the differences are usually cultural

By which you still think of as homogenous containers (just like your nation-states). Funnily marxism has found people being fond of it in both European and Asian countries/societies. Maybe the oriental and occidental souls (to each their own) are not as real as you think they are but reality works along other delineations. Especially since the so called western individual is usually associated with the rise of capitalism as a mode of production. The bourgeoisie needed this concept. I mean you are a capitalist fanboy and you live by that thinking of the individual as a basis, probably not a coincidence. I mean it is the default mode of thinking when you grew up in a Western society, that is why they are called Western societies among other things in the first place. And that is also why it is not YOUR problem but theirs (individual responsibility as a moral obligation, a western default that you want others to follow, make it their moral obligation, too).


What do you think about America being capital of our world btw? What would be different if it was France? Or Germany? In 19-th century it was London, but they're not much different from Americans, are they?


Trying some new socks. Again. My last set were largely cotton and ~1/4 polyester. Thick and comfortable, but bad for sweating. Blisters were becoming a problem. So now I prioritize moisture wicking. I've purchased a polyester/rayon blend. No cotton. Very thin. May not hold up to long workdays on my feet. We'll see.

Sorry to hear that, ernst.

No complaints.

 No.4908 KONTRA

im this cat 245.jpg (42.41 KB, 498x500)

You should set up a website cataloging your experience with different types of socks and materials. Would be a valuable resource and a great public service.

The domain sockpro.com is available for only 2670€ (renew only 13€) at Namecheap™.


An ernst once told me I should simply invest in some merino wool socks and call it a day. The holy grail of sock-making material. I read that those can't be tumble dried, though, and it scared me off. I like simple care instructions. Nevertheless, I'm certain that a pair will be purchased at some point. Might be worth a bit of washing hassle if they're that good.

 No.4914 KONTRA

im this cat 86.mp4 (3.93 MB, 1080x720)

Worth testing them out at least. Never had socks, but merino wool clothing is great.

I'm serious with my suggestion though. People sharing their specialized knowledge moves us forward. Imagine what humanity would be able to achieve with your knowledge of socks, insoles and shoes.

My sock experiences:
Stay away from cheap bootleg "brand" socks from street markets abroad. Bad fit, comfort, everything. Even if you get 10 pairs for a couple of bucks don't do it. My best pair are Tommy Hilfiger socks. What was supposed to be an overpriced, presentable pair for dress shoes turned out to be incredibly comfortable, durable and just nice. It's a treat to wear them. Unfortunately I haven't been able to purchase more of them. Most of the time I wear socks that look sick, dope and rad. Usually they're socks that have prints on them, such as toucans, cats, trams and geckos. Generally not very comfortable. Dog bless capitalism and expression through consumption.


I slept terribly, mostly because of my afternoon nap, but also because the dog woke me up to alert me to my sister feeling sick. Afterwards I couldn't sleep due to the heat.
It's almost 30 degrees inside and I feel tempted to set up camp in the livingroom where there's an AC unit. Sadly my room is probably the only one in the house it doesn't reach at all.

When I woke up I chatted a bit online and then washed my hair again. Then had a wrap for lunch again. Then I went outside and did a lot of reading and also some gardening and some exercise.
There's going to be another batch of tomatoes ready tomorrow.

Afterwards I went to the store. They had no actually good peppers. They were all soggy.

On the way back my chest felt funky and I got paranoid for a second that I'm going to get a heart attack or something. I haven't been this under the weather for a while I think.
When I went outside again to check stuff, it started raining. It rained half a minute and then it stopped. It was only a few drops.
But my head still hurts like hell.

With the Shostakovich biography out of the way I think I can finally focus on something else again, so I'm going to redirect my mental efforts towards a Chinese textbook instead of literature. I'll read other books before bed.
This is actually something of a double edged sword. If I find something interesting I go to great lengths to investigate it to a point of mania for days and weeks and months, but if I don't care about something then I can't even be bothered to put in the minimum.
For the last few of my exams it was a real trouble that I kept reading about other things and doing other stuff despite having enough time to study.

 No.4942 KONTRA

im this cat 218.jpg (202.4 KB, 1600x1200)

What's up with the newer GPUs that look like one third of the card is missing? Thinking of buying a new one but I'm out of the loop.

>They had no actually good peppers
It's over, isn't it?

 No.4949 KONTRA

It is. Well, I should probably just go to the supermarket instead of a smaller store, but that's farther away and more expensive.
I like to have peppers with sandwiches, and if I can't have them alongside my favourite type of cheese, the meal feels incomplete.


>It rained half a minute and then it stopped. It was only a few drops.

A joke by the weather gods.

There have been some slight and short rains here as well. I wonder if there is more rain than last year, it felt like there has been more rain in the last weeks.


>I wonder if there is more rain than last year, it felt like there has been more rain in the last weeks.
For me it feels like there is only 50% rain for the last 3-4 years or so.


The last years have already been pretty dry here. I cannot really say. Some statistics would be best I suppose.


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Na, Ernst, what are your experiences with Scam Realism? Who is currently scamming you?



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Haven't read the text but I appreciate these people drawing schemes. =D


Well, it seems it was just me, or I sit in a particular dry spot which clouds avoid. Since girls do, too, it's more likely than you think.


I think in even in the text there is a line where they say communicating in diagrams and such is good because AI cannot understand (yet) them.

A friend told me of New Models, last year or even two years ago. And new models itself came from what they call "dark forests of the internet" in the text (EC/imageboards are also dark forests). I want to know cool dark forest spots like NM. Where people talk about the stuff I'm interested in like media or design, politics and art.

I was thinking more about specific spatial statistics not general ones. I mean rain won't go away unless there really happens something big, right? I'm not a climate scientist nor familiar with the earth systems science that could say something about atmospheric patterns.


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It can. =(

On the other hand AI (usually) can't read text as separate letters, it processes it by tokens (something closer to hieroglyphs). If you ask GPT to count letters in the given text, it can't do this task. Maybe something could be done with use of that.


>I was thinking more about specific spatial statistics not general ones.
Don't know if I could find meaningful stuff, since I'm clueless myself. I just had the impression that we had a lot more sunny days in comparison to earlier decades, but according to the earlier picture that isn't the case. I found another one, though, which shows the amount of rain for each month (blue), compared with the long term average for this month (black). This shows that this summer so far and the last one were really dry. I guess that explains my perception, because a lack of rain in summer would be more striking than for example in November, when it's cold and no one really cares about the weather because it's expected to be shit anyway.


Have you feed the 2020 diagram to GPT? What does it say?
I think the line did also refer to memes and collages and stuff like that.

Does this not fit into the saying that we have more heavy rain but less? So less rain days even in summer more dried out lawns that I do not remember from my childhood but what are these memories as evidence yet more precipitation.


>I’m very skeptical of books. I don’t want to say no book is ever worth reading, but I actually do believe something pretty close to that. I think, if you wrote a book, you fucked up, and it should have been a six-paragraph blog post.

Which countryball once said that?


I haven't, you need a paid subscription for that.

It surprisingly can answer
> W`hατ_ιs_τhε_cαρi`ταl_οf_Cαηαd`α?
but cannot answer
> Count letters including spaces in the following text: "What is the capital of Canada?"
> what will "print(len("What is the capital of Canada?"))" output?

So I propose the following code: write text in hexadecimal, but instead of 0-9 and A-F write random word from dictionary having this length.


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>Does this not fit into the saying that we have more heavy rain but less?
Yeah, I'd say so too, and I think it was obvious that we had very long periods without rain, especially the last summer. In fact that was stressful when humidity was practically nonexistant for several weeks last year. It's a little better this year, but still not normal I'd say, since to my surprise I recently learned that the month with the most rain is usually July, and there wasn't much rain yet.

Well, next week is said to be rainy, we'll see.


Here it's only been light drizzles, enough to make the air wet, but not really the ground.
I also *think* the field behind the house where I live is greener than it was last year around this time, but it could also be that I only started paying attention to it in August, so I'll have to wait two more weeks to make an educated assessment.
At least I distinctly remember that last year weather experts were talking about it being the among the driest years in a long time.


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Because of the strange dream I woke up very early and I couldn't hold on, I went back to sleep and slept until half past 10.
Then I had lunch for breakfast and prepared a coffee.

Got phone call from the company where I work during the summers and they want me to start on Friday. The last person who know how the data entry procedure worked said she's not doing this any more and left for Finnland.
So they want me to be there and be the quasi-manager of this shit. Which means a higher pay. Of course it's a pitiful sum by western standards, but I intend to save it all up to buy a new computer in december.

I read a bit from a German Shostakovich biography and fell asleep again. Afterwards I went out and harvested some more tomatoes and then watered the plants. Everything in the garden is doing remarkably fine despite the fucked up heat. I think the paprika plants are actually enjoying it.

Don't know if it's the weather but I feel quite a bit tired. Most I'll chalk it up to my awful sleep instead. This is like the second night in a week I couldn't properly sleep through.

Is that a trick question because Kazakhstan is a brick and not a ball? In that case it must've been Portuernst. That's my guess.

I actually kinda like that charger. Very charming imho. Would be even better if it was an HDMI or a MiniHDMI cable.


After submitting a complaint about my student loan account to the Department of Education's customer service department, their response- which took nearly a week- was clearly auto-generated and did not relate to my specific problem. Wrote back. Was possibly too sarcastic. It's late, got home from work and have to deal with government bullshit. Used the phrase "ChatGPT-tier" to describe their "help". I hate the future.


Premade (either fully or from text blocks) responses have been a thing for decades. Let's hope they aren't pissed off and decide to give you the "special" treatment.


Could you elaborate, please?


Would be a nice chapter (maybe) on the 'prehistory' of the automated government agency. What might differ in the future is that you get "individually" generated chatbot answers so it feels more like talking to a human.

 No.4984 KONTRA

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Why don't democracies operate more like companies? The larger your stake in the system is, the more your vote is worth. Everyone having an equal say is suboptimal and gommunistic.

 No.4985 KONTRA


Ordering groceries via delivery comes free when you express such an opinion :DDD

 No.4986 KONTRA

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It was already free (at times).

Anyways, weighting is already implemented in some ways. Like the method of assigning MEPs in the European parliament. Of course on most issues a country's representatives split on the vote on coalition basis, but for sure some issues are such that countries have preferences on them. So in principle the vote is weighted.


Same probably applies to most democracies where you have regional representatives, electoral colleges and so on. Why not apply it to voting directly?

 No.4987 KONTRA

That's how democracies worked like 200 years ago. The more educated or richer you were, the more votes you had.


It was the more rich you are, no? Education was perhaps a byproduct of being rich.
Although, democracies or countries where not ran like a company. Today, citizens would have a dashboard that depicts real time data on economic performance that would equal democratic/political performance whatever that would actually mean. Maybe Finland can enlighten us.


Data visualization is the jizz in your pants sensuality of the 2020s, prove me wrong.

Also, brick is an ambivalent art project.

t. hot take automaton

 No.4990 KONTRA

I vaguely recall that in Austria-Hungary your vote was more powerful after graduating from a Gymnasium and a University.

 No.4991 KONTRA

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But also some people that had stake (paid taxes, owned some land, etc.) didn't have the right to vote. As far as I'm aware.

Too many angles to tackle with drive-by shitposting.

A good place start would be to tie paid taxes to your vote weight. As stock owners vote on board and the CEO, stake holders vote on the government and prime minister. Ones responsibility grows with the stake. Great incentive for both politicians and voters to actually get things done and end populist bullshitting.

I think it's a fair generalization to make that high earners have better education, higher IQ and better understanding of money. Exactly what should be promoted in decision making. And before you counter this by saying that the ones with most weight would just vote in a way that benefits them and no one else, that doesn't happen with companies either. It wouldn't be the end of governmental services. Businesses (and their owners) need a society that's educated, healthy and functional (and doesn't revolt) to generate more profits.

Could be that taxing and other matters need to be reworked first so that every stakeholder benefits or suffers from the performance of the nation equally. That's all what being a stakeholder is about.

In regards to "real time dashboards", that's not relevant. That info is for the board of directors of the nation. Quarterly reports are great.

I've dug around in Finnish government budgets and there's just way too much information and contextual understanding required to make sense of it. But with a bigger stake you are incentivized to understand it. When you have a single vote it's not worth spending the time to comb through it for any individual. So the political parties take the data, cherry pick something that aligns with their goals and sells the narrative. Just like with any other issue.

I'd take even something like this. Not really stake-based, but at least something to promote education and better decision making.


And today it's only about how much money you have anymore.

 No.4994 KONTRA

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Accidentally ate a marzipan candy. The day is ruined.


Man I really made a lasting impression on you, hm?
That said, your post gave me a real hankering for some marzipan.

 No.4996 KONTRA

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I laughed!


>Businesses (and their owners) need a society that's educated, healthy and functional (and doesn't revolt) to generate more profits.

I'd say that is what is happening at the moment. You have a state that enforces and makes laws to secure the process of profit-making. And at the moment you also have people making sure that nobody revolts. There is no need to be this good to the majority of people who not have property/stocks in order to keep the fundamentals going. So of course these people will vote/act and try to do to maximize their own benefit, I mean that is how it works now, doesn't it? Everybody looks to themselves and it will be good, basically what you said. They will self maximize but that also presumably means they have to keep the whole thing going and have an eye on others. I don't see the logical necessaity you open up here. Having an interest in keeping things functional can also be done by doing a minimum. Because only doing the minimum means less costs/less spending. Why should these people spend more than is done today? Is that not contrary to the accusations that today so much money is spent?

>that high earners have better education, higher IQ and better understanding of money.

Or they are just born lucky and come from a family of wealth already that makes education possible and also trains their "understanding of money" (nobody actually knows what is going on in detail these days anyway).

>That info is for the board of directors of the nation. Quarterly reports are great.

So for example when there is a war I will get to know what has been done next quarter?


*ominous democratic chanting in the distance*


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When kids born in 2010-s grow up, they'll be nostalgic about globohomo art style.


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For the sake of (consumer oriented) engagement, which flavor would Ernst resurrect from the dead?

Me: Oh Pear, Tennesse Mud, White Russian.

 No.5005 KONTRA

tiskivuori islannissa.jpg (70.39 KB, 641x533)

Yes, that is happening. What I said was that the same incentives exist also even if you had weighted voting where the rich have more power. But the gains of an efficient government to the largest stakeholders are substantial. So they will spend the time and resources to make sure that the government is lean, because they have a lot to gain. Same gains would of course apply to everyone. Having only a single vote disincentivizes everyone from scrutinizing the functions and spending of the government.

Why would I spend time to research the government's functions, contact different representatives, try to present the research when A) the party/representative gives no fucks, as I'm a single voter B) my retard neighbor who didn't spend a second figuring out who to vote puts a random number on the paper and nullifies mine. Give me a thousand votes and one to him and the situation changes.

>[...] just born lucky and come from a family of wealth already [...]

It was a generalization. Understand? Disagree? Why?

>So for example when there is a war I will get to know what has been done next quarter?

Just like companies, the government can postpone reporting on ongoing projects that could lead to competitors having important knowledge.

Anyways the original question was why do we have equal voting instead of weighted. What makes equal voting so much better?

 No.5006 KONTRA

I don't think I achieved much today. I made a pizza and revised a chapter of mandarin grammar.
But otherwise, nothing, and it feels odd just how wasted this day was.
Work starts tomorrow. Hopefully it'll go well.

Then on the weekend I'll probably finish an article and submit it for publication so I finally have something academic to my name.

I would put their entire catalogue in the graveyard because they are megashitlibs.

Countries do publish budget plans and reports on their finances, demographics and economy. In effect the capitalist managerial strategies and methods have already been absorbed into the governance of a state.

 No.5007 KONTRA

marzipan overdose.jpg (18.1 KB, 400x271)

I really dislike marzipan. And have only two related images saved.


- Coworkers came to consensus that there's nothing wrong with totalitarianism because if it's not Big Brother who makes decisions for you then corporations do it.

- These magic elves used a feedback event as an opportunity to snitch on themselves. You should never tell that you don't have too much work. Now we'll probably go under "optimization": have more boring meetings and deadlines which are useless because they're always in state "should be done yesterday".

- Should childless people be allowed to vote? They don't have any stake in a future of the country.

- Idea for startup: dating HR. It's same as matchmaker but with zoomer-friendly naming. For non-English speaking countries you could also use Anglicism: матчмейкер.

- Stanislav Lem and Stanislav Lec are two different writers.

- Am I shitposting often enough to be considered doing a job of community facilitator? I'm expecting EC to pay me competitive wage.


>I would put their entire catalogue in the graveyard because they are megashitlibs.

You are just mad and envious that you cannot afford high-class ice cream with milk from happy cows. And now tell us which flavor should be resurrected, don't be a bratty brat!

Keep 'em coming. I especially like the childless take. It shows how we have to weigh differently who has the stakes here. My advice: kill all humans and replace them with robots: lean robotocracy. At least this way there could actually be calculated what until now was a comedy of humans trying to tackle uncertainty. An orderly and efficient economy for the planet.


>My advice: kill all humans and replace them with robots: lean robotocracy.

>reporting that you have too little work
lol, lmao even


You have 10 seconds to explain why you should have the right to vote.


vermonty python.png (204.27 KB, 476x847)

Vermonty Python. Never had it, or any Ben & Jerry's for that matter, but it's hard to go wrong with chocolate and coffee.

Corporations can manipulate, exploit, and destroy, but lack the power to imprison. Bad corporate overlords are therefore less oppressive than bad government overlords.


brudedavidson_subway3.jpg (106.16 KB, 1057x704)

You have ten seconds to explain why you haven't invested in stocks yet. No stake, no game, no justification for existence.

>or any Ben & Jerry's for that matter, but it's hard to go wrong with chocolate and coffee.

Yeah, it's a good combination. I sometimes buy B&J when it's on offer and I feel like my bank account is filled sufficiently enough to have some "quality" ice cream for the freezer. I would be interested in minty ice cream with chocolate chucnks. As far as I remember from my last time actively recognizing this product you mainly get the tame flavors like peanut, fudge, cookie and stuff like that in Germany only.


Muslims are right about art and music.
And so are Buddhists.

It's pointless to look at art and to listen to music. So what if you heard a song or saw a painting? You gonna take it to the afterlife? Lmao. I bet you forgot what it felt like to experience it, like, the next day.
Artistic experience can't even last a day, let alone contend for eternal truth, or whatever artists imagine their works to be.


All is vanity my niggas


sed -i -- 's/vanity/cope/g' Ecclesiastes. txt

 No.5029 KONTRA

im this cat 213.jpg (43.68 KB, 957x491)

on hood nigga




I worked. Working sucks but at least I get paid. There's gonna be a lot of work probably. Hopefully. I'm counting on earning quite a bit of money. I want to pre-order a book and also save up for the new computer.
Gotta see a few computers in person before buying a new one.
I'll probably gonna regret buying anything anyway.

I practised Chinese character recognition on my phone during breaks and on my commute. Gonna do some more grammar reviews before going to bed.

On my way home I picked up a package of books, mostly volumes of Soviet poetry, focusing on Yevtushenko. And also what I thought was going to be an album, but it's not.
In like 85 there was an art-exhibition centered on Shostakovich and I though this was going to be an album of the pieces but the guys literally just published a big list in A4 format that has nothing but text in it about the pieces they exhibited. I've been duped.

Museum replied to my complaints and they said it's not their fault, because the Hungarian pamphlet for the exhibition was done by a Sino-Czech venture, which means they most likely translated a Czech text into Hungarian, which is why the transcription is mega fucked up beyond anything I've ever seen before. They said my review and feedback has been transmitted to the head of the museum.
Actually surprised they replied at all.

Buddhists are not right about anything. They are stupid and Buddhism ruined China.


God is, by necessity, an atheist.
Because wtf does he have to believe in?

If you've ever had sn existential crisis, imagine how scared He is.

 No.5035 KONTRA

Obviously God has a creator.


"Gods all the way down"?


Atheist means denying the existence of a god.
In fact, atheists KNOW there is no god (because if they just merely believed there were no god, they wouldn't be any better than deists).
God, however, knows he exists, therefore KNOWS there is a god, therefore atheism simply can't exist within the divine reality.


>Because wtf does he have to believe in?
Does god become a believer when you tell him "Just believe in yourself, bro". And yes I said bro, because god is obviously male.

Having a creator implies time, like one point in time where god exists and another point earlier where god didn't exist. The concept of god as an omnipotent deity and first mover can only exist outside of time, and so also out of space.

>therefore atheism simply can't exist within the divine reality
Fair game I suppose. I remember being invited to a baptism, and I was chosen by the parents to be the godparent of the child - which doesn't really work when you're a heathen commie bastard and not baptized yourself. So the local fancy robe man told me that it's OK if I attend, but the church wouldn't recognize me. I thought that was okay, because I didn't recognize them either. Nice robe, though.


>Assuming god is a human that can believe

First and only mistake.


I don't think I had a day this mundane all my life. I got up early and had breakfast, then checked the plants and harvested the tomatoes and tried to undo some of the damage the storm did last night. (One pepper plant got torn in half. I put it in a jar of water but I'm not holding much hope for it.)
Then I made lunch, after which I did the fucking dishes. Should have put all the stuff in the dishwasher but I naturally gravitated towards doing it by hand since it wasn't an awful lot and I didn't want to start the thing half empty. I guess if I exerted myself I could have found enough cups and mugs to fill it up but by that point I washed up half the stuff.

I chatted a bit online and then went outside and harvested more tomatoes because they formed some impenetrable bush and I cannot find all the ripe ones at once. Then I read some poetry until the mosquitoes bothered me so much I went inside.
Even after I put on repellent they just kept trying to bite the parts of my body I didn't put repellent on. Like my face.

Listened to Mahler's 5th and Shostakovich's 7th again. Really gotta read a Mahler biography one of these days. I love his music.

Made some rosemary bread again and some French toast from the leftover baguette I had that was now classified as a "bludgeon" instead of a food item.
Also fed the dogs and gave them some fresh water because apparently no one else bothered.

Well, considering I was alone for most of the day it's unsurprising. I find it odd how we have a big dog that's a cross between a rottweiler and a german shepherd and that one just takes anything without complaining. The poodle actually lets you know if it has whims and demands. Sometimes it feels like we trained each other because it understands my orders while I understand its wishes like "Oh fuck, it's barking at me when I'm out in the garden because it hasn't actually been fed today."
Wonder what owning a cat is like. Never had one.

Also did some vague budgeting for the money I do not have yet. I have a few different ideas for setups. I want something that's good for my workflow of having to look at a lot of windows at once. I'm thinking two monitors and a docking setup with a switch between the old PC (For like the few autism sims that I want to use which aren't on Mac) and the new hardware which will probably be the Macbook I keep thinking about.

Didn't work on the article like I wanted to. Though I did put some time into looking for a Chinese short story to translate. Haven't found one, but I'm working on it. Though my forerunners made my job hard because they picked out the juicy bits from Pu Songling's book.
So I also have to check anything I find against the volumes of stories I have in Hungarian to not work needlessly on something which has been available for 20 years.
Though thinking about it it always bothered me for some reason that not all the stories from the Jingu Qiguan are translated. Gonna pick one of those. It's not like it needs to be a "ghost story". That was just a recommendation of the librarian.

If there's one thing I learned today is that I guess I could run my own household pretty comfortably if I moved out.


While driving with my passenger window open some small insect managed to enter the cabin and pass straight through before smacking into the closed driver side window. I panicked for a minute, believing it might be a bee or other hostile party to which I was defenseless as I was traveling at 40mph and couldn't turn my attention from the road. After a handful of seconds- which felt longer- I identified something by my foot and stepped on it.
Almost immediately recognized that reflex was a mistake. Just a harmless beetle. Probably never knew what hit him. Then squished.


>Wonder what owning a cat is like.
I have two. Both Siamese. One is very easy going, only requesting that I pick her up once a day. The other...is staring at me right now. High maintenance. He will not be ignored and meows loudly at all hours. Feeding them is easy though- leave a dish of dry food out at all times. They have a water fountain to drink from, in addition to a glass (yes, a regular drinking glass because they like it) of water on the kitchen floor.

Basically, yeah, they train you to get them what they want in order to keep the peace. They usually just want some attention. Otherwise, they sleep.


I'd kill to have the energy to have a mundane day.
Instead I just vegetate on the couch.


There's no ethical nutrition under carnism


>The term carnism was coined by social psychologist and author Melanie Joy in 2001 and popularized by her book Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows (2009).
top kek


Makes sense to have that term tbqh, I might start using that where aproriate. It's much easier to understand the extents of something if you can name it.


OR you just don't, because it's yet another retarded concept basing itself on an appeal to nature fallacy.


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> It's much easier to understand the extents of something if you can name it.
Poor choice of terms can be misleading. Imagine cult of people who walk on their hands (handists). In order to normalize their obviously idiotic behavior their could come up with the following demagoguery:

> Legism is a concept used in discussions of humanity's relation to walking, defined as a prevailing ideology in which people support the use of legs for walking. Legism is presented as a dominant belief system supported by a variety of defense mechanisms and mostly unchallenged assumptions. The term legism was coined by social psychologist and author Ernst Ernstov in 2023 and popularized by his book "Why We Love Hands, Walk on Legs, and Wear Shoes (2023).[5][6][7][8][9][10][11]

See, if you walk on your feet, you're unconsciously subdued to dominant ideology. That's problematic, yikes!


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See, evrn in made up hyperbole, the critique is true, proposed alternative is bad (just like communism)

Pic related, legism on the russia

 No.5066 KONTRA

Okay and?
This is one of my gripes with social studies and shit. Okay, you created a sentence to describe a relation between groups and objects and it immediately becomes a ground for criticism and a rallying cry to dissolve everything. Maybe it's normal to eat other animals?
Maybe armchair quasi-socialist language isn't an objective description and linguistic recreation of the world and therefore by itself biased and meaningless?


Theorychads, I kneel... on my elbow


>Okay and?
It means it's ok to eat animals while still having morally superior beliefs, because the issue is systemic and can't be addressed by individual action.
Just like buying iphones

Learn to read between the lines, you'll never make it in politics like this.


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 No.5071 KONTRA

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I feel like this isn't a worthwhile road to go down but whatever.

 No.5072 KONTRA

Please let's don't, ok?


Imagine being Brick, living such a sad life in a post-sovok country soon to become even poorer again, with the prospect of getting either sent to the meatgrinder by Russia or slaving under chinese rule, that you explicitly seek out (american) wectern concepts to use as trolling material on Ernstchan of all places, when you could have a so much richer and immediate effect on a faster and overall less assburger board.


imaginings in process....webp (28.56 KB, 210x330)

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>Imagine being Brick


Fun fact: The "Kurgan Tribe", which The Kurgan hails from (not associated with the real-life Kurgan Hypothesis), is supposed to come from somewhere around the Caspian Sea, so provided you weren't aware of that and chose him for exactly this reason, now you know!


facesweat.jpg (38.41 KB, 640x360)

Of course I knew that. What do you take me for? Some stupid tourist from /b/ who just came over to make an uninformed shitpost?


Of course not!
Say, have you ever seen a man naked?


joining_a_gym.png (91.04 KB, 1081x579)

Way more than women, unfortunately. Also isn't that the guy from the old Mission: Impossible TV series?


Do you guys think society would develop differently if male and female genitals were inside out, and women had to penetrate men with their prolapsed vaginas to suck the sperm out of the recessed urethra?
All else being the same.

 No.5080 KONTRA

> Okay, you created a sentence to describe a relation between groups and objects and it immediately becomes a ground for criticism and a rallying cry to dissolve everything.

What you put forward abstractly is a way of secriving what social sciences do. The social sciences you talk about assume that since it is groups that this also implies politics. There is no group without question of power for example. And where there is politics criticism is not far away. Furthermore, criticism is engrained in Western enlightenment. Economic power and ideas about social organization allowed burgis to criticize (and overturn) the ruling class (kings and clerics). If you have a problem with criticism of the present, you have a problem with the legacy of the enlightenment. You suppress the history of the occident that you cling to so dearly because muh traditions.

 No.5081 KONTRA

And: there is a lot of social science that just claims to describe more or less.


Yeah, but it's the end of history so there really is no point in critiquing anything except as a fancy.

 No.5083 KONTRA

The problem is when you start criticizing for the sake of criticizing (or when you have run out of things to actually criticize so you just invent problems, see also: First World Problems).
Or, in the case of the carnism woman, to assume an air of importance and sell a book (aka "grifting").
And you using some weaksauce argumentum ab auctoritate goes directly AGAINST the idea of enlightenment (Kant: "Sapere aude").

 No.5084 KONTRA

I think my personal problem lies more with my distaste towards "social critique" becoming an industry of activists. So the capitalist mode of cultural production fuels a Trotskyite permanent revolution where no goal is ever reached and everything become condemned to destruction.


>Also isn't that the guy from the old Mission: Impossible TV series?
Yes (and the 80s version), but he was also the pilot in the Airplane! films.
In fact, I don't think I know him from anything else.

Also: It's a shame they haven't really re-released the old shows, with how big the M:I films are.
I just found the original series on Amazon on DVD for 42 nazi gold and I'm thinking of pulling the plug, because I really enjoyed it. The 80s show though is only available in single seasons.


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Got a fucking summer cold in the worst timing ever. Haven't got the results yet but pretty sure I aced both the written and oral exams anyway. Some friends came to visit for the weekend so I couldn't avoid pumping myself full of medicine and going out. Ended up getting drunk and having a terrible hangover on Friday which ofc exacerbated the cold, now I just hope I'll be back on my feet for the date on Tuesday. Thank god for Ibuprofen.


>I-I-I spread the, uhhh.... plague... but it was.... hnnggghhhh... worth it! *dies*

 No.5089 KONTRA

Nowhere in my post did I justify any critique as a valid or important critique.

> AGAINST the idea of enlightenment (Kant: "Sapere aude").

Kant is not the only thinker of the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment is more than the idea that every individual should be able to form opinions and express them. So pars pro toto doesn't work here.
What's more, I don't use the Enlightenment as an authority to justify my argument that criticism is necessary but that conservatives don't like criticism, have a problem with criticism of the societal (politcal, economical, social) organization but don't realize that things they cherish are built on exactly this criticism as a method during the Enlightenment. They neglect their own history when useful.

>distaste towards "social critique" becoming an industry of activists

It's don't. A social critique of very different shades takes different avenues. The philanthropically sponsored activism you are probably talking about (Soros) is not new as a phenomenon and it is certainly is not the only one.

RE carnism: I haven't read further than the first paragraph of Wikipedia but I don't see it as so controversial. I think humans can eat meat and it might have certain nutritional benefits or on the other hand downsides. But that does not seem the object of the book or peole that talk about carnism. What they probably talk about is people that market steaks and certain other prepared animal parts with flashy manly symbols to people who are born with penises and want to live up to manly standards. I.e. carnism is for example about people that claim that not eating meat lets penis havers grow a vagina. It is about a belief system that centers around meat and why you should (normativity -> belief system) eat meat and what kind of meat you should(!) eat and which not (for example doggo because that is uncivilized or whatever). Eating meat is not necessary for a human to live. From being human there does not follow a necessity of eating meat. It's not like breathing. There is no airism.




Why are you so afraid to deconstruct ideology of airism? Let's talk this through.

Bc you remind me of some pseudoprogressives who say "yes, gay marriages are fine, but transgenders - no, that's different".


I'm not anti-science, I don't deny matter.


More gardening and more reading. Found some Chinese stories I want to tackle. Gonna do three because one is too little, two is just eh but three is a proper number.
It's gonna be a fine summer achievement I think.

Also read some from this 50s-60s volume of "Contemporary Russian Poetry" and it was pretty eh. Though it's interesting to see the influence of Mayakovsky on them and how there are tiny hints of futurism in there too with some of the poems talking about machines and factories.

The paprika plant seems to be doing okay in the jar. The leaves regained a lot of moisture and now it's standing upright.
The tomato-branch that got torn off by the storm like a week back also started sprouting roots, so I will probably be able to plant it next weekend. One of the tomatoes on it started becoming more red so it's definitely living it up there.

One of the apple trees lost a huge branch but thankfully it didn't do any damage to the big stuff, it only hurt two flowers.

I'll just doe the essay on Tuesday night. Didn't really have the mood to do it and I was doing other stuff throughout the day. Well actually I was just lazy I think and I preferred to be outside instead of sitting in front of the computer to do it.

Airism is especially troublesome because it's yet another way us humans utterly exploit the products made by plants.


> From being human there does not follow a necessity of eating meat.
See, this is the "appeal to nature" I meant.
From being human, what necessities follow there at all? Sustenance (incl. water), sleep, and that's it, that's what you need to survive.
You don't need sex or music or humor or literature or social studies or any kind of culture at all . It's all optional, because there is no "necessity" for any of that.
And now the question: Who is to decide what is and what is not?
Especially that dumb argument about western people not eating dogs. Well, chinks do. People in South America eat guinea pigs. Indians don't eat cows, but taken together, humans eat everything, so if we do an appeal to nature, it seems that humanity is, while not necessarily based entirely upon a carnivorous lifestyle, at least shaped by the consumption of meat. And now, with the mindset of anti-vaxxers, you get people unironically taking "carnism" seriously, because their ancestors ate meat, thus even enabling them to form these thoughts in the first place. Appeal to nature!


There is exactly zero appeal to nature to be found in my post. What I said is exactly contrary to any appeal to nature which derives a normative claim from a state of nature. What I said is that you cannot logically go from nature to normativity which people who appeal to nature would do and that carnism is conceptualized as a reasoning. It is conceptualized as a normative (and hegemonic, hence the critique of it among other things) belief system.

>And now the question: Who is to decide what is and what is not?

Ach Ernst, the question is not one only if something is necessary but why and for what, and with what consequences. "Debunking carnism" simply means that we don't need to eat meat contrary to what some people might claim. The thing is to exactly show that humans have options, that being human is more contingent than what might be claimed otherwise.

>Well, chinks do.

Ok and? Carnism would not deny that, they even point to the cultural differences in normativity when it comes to meat and its consumption.

>but taken together, humans eat everything [...] it seems that humanity is [...] at least shaped by the consumption of meat.

Yes and? Carnism doesn't deny that. Carnism is about a belief systems that for example entails the believe that humans are superior to certain or all animals and thus are justified (or in some cases obliged) to kill them and make use of their dead bodies in various ways.

>even enabling them to form these thoughts in the first place

[citation needed]

And I don't talk about the argument that meat some millenias back made a humanly brain possible but homo sapiens that did not eat meat not being able to come up with some thoughts.


This is what other kinds of bigots usually say.

> Sustenance (incl. water), sleep, and that's it, that's what you need to survive
Not really, but the actual problem here is that survivalism is itself a harmful social construct.

 No.5100 KONTRA

>This is what other kinds of bigots usually say.

Do you have anything to say?


I don't, I'm tired of talking to air nazis (I'll call you luftwaffe from now). You need to be punched, not talked to.

 No.5102 KONTRA

lachstuka.jpg (51.86 KB, 636x964)

>I'll call you luftwaffe from now

 No.5103 KONTRA

> It is conceptualized as a normative (and hegemonic, hence the critique of it among other things) belief system.
Are there any non-normative belief systems? Suppose we criticize everything, and continue criticizing everything, will we ever reach a point where we are out of things to criticize because everything is optimized to the infinite? Or will we just keep going in circles, because after B having superseded A, we need a C to supersede B, or go back to A?

But I like how you are exactly talking about Carnism as if you actually were a member of a cult.
Let's test something:

>"Debunking Scientology" simply means that we don't need to heed our Thetans contrary to what some people might claim.

>Jehova's Witnesses would not deny that, they even point to the cultural differences in normativity when it comes to sins and their consumption.
>Yes and? The Quran doesn't deny that.

What I find a bit scary though is how fast you adopted the lingo, the logic and the sense (or claim) of validity.
It reminds me of something from the german MAD magazine from over 20 years ago; it was about highschool cliques, particularly the "PC-enviro-green clique", section "Qualifications":
>Die Fähigkeit, jedem dahergelaufenen Dödel jeden Scheiß abzunehmen, solange dieser nur einigermaßen politisch korrekt klingt.

 No.5104 KONTRA


>Or will we just keep going in circles

Maybe it's a spiral?

>talking about Carnism as if you actually were a member of a cult

I eat meat. I'm just not spilling the average liberal-rightwing melange of imageboards. It's amusing how irritating that is to you ngl.

>What I find a bit scary

I'm pretty sure you didn't get the argument since you think there is an appeal to nature going on.
I never heard of carnism but I know people who think you grow a vagina if you don't eat meat or soybean consumption makes you homo. So I have an example while you have nothing.

>Die Fähigkeit, jedem dahergelaufenen Dödel jeden Scheiß abzunehmen, solange dieser nur einigermaßen politisch korrekt klingt

Oh wie kühl, Bernd. Da war die MAD ja schon richtig weise, ja, ich will sagen vorausschauend. Mir läuft ein kleiner Schauer über den Rücken. Ich merke, wie dich dieses Magazin wohl wirklich nachhaltig in deinem kritischen Denken geprägt hat, mein Respekt hast du auf jeden Fall.


pure-ideology.jpg (245.08 KB, 1200x1200)

How many layers of deconstruction are you on?

Cows don't actually exist, same as races don't exist. It's an arbitrary group of atoms which our dominant culture has a word for. Therefore any talk about "killing" "cows" is a dangerous reactionary nonsense.


spurdo.png (113.27 KB, 600x497)

I haven't heard that one before.

 No.5107 KONTRA

zizek gang gang.webm (1.27 MB, 608x1080)

At last I truly see.

 No.5108 KONTRA

>I'm pretty sure you didn't get the argument since you think there is an appeal to nature going on.
Nothing in that paragraph was about appeal to nature, either you are confusing something or just trying to divert. And eating meat does not have anything to do with it, just how eagerly you are defending such a fringe concept you heard of for the very first time today, provided you're not just trolling by playing the devil's advocate.
But maybe that's just a consequence of hanging around on liberal right-wing websites. Next thing you do, you vote blue, so keep your guard up.

>Oh wie kühl, Bernd[...]

Struck a nerve there, huh?
Funny enough, the MAD, at least in the early 00s (haven't read it since then, actually), was a much more differentiated and clever satire publication than the Titanic is today.
Of course you wouldn't know, but it's enough to discard any (valid) points on account of it presumably not meeting your standards of sophistication, unlike, say, the Heute Show, right?


pure-ideology.png (520.23 KB, 1400x810)

How many layers of conservatism are you on?

Cows actually exist, same as races exist. It's an arbitrary group of atoms which our dominant culture has a word for. Therefore any talk about killing cows (and niggas) is a harmless reactionary sense.



I'm trying to _explain_ to you what they mean since it seem slike you don't but apparently, this is a futile attempt since the dominant opinion unsurprisingly from the start has been "they crazy loonies things aint real :DDD"

>differentiated and clever

Na klar ;) ;) sonst würdest du dich ja nicht daran erinnern. Mein Respekt nochmal, dass du so kritisch bist und glaubst alles was "normal" ist ist normal. Das zeichnet echte Skeptiker vor Skeptikerdarstellern aus. Einer von den echten eben.

>Heute Show

No, thank you. Whether it is Titanic, MAD, heuteShow or you: I generally think Germans cannot into humor and thus I stay away from german (non-)comedy.

 No.5112 KONTRA

germans ITT.jpg (35.93 KB, 670x498)

You have to go back.

You have to go back.

 No.5113 KONTRA

>Na klar ;) ;)
>I don't want to believe it therefore it's not true
What was that about futile attempt and dominant opinion and whatnot?

>and thus I stay away from german (non-)comedy.

I see, explains a lot. A little heads-up: American humor isn't any better and you're not any more clever just because you are able to understand the absolute lowest common denominator language in existence. Seriously, get off your high horse,
it will you eventually whole evil fall on the feet.


> Na klar ;) ;) sonst würdest du dich ja nicht daran erinnern. Mein Respekt nochmal, dass du so kritisch bist und glaubst alles was "normal" ist ist normal. Das zeichnet echte Skeptiker vor Skeptikerdarstellern aus. Einer von den echten eben.

Lektion 2:



No stakes in the discussion? No right to speak up.

>What was that about futile attempt and dominant opinion and whatnot?

You tell me? I cannot read your thoughts. I don't think you are crazy if that is what you think I think.

You think carnism is PC stuff hence it's bad. But I'm not here to debate Carnism with you, I'm here to explain to you that eating meat and carnism is not the same thing, the latter is a belief system around the former which is, as an act, a phenomenon. This doesn't change when you have a personal problem with many more belief systems existing, which is after all irrelevant to the discussion anyway. The topic was not belief systems in general.

>A little heads-up: American humor isn't any better

Nice assumption. I don't watch American humor shows either.

>it will you eventually whole evil fall on the feet

Thanks for the telediagnosis, doc. I will definitely take advice from somebody who thinks that MAD quote was exceptionally clever or differentiated.


Untitled.jpeg (6.5 KB, 217x232)

This post was fact checked by real enlightened vedic brahmans


I guess the most annoying thing about the latest german autism weather event is that one of them clearly doesn't know what an "appeal to nature" is.

An appeal to nature is when you say that something is good because it is allegedly natural, or something is bad because it is allegedly unnatural.
Claiming that something is entirely culturally constructed is, like, the opposite of appeal to nature.

1 point off for that, but please do continue the exchange.

t. autism farmer


Oh god oh dog oh no, please tell me Zizek is not aware of the NPC fetish. I don't want to see him break when he tries to deconstruct it in an act of performance art.

Your attempt at logic is miserable, please re-do your homework. You have skipped causation resolutions when arriving at the statement

>It's an arbitrary group of atoms

This is false, thus all conclusios following your premise are meaningless.


>autism farmer
What happens after farming? Do you use that stuff as ingredient for... something? Or do you just sell it off to the Finnish Meme Factories Oy?

 No.5121 KONTRA

>Claiming that something is entirely culturally constructed is

The belief system is cultural and structures the physical act of meat consumption. If people think not eating meat makes them an unmanly pussy that will soon grow them a vagina this belief systems structures the diet of the person, namely making sure to consume a certain amount of meat in order to not become a pussy and lose in a Darwinian game.

 No.5122 KONTRA

>You think carnism is PC stuff hence it's bad.
Never said that. Nice assumption.

>The topic was not belief systems in general.

Then why are you focusing so much on "carnism" as a belief system? You are constantly contradicting yourself.

>I don't watch American humor shows either.

Oh wait, are you the Ernst with no sense of humor who instead just smiles internally while reading Thomas Bernhard?

>I will definitely take advice from somebody who thinks that MAD quote was exceptionally clever or differentiated.

Nice twisting of words, but it's all there to be read: A comparison is NOT an absolute statement. I really should stop getting into arguments with people who aren't even able to grasp simplest semantics.

Also, where does that incredibly retarded strawman about "hurr durr meat unmanly" come from? I have never heard anyone say that in my life, nor have I ever even just entertained the notion that it might be like that.
But then again, thinking something like "carnism" exists in the first place is a belief system in and by itself, so it might just be their gospel.


> moo moo
Where is my cleaver? I'll deconstruct you into steaks, oppressive narrative.



You said

>the logic and the sense (or claim) of validity.

I presumably adopted. This logic, sense and claim of validity you connect to the MAD quote about politically correct lingo. Carnism for you is to be placed in that corner, otherwise, you would not connect it to that MAD quote.

>Then why are you focusing so much on "carnism" as a belief system

Exactly, I was focusing on carnism as a belief system and tried to explain what one can imagine this belief system is like and how that might work as I imagine. Mind you, I openly admitted that I only read the first paragraph of the Wikipedia and went from there, not much more.
What has the existence of other belief systems have to do with it? It seems that you have a problem that (so many) belief systems seem to exist (and that they all can be taken under fire).

> nor have I ever even just entertained the notion

Makes me think that you seem personally attacked by people saying carnism is real nonetheless because you have to defend yourself here: I'm not influenced by carnism as a belief system. if you are not, there won't be any need to be defensive about it

>retarded strawman about "hurr durr meat unmanly" come from?

I said that the opposite is true. People think that not eating meat is unmanly. I think you will be familiar with the soy boy meme?


I haven't read any of those, just taking a search on google scholar. You can decide for yourself if the reasoning is valid or not. I don't know how you grew up but having men at the barbeque station taking care of the meat and demanding meat on family festivities is something I'd say is normal in my family. And probably in countless other families as well. The bringing together of football and grilling meat and drinking beer. Masculine coded, I think I don't have to look for evidence as you are probably aware of that combination yourself.
Of course, you might not belong to these people. Whatever, that was never my interest pointing out.
I eat meat myself, probably way less than I did for the first 25 years of my life. I was probably consuming a lot of meat, more or less daily. While still eating meat I have no problem admitting that there might be a belief system around meat consumption. I don't need to be defensive about it, I don't feel attacked and I will probably still continue to eat meat. Something other people are not capable of in that way, and I wonder why.

>Meanwhile, in order to let everyone know they didn't support Biden or brussels sprouts, right-wing men flooded Twitter with pictures of their meat. They retweeted several pounds of unseasoned grey T-bones, raw steaks, prime ribs--often accompanied by an American beer. One popular meme echoed the National Rifle Association, saying we could take their steak from their cold dead hands


>People think that not eating meat is unmanly.
This is a dangerous prejudice because it implies that for women it's fine not to eat meat.

 No.5127 KONTRA

>This logic, sense and claim of validity you connect to the MAD quote about politically correct lingo. Carnism for you is to be placed in that corner, otherwise, you would not connect it to that MAD quote.
Okay, let me rephrase then: You are eager to adopt it because it already aligns with your worldview or because you are prone to believing things as long as they go into a certain direction. The quote was a nice placative way of illustrating that.
Obviously it also works into the other direction, e.g. when talking to liberal right-wingers about criminal immigrants.

>What has the existence of other belief systems have to do with it?

Nothing per se, but since you brought up belief systems in the first place, there were of course some questions coming up (which you didn't answer).

>Makes me think that you seem personally attacked by people saying carnism is real nonetheless

No, I am irritated by that repeated example, and by the far-fetched connections made here.
Men usually grill, therefore not eating meat it unmanly. What?

Also, those papers, I'll have to take an hour or so to properly read them, but these are funny as hell already
>The strongest meat–masculinity link was found among the Turkish men.
>The weakest meat–masculinity link was found among the native Dutch.

>Hegemonic masculinity is reinforced across the four themes identified in our analysis of the mediated intersection of food and sport.

>Competitive spectacle, the preoccupation with meat, the complexity of menus and food preparation, and discourses around place identity all work to distance cookery from the femininely coded domestic space of the kitchen.

>opinion piece talking about twitter

> Consequently, these sites represent middle-class masculine counter-spaces – masculine, carnivorous heterotopias where archaic, working class modes of doing masculinity (such as commodification of female bodies and excessive meat consumption) are appropriated, legitimized and sought transformed through irony, hipness and nostalgia.

>These findings are among the first to empirically verify Adams’s (1990) theory on the sexual politics of meat linking feminism and vegetarianism.

> In sum this study carefully suggests to not only take biological sex differences, but socially and culturally determined gender differences into account when studying or promoting the (non-)consumption of meat.

So maybe it doesn't have anything to do with "carnism as a belief system", but with "carnism as a belief system" merely being one aspect of something bigger? Obviously only if we assume that those studies weren't conducted under a certain, rather strong ideological bias, which would make the results and conclusions rather questionable.

 No.5128 KONTRA

cock burgers.mp4 (34.16 KB, 606x480)

Wouldn't it encourage women to eat meat?

See also:
Benis envy


> You are eager to adopt it

I explained what carnism might mean the alternative are jokes about cows aint real, everything is amde up, hehe they deny reality, I'm so clever and witty :DDD. I'm not somebody who actively promotes a critique of carnism as a belief system.

>are funny as hell already

What is so funny about them? Is it the made-up concepts, cows aint real :DDD?

>Men usually grill, therefore not eating meat it unmanly. What?

No, grilling/meat consumption has a certain masculine codification. Take meat from (some) men and part of their masculinity is gone and they will protest, which can be seen with the article that mentions men posting their meat in order to protest a government decision/announcement, which is simply an example. I was aware that that is not a scientific article. It nonetheless is a piece of evidence that certain men associate meat with manliness. Their manliness is maintained by eating meat.

>but with "carnism as a belief system" merely being one aspect of something bigger?

Maybe. I brought up an example which we talk about here and that is men that demand to eat meat because it maintains their manliness. This was just an example, a case, of how such a belief system plays out in real life. Carnism might have other forms, but for these, you must consult the literature and not me because I don't know much about carnism.


> people have beliefs about eating meat
They also have beliefs about breathing. For example parents could say their kid "you spent all the weekend playing videogames, go breath a fresh air". Why the fuck is airism "not a real thing"?

 No.5131 KONTRA

the truth.jpg (72.58 KB, 564x451)

No wonder you guys had no thought-out rationalizations for being participants in the animal holocaust industry.

You're all fucking carnists.


>Why the fuck is airism "not a real thing"?

maybe there are beliefs about breathing have you been looksmaxxing by sleeping with your mouth closed, mouthbreather? but is it a system?


Doctor's appointment went really smoothly. Got there early and finished early. Then I went to work. The issue is that we're running out of data to process. I'm still gonna go in for 8 tomorrow but I'm not sure I'll get paid for the whole day. At this rate I'll never fucking get a Macbook with an extra monitor.

Had two coffees and then I went off to the workshop meeting. On the tram I witnessed a Gypsy spit on the floor and I had a brief moment of internal Chuddery. I was there early so I was tasked with getting some snacks for the meeting.
It was pretty long. It wasn't just us students but also the heads of the cabinets.
We discussed the admittance procedure for next year, and the head of the workshop said that "We have to be careful to ask sensitively worded, politically correct questions, like you can't have it be political at all" and I joked that "So you mean it can't be: WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON THE FACT THAT THE IMPERIALIST BASTARDS ARE STILL OCCUPYING THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA?" in a really harsh, propagandistic tone and it was a laugh riot. Really, most of the meeting was a laugh-riot.

Really, the atmosphere was very relaxed. Some nostalgic stories, jokes and experiences with academia. It really felt like we were equals. Or even if not that, as if we were not just passive listeners of the jokes the "masters" were telling each other and us.

I found some fresh paprika finally so I will eat that for dinner now that I am home. It's so hard to come across good paprika for some reason. I hate it because it's perfect for dinner or breakfast with some bread and cheese.

Work is very soul crushing but also not as bad as I remember. I just wish I got paid finally. The quantum-money. I have money but not in the present time. In the future I have a lot.

Though for a second I felt incredibly melancholic today. Don't know why. Maybe I was just getting tired. I was just looking at some books on the shelf at college and it hit me that time's passing.


Sinead O'Connor dead. Then again what else was she famous for apart from a Prince cover song and being batshit crazy?

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